Sentences with phrase «with such cases»

But one attorney familiar with such cases said that a prosecutor can try to prove that any of the probe's targets knew a filing was false and directed it to be filed.
If it is, he will take care of all the paperwork, communication and other stressors that come with such a case so you can focus on getting well.
As with all such cases, careful review by competent counsel is in order.
He advised people to avoid contacts with such animals and infected persons especially travelers from areas with such cases.
Those borrowers who wish to fight the findings of a dispute investigation can face a lengthy battle to reverse the decision, with some such cases lasting up to 10 years.
The problem with such cases is the fact that there is no standard remedy for determining fault.
If you are an employer faced with such a case, it is important you take specialist employment law advice before moving to dismissal and you should speak to one of our team.
You should seek out lawyers who have a long history of experience with family law cases and who have been successful with such cases.
The reality is that judges will reject such applications primarily because there is considerable pressure to continue with such cases, prejudice or no prejudice.
Often, allegations will involve cross-border investigations and multiple jurisdictions, further adding to the complexity of dealing with such cases.
However if you are looking at investing into property and then selling it after few years, there maybe difficulties in such transactions and consult a tax advisor familiar with such cases.
Catastrophic injury cases can and will become complicated, which is why it is strongly advised that victims and their families contact a personal injury lawyer who is well experienced with such cases.
The below - mentioned points classify the high - risk cases and how the insurer deals with such cases in details:
Assignments help to the students who have to deal with such cases on daily basis in the form of assignments is given by the Students Assignment Help.
Yossi has represented many clients charged with Assault or Threats of violence against a family member or a domestic partner (spouse or intimate friend) and has achieved a very high rate of success with such cases.
If under those circumstances the results would not be in serious doubt, then it is unlikely that the person would be prosecuted (the prosecutor wouldn't bother with such a case).
(Ontario's auto insurance adjudication is littered with such cases.)
Dedicated Bronx Gay & LGBT Family Law Lawyers understand the emotions that come with such cases.
The best response to secular irony is testimony by current and former students, as well as teachers and officials familiar with such cases, about their experience in the sexualized world of undergraduate life.
Briskman Briskman & Greenberg has extensive experience with such cases.
With every such case, she says, the media pays a little more attention to the issue, and we're one step closer to addressing it head on.
How you deal with such cases?
But since, unlike team Trump, they're likely to be more rules oriented, they might decide to take their case to the WTO, which takes at least six months to deal with such cases.
New York laws can often make filing a personal injury lawsuit quite complicated, which is why you want to have a New York attorney who is experienced in dealing with such cases.
When dealing with such cases, have you ever noted common mistakes made by the parties, which if avoided, would avoid such disputes?
If you are seeking aggressive legal representation in a personal injury case, it is vital that the attorney you choose is able and willing to pursue compensation for the damages you have suffered, and has the skills and experience needed to deal with such cases.
Being the lead counsel in several cases, involving but not limited to, auto accidents, slip and falls, wrongful death accidents, construction accidents, dog bite cases, product liability and boating accidents, puts Mark Schiffrin P. A. law firm in an unquestionably commanding position to deal with such cases.
There is no statutory provision explicitly dealing with such a case, although courts have held the ski instructor has a duty of due care.
I've been practicing Personal Injury Law exclusively since 1983, which puts me in a strong position to deal with such cases.
At Jackson Lees, we have acted for a number of clients who have sustained life changing Brain Injuries, and are experienced in the type of issues that arise, as well as in understanding the emotional and practical effects that these issues can have upon the client and their wider family, and deal with such cases as sensitively and as compassionately as possible.
Well, for you to attain this you have to make sure that you invest in a good lawyer who has knowledge on how to deal with such cases.
The committee warned that «only appropriately graduated fee schemes which allowed adequate remuneration for more complex cases and those where attendance by, or communication with, a client is unusually difficult would encourage providers to devote the time needed to deal with such cases».
(I would like to slightly reverse Steven Matthews question, and apply the opposite bias) Mr. Justice Rothstein: Where controversial issues are deemed by segments of the public to have a moral component, what role do you believe the Supreme Court should have in applying and interpreting the law to deal with such cases?
This statement from Thames Valley Police highlights a lack of resources around the UK to deal with such cases of complex frauds.
Organizational leaders should «explicitly state that sexual harassment will not be tolerated; promote a workplace culture of respect; actively combat the problem by creating practices to adequately deal with such cases; and swiftly and appropriately react to reports.»
With such cases coming up a dime a dozen, the Delhi Consumer Commission has now ruled that insurance companies will no longer be able to reject claims on the pretext of cheques being dishonoured.
When the courts are reluctant to deal with such cases or not able to effectively intervene in a consistently effective manner, these parents often find that the family law attorneys they consult with either minimize the situation or are reluctant to pursue the issues in court.
The Arlington Heights divorce lawyer should have a main focus on family law and divorce; if the client's situation is special, they should find a family law attorney in Crystal Lake Illinois with experience in with such cases.
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