Sentences with phrase «with such issues»

In grappling with such issues I've managed to make a small contribution to the cause, which was both interesting to me as a process and satisfying as an end.
A marriage counselor may be able to help with such issues, but many people feel uncomfortable with letting a stranger in on their marriage.
Of course I realise The Ox's injury issues do not help, but even with such issues I do not think his record should be so poor.
I am seeking relief from medical bills and all that goes with such issues.
A list of local agencies that provide assistance with such issues shall also be provided.
I have over 10 years of experience working with such issues as depression, postpartum depression, grief, anxiety, behavioral issues, and trauma.
People in the military don't need to be distracted with such issues.
Two recent books deserve special comment in connection with such issues.
When anybody wants such partner then in first glance that will think how many things will attached with such issue.
These canines can provide a constant calming effect and the emotional support needed by people coping with such issues.
As usual with such issues, the answer lies somewhere in between.
I also assist them in the aftermath of divorce with such issues as moving forward, returning to the dating scene or returning to the workforce after many years at home.
Parents are encouraged to keep parenting arrangements out of the court and to deal with such issues via alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation.
He also assists with such issues as data security, internet regulation and issues arising from e-commerce.
As a result of this course, students will attain an advanced, yet practical familiarity with such issues that can be applied in any business context.
I work with individuals with such issues as depression and mood swings, grief and loss, anxiety and worries, addictions, anger management, intimacy and sexual difficulties, and divorce adjustment.
I have been working with clients since 1999 with such issues including grief, trauma, anxiety, depression, foster care and adoption, and relationship issues.
After dealing with such issues in the past I have written into my lease a clause stating the hourly rate that the tenant pays for damage for which they are responsible.
I bring 30 + years of working with people who have struggled with such issues.
It dealt with such issues as air, water and soil pollution the increasing depletion of finite resources, including minerals and fossil fuels; and the population explosion.
On the other hand, some believe childhood health conditions have indeed worsened due to emerging concerns with such issues as obesity and mental health problems, he says.
We are pleased to announce that we not only had a significant amount of feedback on this most vexed of questions but received a variety of responses that ranged from supporting artistic practices that, successfully or otherwise, negotiated the exigencies of institutional, public and civil spaces to responses that pointedly questioned the need (and, indeed, the inherent demand) for art to engage with such issues at all.
I had to deal with such issues too and I am certain that I lost some business under similar circumstances to yous.
You can also update your setting to help with such issues on some sites, like Facebook, as mentioned above.
While we focus on local control, we must also ensure that school board members have the strongest possible qualifications, with experience with such issues as school leadership, finances, special education, communications and public engagement.
The reason I begin our study of the Sermon on the Mount with such an issue is because a true disciple of Christ seeks to know and understand God's Word.
While they do sometimes engage rationally with such issues as ecology and feminism, at heart they are irrational and anti-rational.
Please join us as we wrestle together with such issues as walking in darkness.
And if the s - ex is below par between husband and wife my guess is that the real issue is stemming from somewhere outside of the bedroom... or vineyard... or you get the idea In which case I would strongly encourage you to deal with such issues asap and then start re-exploring each others God - given gift.
While such statistics - driven safety concerns in the food service and hospitality realms are nothing new, technological innovations and other modern and strategic means of contending with such issues is a landscape that changes monthly and weekly, if not daily.
Your attempt to make charges and reduce this to power politics, smacks of cynicism, and perhaps a preoccupation with such issues?
Women with such issue might find breastfeeding difficult as it makes the latching hard for the baby which hinders successful breastfeeding.
The book covers love, body and consent, similar territory to Caitlin Moran's How To Be a Woman, but more up - to - date with such issues as female genital mutilation and why Fifty Shades of Grey proved such a hit.
Other results showed my brain getting very active over the social policy questions — probably because I strongly object to mixing religion with such issues as abortion and homosexuality — and relatively quiet when I was asked about God's being angry or loving.
Star Wars: Episode III and Batman Begins dealt with such issues with much more clarity.
The vehicle was purchased by Adams Auto Group in Michigan from Allied Insurance, likely for thousands less than they sold it to us for as people up North are familiar with such issues and would never purchase this vehicle for the price they could sell it in the South.
That means grappling ahead of time with such issues as whether to stay in your current digs, downsize or even relocate; how to find activities such as part - time work or volunteering that can help keep you engaged; and making sure you have a broad network of family and friends you can rely on for companionship and emotional support.
You wrote that Inhofe «still speaks to and for a big chunk of America — people whose understanding of science and engagement with such issues is so slight that they happily sit in pre-conceived positions.»
Because we have dealt with such issues successfully on so many occasions, we are able to realistically calculate your expenses, present and future — both those resulting from your lack of earnings and inability to perform household services, and those resulting from the exorbitant costs of your healthcare, projected into the future.
«[30] Ultimately, I venture to suggest that a court faced with such an issue can not be too categorical in determining when an arrest under s. 495 (1)(b) will or will not be supportable.
Law enforcement (and especially the MPAA and RIAA) tend to deal with such issues by seizing or shutting the entire site — throwing the baby out with the bath water you might say.
This is a lot of information to assimilate and assess in the pressured circumstances of doing a deal, but is preferable to dealing with such issues afterwards.
What's vital for an OEM confronted with such issues is to identify the exact root cause of the «disease», show transparency about measures taken to keep things in check, and most importantly, try its best not to alienate customers.
The complexity at work here is an intentional part of the exhibition's curation: «I would argue that the strategies the show's artists use for grappling with such issues goes beyond the kinds of mirroring or enhancing of the aesthetics of such systems that have become standard of much of contemporary art today,» Malick elaborates.
He believes that those ideas have found favor with «millions of supporters» through the militias» appeal to selected constituencies that are concerned with such issues as gun control and land use and are animated by a pervasive fear of «Washington,» a fear Waco and Ruby Ridge dramatically confirmed.
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