Sentences with phrase «with such knowledge»

And I know how vital someone with such knowledge and experience of breastfeeding can be to a struggling new mum.
Listening helps them get a holistic perspective of a matter and progress with such knowledge.
There are ways that we can serve the church with such knowledge.
It's advisable to read through the developer's official little online guide at least a few times, but even armed with such knowledge you're probably going to be a little baffled at first.
With such a Knowledge Graph, was it not inevitable that Google would eventually find a way to utilize this information with an algorithm that deciphers the context of all the words in a query rather than homing in on a few key words therein?
Throughout history, the Church has not actually stood in opposition to the advances of science, nor disbelieved in the discoveries made by science: the Church only stood in opposition of the dissemination of knowledge of the advances of science, believing, quite rightly, that the masses would only be confused and conflicted with such knowledge, with the facts of science and the truth of religion...
Substantial evidence supports factor return predictability, yet evidence also indicates that investors are not reaping, to the greatest extent possible, the excess returns commensurate with such knowledge.
In addition, the Bill proposes to employ Ministry of Labour Inspectors to order that an investigation into an incident or complaint of workplace harassment be conducted by a person with such knowledge, skills, and experience as required by the Inspector.
But as many of our clients are businesspeople with such knowledge, I'd rather keep the secret safe.
Armed with such knowledge, you can more easily determine the right investment and what you should pay for it.
with such knowledge as we have, what is most probable.
Expanding this line of research is important because, in the words of its authors, «with such knowledge of the office environment's influence on different dimensions of employee health, important gains can be achieved in the long run.»
It was wonderful to talk to someone with such knowledge and interest in challenging «westernised» culture for raising children.
Armed with such knowledge, it may be a great idea to increase the small and mid-cap stock allocation in any traditional investment accounts (IRA, 401k, etc.) you manage.
With such knowledge and technology widely distributed around the globe, she argued, the competitive advantage will go to the people, companies and countries that can best exploit the tools and know - how, whatever the source.
With such knowledge, we can quickly figure out another person's social standing and, with that, infer how best to behave toward them.
Armed with such knowledge, we could potentially find ways of improving this control mechanism or alternatively find ways of screening eggs as they are dividing to detect a good egg from a bad egg — although this screening would obviously only benefit people in an IVF setting where eggs are recovered from the patient.»
With such knowledge, it may be possible to stimulate these nerve cells by artificial means, for example by selective nicotine - like drugs, to improve memory and learning in humans.
He knows the human heart, and knows it with such knowledge that it often gets very hard to believe.
Also, armed with such knowledge, you begin to see hints of it in everything around you, making the whole game feel rich with meaning and subtext.
With such knowledge, a person will be able to answer the tests that will be given in getting the license.
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