Sentences with phrase «with the bedtime nursing»

My favorite recent example was with the bedtime nursing, which is still part of our routine.

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By the fifth night, when I nursed her at bedtime, she was losing interest, ready to go to bed with a full tummy already.
Amy, my little guy has been great with giving up all of the day time nursing but still asks for it right before bedtime and also if he lays down for a nap in the afternoon, which he doesn't do much anymore.
Our typical night looks like this... bedtime routine ending with a nurse / cuddle and sometimes a rocking depending on how much he's trying to avoid sleep.
This is a time when you usually get to be alone with your child, or you may enjoy time as a whole family together with your baby and your partner while you nurse before bedtime.
I had sung this with J and T to try and get them to sleep every night since they were babies whilst nursing them, with J I can now stroke his hair at bedtime and sing this and he will drift off.
If you're trying to replace that bedtime nursing with something else or simply trying to prepare them for the end of nursing, Anastasio - Collins has a few suggestions.
Once that happened I was much more able to deal with all the other times that he wanted to nurse and then for the next several months, we were able to cut back to the morning, nap and bedtimes.
8 month old boy (who's in transition from nursing to formula & solids) 8 am - wake, diaper, nurse for 5 - ish minutes 8:30 am - breakfast in high chair (4 oz bottle + solids) 9:00 - 9:45 ish - play time (independent play then reading books & getting ready for nap) 10am - 11:30 am - morning nap 11:30 - 12 pm - wake up from nap, diaper, get dressed for day, etc ** if we go out to run errands this is the time we leave, and and we will stop to eat lunch while out 12 pm - lunch (8oz bottle + solids) 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm - play time 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm - afternoon nap 3:30 - 4 pm - play time 4 pm - eat (8oz bottle + snack such as cheerios) 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm - play time (if he woke up early from afternoon nap, then sometimes he still takes a short cat nap during this timeframe 6:30 pm - dinner with family (solids in high chair) 7:00 pm - outdoor play time (baby swing, take a walk, etc) 8:00 pm - start of an 8oz bottle 8:30 pm - bath time, read books, finish rest of bottle 9:00 pm - bedtime.
The quote from Hilary Flower brought tears to my eyes... I have been struggling with nursing my second child, (he's 2 3/4 years old), especially at bedtime.
Before bed session: I don't think there's anything wrong with nursing to sleep in general, but it probably is going to be easiest to drop this session since it's not an essential part of your bedtime routine.
We've been working on weaning down on feedings and I cut out all nursing, with bedtime feeding as the last to go.
So, if you're nursing her before bedtime, be sure to do it with a light on, or maybe even read a little book afterwards.
But our bedtime routines with our babies involved cuddling, rocking, massage, and nursing.
And I told her she had to choose between nursing at bedtime and playing with a big girl toy like Barbies.
Keep mimicking the bedtime routine at naptime, even with the nursing.
If you have always nursed your little one to sleep, or nursed and rocked before bed, switch roles with your partner and have them do the bedtime routine.
It can be very relaxing to go to sleep in the same bed with your toddler right after a bedtime nursing session.
Start with bedtime, turn the lights low, sneak in a nursing session, give your little one a bath, and send him or her off to dreamland.
I had only been nursing him at bedtime for the past year or so with an occasional afternoon naptime nursing.
Now not only I have to nurse her before naps and bedtime, she also loves playing with my poor nipples and uses me as her pacifier at night when we share bed (when she's sick or wakes up too early, and I take her to bed with me so we can continue sleeping).
During the last 6 weeks or so, Izzy primarily only nursed to sleep at bedtime with a few exceptions here and there.
We have a solid bedtime routine with a bath, book, nursing, and song, but we don't know what to do after that other than rock, rock, rock.
We take turns with bath time, Jason puts Noah to bed while I nurse the baby to sleep (I figure once Ezra weans we'll either alternate who - puts - who - to - bed or try one big family joint bedtime stories and songs).
This is how I personally use the crib: I nurse my baby to sleep for both naps and bedtime and choose not to do the «cry it out» sleep training with my one year old.
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