Sentences with phrase «with the oil industry»

For years the agency has been too close with the oil industry for which it was issuing permits.
Canadian producers share an uncertain future with the oil industry, but higher costs and opposition to expansion and pipelines bring extra hardship.
Coordinated management of change activities for more than 50 projects on behalf of the client following the client's corporate merger with an oil industry competitor.
Couple and marriage issues like communication, infidelity, shift work schedules common with the oil industry, and addiction; 2.
Rep. Cornyn, for his part, has consistently voted with the oil industry on energy, war and climate bills.
Gordon Brown met with oil industry leaders this morning to address growing concerns about soaring oil prices.
More on the Mayflower, Arkansas oil spill Contaminated water pumped into Lake Conway Latest in Exxon oil spill reveals AG hired firm with oil industry ties Exxon pipeline rupture is 22 feet long, indicating immense pressure, possible criminal negligence.
Rep. Barton, for his part, has consistently voted with the oil industry on energy, war and climate bills.
According to Public Citizen's Climate Program Managing Director, David Arkush, Holmstead's appointment may be designed to please coal executives since EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is notably more connected with the oil industry.
President Obama's decision on this enormous fossil fuel project by the end of the year will not be a quiet deal with oil industry lobbyists; it will be witnessed by millions of voters who had hoped that President Obama would have the vision to get America off of oil with a moonshot program for oil - free cars by the next decade.
Obama's decision (Greenpeace commentary): President Obama's decision on this enormous fossil fuel project by the end of the year will not be a quiet deal with oil industry lobbyists; it will be witnessed by millions of voters who had hoped that President Obama would have the vision to get America off of oil with a moonshot program for oil - free cars by the next decade.
Yet here we see a man, with associations to commercial interests in the implementation of environmental policy (contrast with the speculation that surrounds sceptics who have worked with the oil industry), with a clear commitment to the environmental ethics espoused WWF, who is responsible for determining the UK's policy over the next 45 years.
But for several years, companies in southern Louisiana, where his business is located, have suffered along with the oil industry, which is affected by changes in global oil supplies and technologies like fracking.
And unlike with the oil industry, no «fracking» method has been invented yet to extract gold from hard - to - reach areas, though Barrick — the world's largest producer by output — has been experimenting with sensors at its Cortez project in Nevada.What Pierre is talking about, of course, is the idea of «peak gold.»
With the oil industry reeling from low prices and Southwestern Ontario a key battleground in the next election, it should come as no surprise to find an emphasis on manufacturing in the budget.
In all the doom - and - gloom commentary from the right wing, I haven't noticed any mention of Danny Williams (a devout Tory) and his take - it - or - leave - it negotiations with the oil industry.
Caring, compassionate, and pro-active, Premier Alison Redford has been front and centre since the flooding began, quickly flying back from a trip to New York two weeks ago, where she was speaking at a conference and meeting with oil industry investors.
One of us (Kauffman) lives in Alberta, Canada, which exports shale oil, animal and forest products, and has an information technology industry correlated with the oil industry.
«This technology is progressing rapidly, with the oil industry as a driving force.
However, some of the scientists who have lobbied hard to protect Yasuni are calling on environmentalists to work together with the oil industry on a sustainable extraction plan.
Balling teamed up with oil industry scientist Pat Michaels at the Exxon - and Koch - funded Cato Institute to write three books that have served as faux counter-arguments to settled science.
Even with the oil industry dragging in 2016, Texas economy packs a strong punch.
Local relations with the oil industry gradually soured through the period.
Of course Norway pays for some of its giving with its oil industry, but Mr. Solheim noted that its neighbors reach equal aid levels without the benefit of oil earnings.
GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. — Utility companies clashed with oil industry interests over electric vehicle and fuel subsidies at a meeting of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a conservative political group, last Friday.
One involves the environmentalist's obsession with the oil industry, who produce the energy that drives the engines of capitalism and supposedly destroys the planet with CO2 emissions.
In large part, this explains why the Alberta and Canadian governments, in cooperation with the oil industry, have been lobbying to undermine progressive climate policy, such as the European Union's Fuel Quality Directive and similar proposals in many U.S. states.
This plan is a gift to companies that want open access to our protected ocean waters and has literally no rational basis other than to curry favor with the oil industry.
Environmentalists agree with the oil industry on one point: that an effective climate change policy must target energy consumers as well as producers.
In the search for water, the Yemeni government has drilled test wells in the basin that are 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) deep — depths normally associated with the oil industry — but they have failed to find water.
With the oil industry hitting a nadir and the loonie performing poorly against the American dollar, Alberta is reportedly reeling.
the close relationship that MMS inspectors have with the oil industry.
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