Sentences with phrase «with ultimate concern»

So when something upsetting happens to them against their will, rather than get consciously angry, mean, manipulative or deceitful, they drive these unpleasant thoughts and feelings deep underground and cover it all in a sentimental spirituality laced with ultimate concern for the church, God's will, and mission.
The only cure for this crippling influence is a strong and independent organized teaching profession, whose members are protected against outside interference in the performance of their professional functions and who recognize and accept their responsibility for dealing knowledgeably and impartially not only with the proximate issues of life but also with the ultimate concerns of faith through which the particulars of life gain their deeper significance.

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But the persuader's ultimate goal should be to have the other person accept (or at least understand) her belief and deal with any concerns.
As with any time you're dealing with money, security is one of the ultimate concerns.
Instead of the increased efficiency, enterprises have encountered impractically slow transaction volumes; instead of a transparent world with ultimate accountability, companies holding sensitive customer data faced regulatory concerns.
For years, individuals and investors that were concerned with debt, deficits and a weak dollar turned to gold as the ultimate safe haven, but now bitcoin is starting to become the alternative currency.
Rather, the new NIV here makes it possible for English readers to discover a more Catholic or Orthodox or truly Lutheran Paul, one who teaches that the problem with the Jewish law is its ethnic and temporary character and that human salvation concerns our real sacramental participation in divine life, real transformation, and ultimate resurrection.
For the followers of the serial podcast produced by Sarah Koenig: I will make my self available for one interview: 1st, to answer the question of the the people who I hope are concerned with the death of Hae Min Lee (the person who's paid the ultimate price for Entertainment).
One must be honest with oneself about what one regards as of ultimate concern.
The interpretation of divine love, as being a concern for the other with no concern for itself, may be the ultimate instance... this kind of love, like this kind of power, needs an alternative conception.40
While support helped people cope with joblessness, however, we found that their ultimate concern was to find a job.
The one that has received most attention in our time is that stemming from Soren Kierkegaard and issuing in modern existentialism.18 I shall not develop this point beyond suggesting that here, too, concern with the ultimate import of the immediate situation associates ultimacy with immediacy in its concreteness.
Because he is a voracious reader who goes in for heavy reading about ultimate concerns, his humor can be appreciated especially by those familiar with the pretentiousness of some religious and philosophical literature.
Whitehead comes down clearly on the side of Dewey's mathematical model when he is concerned with the «ultimate principles of existence which express the necessary connections within the flux» (ESP 123).
What it does represent is what one would expect: the spiritual concerns of the 17th century, when spirituality made its ultimate break with theology and science.
One thinks of Tillich in whom this motif was in tension with a more temporal perception of ultimate concern, and of Heidegger who has done so much to provide categories for modem theology.
This chapter deals with religion as a particular facet of education in a democracy, but more significant is the fact that all of the preceding chapters set forth a religious point of view by demonstrating what the life of ultimate devotion means in a wide range of human concerns.
Late in his life he went on a journey to Asia with the purpose of finding out if those who had no contact with Christianity had also discovered the ultimate concern and its manifestation in a new being (Tillich 1961).
They acknowledge, of course, the global horizon of their ultimate concern, but this does not relate directly to their major task which is to deal with the actuality of a particular social situation.
Kappen says «paradoxically, in spite of his avowed atheism, Marx's philosophical concern has much in common with the ultimate meaning of human existence.
For, if faith is «trust in God's love alone for the ultimate meaning of our lives and loyalty to this same love and to all to whom it is loyal as the only final cause that our lives are to serve,» then a concern for justice, including political justice (the creation of a more humane and just social order), clearly follows from an attitude of faith without being identical with it.
Nor is Austen concerned merely with the personal fulfillment of the domestic hearth, for behind almost all her plots lurks the question of property, to which a young woman's propriety was also indissolubly linked (that fascinating etymological link between the two words property and propriety gets its ultimate elucidation in her novels).
The interpretation of divine love, as being a concern for the other with no concern for itself, may be the ultimate instance.
Concerned with the nature of the world ground, it is also interested in how man must relate himself to this ultimate reality in order to achieve what, in Christianity, is called salvation.
For Israel, God was the ultimate reality, he was all power (though that is very different from the concept of omnipotence of later centuries), and he was good — not a being concerned with selfish interests, but his character was grace and love.
For the Skimpoles of this world, the ultimate source of bread is the baker's van, and there is no need to concern oneself with plowing, sowing, weeding, dunging, cutting, threshing, milling, and baking — not to mention the thousands of mercantile transactions, from mortgages to tire rotations — that must be in place, and continually attended to, so that Skimpole might have his honey on toast.
He can be less preoccupied with his reputation if it is not the object of his ultimate concern.
In the first place such education, now as always, is concerned with the nurture of men and women whose business in life it will be to help men to see their immediate perplexities, joys and sufferings in the light of an ultimate meaning, to live as citizens of the inclusive society of being, and to relate their present choices to first and last decisions made about them in the totality of human history by Sovereign Power.
But what meets us in Paul's monologue about life and death is precisely the absence of any concern with these alternatives as ultimate at all!
The primary concern of Christian mission is with the salvation of human spirituality, with the human being's right choice of structures of ultimate meaning and sacredness.31
By spiritual intimacy is meant the sense of a vital relationship with that which transcends our brief, fragile existence — a relationship with the realm of values and meanings, with the flow of history and life about us, and with that «ultimate concern» (Tillich) which we call God.
The only appropriate response to ultimate concern is «with infinite passion» or, if you will, «with all your heart and soul and mind and strength»: no more emphatic utterance is to be found in all scripture.
What's lost is the flair, that hint of an ultimate concern that renders Chaucer, for example, all the merrier in his ribald tales, with a merriment that the secular scholar can not share.
In any case, we are concerned here with the presuppositions of Old Testament law in its developed, codified form; and by creation faith we mean not merely the explanation of ultimate origins.
In the struggle of the Reformation against all human mediators between God and man, this symbol was abolished, and, with that process of purification, the feminine element in everything of ultimate concern was largely eliminated.»
They are profoundly concerned with the visible structure of the event precisely because they regard the ultimate function of historical writing to be the communication of meaning in history.
At a 1981 Concern for Dying conference, Margaret Battin, who has written texts on ethical issues in suicide, envisioned a time in the distant future when Christians would come to treat suicide as a kind of sacrament involving a serious grappling with ultimate questions.
In accord with its concern for ends rather than means alone such a revolutionary culture would have affirm commitment to the quest for ultimate reality But it would not imagine that any one set of religious or philosophical symbols or beliefs can adequately express that reality.
It encompasses those aspects of human life and culture that are concerned with the ultimate meaning and destiny of human nature and the relationship of the individual and of society with the supernatural.
If religion is concerned with ultimate Truth or God, it can not but have its implications for the whole of life, private and public, and therefore the fundamental human right of religious freedom should include the right to express religious faith in prophetic ministry in society and politics in the name of justice.
Whitehead says, «For religion is concerned with our reactions of purpose and emotion due to our personal measure of intuition into the ultimate mystery of the universe.»
That certain concepts of God, often in the past confused with the classical Christian doctrine of God, must be destroyed: for example, God as problem solver, absolute power, necessary being, the object of ultimate concern.
Matters of ultimate concern, of course, can have urgently to do with survival on the planet, the eradication of racism and sexism, the search for a viable economic order, etc..
Here we are not concerned with the specific contents of that knowledge which in each instance will be an experience of the ultimate religious and metaphysical mysteries.
Furthermore, in the relatively new field of cosmology, Torrance believed science has relentlessly pressed its inquiries to the limits of being, and is now grappling with a concept of the universe as a whole, especially concerning its initial conditions and ultimate future.
If people were less concerned with the ultimate convenience, and more concerned with their personal impact on other living things, the world would surely be in better shape.
Your lack of judgement asounds me, and having more concern for your cell phone than your child shows ultimate recklessness with your child's life.
The mixed ultimate fighting bill is wrought with legitimate concerns and not a partisan issue.
The ultimate goal with treatment is to not only assist with the patients initial health concerns, but also to restore the gut to a point where they can once again eat the foods they are allergic to without experiencing any negative side effects.
Krokidas is instead more concerned with capturing the birth of a movement through the ultimate loss of innocence, suggesting that the incident was as formative for the three poets as their time at Columbia.
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