Sentences with phrase «with ultrasonic scaler»

During your pet's dental cleaning we will clean the teeth with an ultrasonic scaler above and below the gumline, radiograph, perform a careful evaluation of your pet's mouth, take dental x-rays for additional information, extract any teeth if necessary, polish, and chart teeth.
Our veterinary dental services include routine dental exams and teeth cleaning and polishing (dental prophylaxis) with an ultrasonic scaler and polisher.
It entails anesthesia, charting the teeth, subgingival and full tooth scaling with an ultrasonic scaler, polishing, fluoride treatment, and sealant.
Your cat's teeth will be cleaned with an ultrasonic scaler, any damaged teeth will be removed and the remaining ones will be polished smooth so it is harder for plaque to adhere to them.
Full dental suite featuring a state of the art dental station with ultrasonic scaler, polisher and hand drill.
As such, we provide complete dental services including teeth cleaning with an ultrasonic scaler, polishing, tooth extractions, and minor oral surgery.
This is done with an ultrasonic scaler.
Scaling can be performed with an ultrasonic scaler, using a smaller version of a crosshatch technique and limiting scaling time to 5 to 7 seconds per tooth.
A veterinarian will put a dog under anesthesia in order to scale their teeth with an ultrasonic scaler.
Our dental machine is equipped with an ultrasonic scaler and polisher and a high speed drill.
After placing a patient under anesthesia a technician performs a complete dental cleaning with an ultrasonic scaler that allows us to efficiently clean the crown of the tooth and most importantly below the gum line.
While under anesthesia, the patient's teeth are cleaned with an ultrasonic scaler, polished, and treated with a protective tooth sealant.
Diseased teeth are extracted; the remaining healthy teeth are cleaned with an ultrasonic scaler, and then polished.
This involves scaling all the tartar off of the teeth with an ultrasonic scaler and then polishing all of the teeth with a low - speed hand piece.
Skilled with ultrasonic scalers.

Not exact matches

We have a fully equipped dental suite with an ultrasonic tooth scaler, dental drills, and dental radiography to ensure that your pet receives top notch dental care.
This involves the use of hand instruments and ultrasonic scalers utilizing high frequency sound waves which are emitted along with a steady spray of water from a hand piece, and polishing with a dental pumice.
Dental scaling is performed using an ultrasonic scaler and a high speed polisher which leave the teeth with a smooth clean surface.
Plaque and tartar is removed from all surfaces of the teeth, including under the gum line, by scraping it away with a hand or ultrasonic scaler.
The hardened tartar at this point, can no longer be easily removed with the toothbrush and will likely require ultrasonic tools or a hand - held scaler to remove effectively, something that must be done by a vet under general anesthesia.
Step 1 — Pre-anesthetic bloodwork ensures safety; anesthesia; examination of the mouth Step 2 — A Certified Veterinary Technician uses hand tools to remove tartar and probe for gum disease Step 3 — An ultrasonic scaler is used to remove plaque and tarter below the gumline Step 4 — The teeth are polished Step 5 — Flouride is added to protect the teeth Step 6 — The pet wakes up under the supervision of a veterinarian, and goes home with a dental care plan to keep teeth healthy & pearly white!
We are a full service hospital for dogs and cats, equipped with the latest technology available: ultrasound, digital X-ray, electrocardiogram, blood pressure monitor, pulse - oximeter, a full - service lab for analyzing blood samples, and a ultrasonic dental scaler and polisher.
We have high quality dental instruments including a dental x-ray unit, and piezo ultrasonic scaler to provide your pet with exceptional dental care.
State - of - the - art dentistry capabilities, including an ultrasonic scaler, high speed hand piece with fiber optics, polisher and a dental x-ray machine.
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