Sentences with phrase «with undesirable side effects»

Although success and influence are desirable, they sometimes come with undesirable side effects.
He discovered that silver not only kills bacteria, but it actually killed bacteria that were resistant to all known antibiotics with no undesirable side effects.
But even if that campaign succeeds — and the odds are very long — victory could come with some undesirable side effects.
Yet today's tools (drugs and deep - brain stimulations) are comparatively crude, with undesirable side effects.
Importantly, curcumin is not associated with the undesirable side effect profile of conventional pharmaceutical medications such as corticosteroids and anti-inflammatories.

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Peter Cherepanov at Imperial College London, who was not part of the team, says now that the probability of an undesirable insertion can be estimated, it will become easier to balance the chance of success with the risk of side effects.
That may be the cause of undesirable side effects observed in patients treated with JAK inhibitors.
But they also showed only continuous stimulation decreased the amount of time mice spent interacting with young mice, considered to be an undesirable side effect.
Evolution Small peptides known as selective androgen receptor modulators, or SARMs, increase the sensitivity of muscle cells to natural steroid hormones — with fewer undesirable side effects than traditional steroids.
New research from the University at Buffalo Research Institute on Addictions that explored the potential side effects of the stimulant drug Ritalin on those without ADHD showed changes in brain chemistry associated with risk - taking behavior, sleep disruption and other undesirable effects.
They note that a related compound with better pharmacological profiles than CLP257 was as effective in reducing pain in rats as an existing pain treatment called pregabalin, but it lacked the undesirable motor side effects that are often seen with that drug.
While low testosterone levels do indeed have a great number of undesirable physical side effects — increased body fat, less energy, low libido all among them — low levels can also carry with them a tremendous psychological impact.
The pharmaceutical drugs that have been approved to treat Alzheimer's are only marginally effective, at best, and come with a variety of undesirable side effects, such as nausea, headaches and dizziness, [4] that someone who is already scared and confused clearly doesn't need to deal with.
Some of the health issues that are associated with the use of supplements and herbal remedies to treat low testosterone include undesirable side effects or negative integration with other medications you might be using.
Such drugs interfere with your body's natural sleep cycle and can create psychological dependence and undesirable side effects
Have tried many herbs, etc with no help and some cause undesirable side effects.
The natural and synthetic hormones share the ability to sustain human secretary endometrium but progestins do not have the full range of biological activity of progesterone.Progestins are associated with a wide range of undesirable side effects that often undermine patient compliance.
Long - term treatment with steroids has not been found to be beneficial and have many undesirable side effects.
However, the body gradually adapts, and with long term use the benefits persist, but the undesirable side effects are reduced.
The pharmaceutical drugs that have been approved to treat Alzheimer's are only marginally effective, at best, and come with a variety of undesirable side effects.
Unfortunately, the pill comes with a host of undesirable side effects that include, gut / digestive problems, Amenorrhea (no periods), lack of ovulation, mild to severe acne, thyroid dysfunction, mild to severe mood disorders, disruptive food cravings, low to non-existent sex drive, lack of vaginal lubrication, painful sex, thinning of the vaginal tissue and weight gain or inability to lose weight, just to name a few.
As a result, the undesirable side - effects normally associated with human chemotherapy are both less common and less severe in animals undergoing chemotherapy.
As a result, the undesirable side effects normally associated with human chemotherapy are both less common and less severe in animals.
The use of estrogen or progesterone is not used in the male with BPH because of the potential for many undesirable side effects.
Corticosteroids: These are useful only during acute stages of the disease as undesirable side effects occur with long - term use.
Furthermore, drugs may have undesirable side effects that can outweigh their potential benefits, so it is imperative to consult with a knowledgeable veterinarian.
Those CDR techniques with the least potential: Biochar («significant doubts» about scope, effectiveness and safety - «substantial research» required to prove effectiveness) and ocean iron fertilization (not proven to be effective and «high potential for unintended and undesirable ecological side effects»).
Report and discuss unexpected and undesirable side effects (adverse experiences) with medicine...
Great copy that isn't readable on a mobile device is a subpar experience with highly undesirable side effects.
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