Sentences with phrase «with unequal distribution»

If Robin Hood and his merry men were here today, they would surely be as appalled with the unequal distribution of wealth as today's young activists acting in their name.
The rampant expansion of favelas can be associated with the unequal distribution of wealth in Brazil.
The world is still an unfair place to live with unequal distribution of wealth, causing a disproportionate poverty rate among the majority of its population.
It is quite in keeping, however, with the unequal distribution of abilities and advantages in real life.
From the vantage point of developing predictive design and formation approaches for synthetic materials, the observations suggest how chemical energy stored across adjacent regions with unequal distributions of dissolved molecules can use processes derived from biology to drive structural reorganizations for advanced functions.

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Because lower consumption discourages businesses from building new factories or otherwise expanding production, higher savings often come with lower investment, and so countries with highly unequal income distribution tend to run large trade surpluses.
They begin with the fact that «Capital income is the most unequal part of the income distribution
I worry that many of the children of those immigrants will assimilate all too well into the actual country we live in, with its horrendously unequal distribution of social capital and family stability.
Because of the damage to my right side, my left side tried to overcompensate by producing extra milk, and the unequal distribution of milk, combined with the damage to my milk ducts meant that constant clogged ducts; and that meant constant bouts of mastitis.
We're the most — we have the state with the most unequal distribution of income of any state in the United States.
One of the most controversial public health policy conflicts of the last five years revolves around Indonesia's refusal to share bird flu samples with the World Health Organization, in a stand against unequal vaccine distribution.
«One example is the unequal distribution of resources, such as formal conflict resolution, in countries with high levels of inequality.
As a result, the species abundance distribution becomes highly unequal with a few species dominating the community and most species remaining rare» Passy said.
Popular destinations are primed to be engines of broad economic growth for countries, but as demand rises, an unequal distribution of wealth occurs along with it.
Still, she received criticism in this category, with the board expressing concern about the unequal distribution of resources:
He engages with a number of subjects, often related to race, ideology, and the unequal distribution of development and resources, through a practice that is both interdisciplinary and participatory.
Oxfam has illustrated the same grossly unequal emissions distribution with a graph that looks, appropriately enough, like a Champagne coupe.
A similar pattern holds for GDP per capita, but with the acceleration of growth occurring even more recently (see Fig. 1) and with the distribution of consumption becoming much more unequal.
However, Texas is unique in that courts are required to divide property in a manner that is «just and right» after evaluating several factors — just like equitable distribution states — meaning spouses might end up with an unequal division.
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