Sentences with phrase «with unique properties»

I am familiar with the unique properties of this attachment as well as the feelings of loss when this balance is disrupted.
Our selection stretches from favorites like pumpkin, zucchini, and butternut, to rare varieties with unique properties.
It contains hundreds of templates and designs with unique properties for a variety of positions and industries.
Metal foams (or porous metals) represent a new class of materials with unique properties including lightweight, high surface area, high electrical conductivity and low thermal conductivity.
Scientists have been exploring how organisms produce these biominerals in the hopes of determining the basic geochemical principles of how they form, and also how to build synthetic materials with unique properties in any desired shape or size.
Oobleck Dough — Adding hair gel turns oobeck into a moldable play dough with some unique properties.
Some scholars have suggested that judicialisation provides a venue for the more active participation of citizens marginalised by the failures of representation; while others even see in judges a form of representativeness with unique properties.
Beales and co-senior study author João Ruggiero Neto of São Paulo State University in Brazil suspected that the reason might have something to do with the unique properties of cancer cell membranes.
On the contrary, TiY is a drug - like small molecule with the unique property of detecting TICs in vivo without biopsy and isolating viable TICs for further studies.
This is similar to how naturally occurring proteins form organized arrays to endow tissues with unique properties.
ESC are unique cells with unique properties that may never be duplicated by other cells.
On the other hand, the major promise of NP - based medicine is associated with the unique properties of NPs and the nanoscale processes they support.
The Tenno use advanced armor with unique properties, called Warframes in the war against the Grineer and Corpus.
If Amazon is first to market with this display technology — and given the current state of competing reflective color display technologies like Mirasol, it seems likely — Amazon could produce tablets with unique properties — like long battery life and amenability to being used outdoors and in natural light — which not even Apple and Samsung could match.
Cetyl Myristoleate is an unique esterified fatty acid with unique properties that have been shown to support joint health, function, and mobility.
He confirms that Valve have three VR games in development and that VR will succeed only when games are made with the unique properties of the platform in mind.
Even the «secondary effect» is implausible, Photons within the «Region» treated by «greenhouse science» trend to move outwards, NOT «downwards» within the atmosphere as the gravitation stratification increase Atmospheric density towards the surface and this along with its unique properties also constrains Atmospheric Water to the lower atmosphere.
Even if the price crashes, a Bitcoin will remain a Bitcoin with some unique properties.
I love to be involved with unique properties — that's one of my fortes.
Get the most experienced network of real estate agents with unique properties around the world, especially in South Florida.
Get ready to fall in love with this unique property located in the mountains in North East Mesa!
The relatively recent discovery of graphene, a two - dimensional layered material with unusual and attractive electronic, optical and thermal properties, led scientists to search for other atomically thin materials with unique properties.
Cage - shaped molecules made of 40 boron atoms may lead to new «wonder» materials with unique properties
Carbon nanotubes have been touted as exceptional materials with unique properties that allow for extremely efficient charge and energy transport, with the potential to open the way for new, more efficient types of electronic and photovoltaic devices.
Cahn went on to establish another theory of material behavior, known as the theory of three - dimensional spinodal decomposition, which has helped others develop better - performing metals, glass, polymers, and thermal materials with unique properties.
John Evans, DMD, PhD, a professor in NYU Dentistry's Department of Basic Science and Craniofacial Biology, oversees a research group focusing on the study of proteins that modulate the formation of biominerals, which in turn create new composite materials with unique properties, such as increased fracture and puncture resistances.
Members of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Additive Manufacturing Initiative are among a group of researchers who have developed 3D printed materials with a unique property — instead of expanding when heated, they shrink.
Today we know that Saturn is surrounded by a huge network of rings, called a ring system, each with unique properties.
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