Sentences with phrase «with utopian»

Concomitant with the utopian possibility of creating virtual communities, enabling aspects of identity to be explored, and heralding a new and global age of free speech and democracy, the Internet is also potentially a medium of virtually limitless international defamation.
I want to make clear that I have nothing against wind energy, but I have a problem with utopian plans that make it MAJOR part of a global plan to reduce GHG emissions.
Velonis» crafty architectural objects, succumbing to the darkness of the show's title, subvert their cultural potential by allowing their form and matter to speak about the void associated with utopian expectations.
Arranged in a rectangular grid in the shape of page, the holes suggest a strong ending, as if the book has closed with utopian dreams of a perfect society.
Lee Bul's ongoing engagement with utopian modernism pairs perfectly with the democratic aspirations of the Hayward's own adventurous architecture.
Digitally souped - up versions of the artists» customary multipanel photographic format, the pictures add up to a Babel of graffiti - style phrases in English, Hebrew and Arabic, with scrawled racist and homophobic sentiments alternating with utopian slogans: «Abolish commodity; create community,» «Capitalism Needs War.
Located in a former Bell Labs building on the lower West side, it was converted by Richard Meier with utopian visions of an artists community bettering the world.
In this video, Vivien Greene, Curator of 19th - and Early - 20th - Century Art at the Guggenheim Museum and curator of «Utopia Matters» talks about her motivation to conceive this exhibition, the reason why utopian groups flourished throughout the 19th century, and contemporary movements with utopian aspirations.
His sculptures, paintings and installations deal thematically and formally with the utopian aspects of Polish architecture in the post-communist era.
In accord with this utopian emphasis, Ono is also presenting #smilesfilm, a worldwide participatory project, as part of her exhibition.
These objectified bodies and the spaces they occupy construct darkly humorous narratives, riddled with utopian delusion, futility, and isolation, an absurdity of reduction.
Its crisp edges trace flowing forms, orange over blue, that intersect with the utopian precision of a perfectly planned metropolis.
While the (smaller to mid-sized) white cube is closing, Smithson's amnesiac lobby is here to stay, where we perpetually forget the future and constantly evoke the vision of models - to - come with utopian fervour, without ever actually proposing new models.
``... The first cohesive body of paintings I made was the «Garden Projects» when I was living near Stateway Gardens and Wentworth Gardens here in Chicago — public housing projects that had been built with utopian notions of beauty and good living in mind, but were unable to maintain the promise of their pastoral - sounding names,» he said.
Offering an in - depth view of this artistic period, Past Futures is centered on four principle themes: representations of cosmic spaces and otherworldly encounters; the possibilities of space travel through new visual technologies; the dynamics of time travel; and the preoccupation with utopian or dystopian futures.
Cai has said: «In some sense, Mao Zedong influenced all artists from our generation with his utopian romance and sentiment.»
The show will be organized around key themes in the artist's work, such as the «imaginary room» (a metaphor for the paranormal) and his fascination with utopian and fantastic architecture.
[3] Looking at Pindell's careful handiwork and the breathtaking consistencies drawn up out of the foundations of an untitled work from 1975, it seems right to align these pictures with the utopian concerns of craft traditions, processes built on mending fragments, embroidering flourishes, and suturing gaps with care that only human touch can provide.
Many of the forms and compositions recall mid-century Minimalism, Hard - edge painting, and modernist architecture with its utopian ideals of living.
The first by Panayiotou deals with utopian lands and the use of weather phenomena in our culture.
Early 20th - century art movements like Constructivism, Futurism, and Dada sought an aesthetic, social, and political break with the past, often with utopian goals for the future.
A room installation consisting of panels covering portions of the floor and walls and a three - dimensional recreation on the floor, the piece blends rigid geometric spaces with more sensual, patterned decoration, representing the family's attempts to reconcile the visual language of their native Morocco with the utopian modernist vision of Israel in the 1970s.
So often is the label Surrealism tacked onto fantasy art that, in descriptions of contemporary work, it's become practically synonymous with utopian scenes or lowbrow....
It began with utopian do - it - yourself collectivism, was flooded by torrential rains, and ended in mass arrests.
Instead, Henry chose Fairhope, Alabama, a town with utopian ideals and a haven for strong - minded individualists.
The project with the utopian - sounding title of universal credit (UC) will, Duncan Smith promises, «put hope back where it has gone» and «give people from chaotic lives security through hard work».
They represent a «sectarian» position with a utopian cast.
The conception of peace as an ordered tranquillity which must continually be worked for through history contrasts markedly with the utopian ideal of peace found in some religious and nonreligious thinking about the possibilities of international order, not to mention with the empirical reality of conflict within states and conflicts between states and nonstate actors in the contemporary world.
As with all utopian ideas, there is much to admire about it, at least in the abstract, but the reality is far grittier.
In this way, Didion the taciturn Westerner has more in common with the garrulous residents of New Orleans than with the utopians and dreamers of her native state.

Not exact matches

Indeed, Amazon could almost be thought of as a sort of digital brutalism: it is direct and efficient, with a near - utopian aspiration to meet people's needs in the least fussy way possible.
But the notion of creating an autonomous enclave with its own set of rules has become a key plank in the techno - utopian worldview.
Disgruntled investors turn off funding, disillusioned staff leave, the company folds and the scientific community forever links General Fusion with Cold Fusion and other utopian scientific promises.
The transition from a radical regime guided by a utopian ideology to a pragmatic one with a laser - like focus on maintaining power by delivering superior economic performance is one of the main drivers for how China has managed to engineer an economic revolution since the late 1970s.
It reflects a familiar pattern: the liberal - progressive intellectual who is dissatisfied with the present and longs for a utopian future.
With the demise of utopian conceptions, the futuristic mindset will probably also depart.
The terminology suggested by this utopian proposal makes it pointless to contrast «academic» with «professional.»
In this chapter the author lays out his utopian proposal for a theological school in «dialectical tension» with the Athens and Berlin models.
With a vision typical of Utopian «theologians» whose only real faith is in this - worldly peace and happiness, Noddings proposes that we give women power, and let women, and the femininity in men, rule.
We take no particular pleasure in engaging the militant feminists and homosexual activists, the Nietzschean deconstructionists and relativists, the enemies of traditional morality and religious faith; indeed, the ongoing conflict with our various utopians and Gnostics is dirty business from which no one emerges with entirely clean hands or uncoarsened sensibilities.
n the Grimms» world, evil may rule, but there is also the utopian promise that with a sense of right and wrong, plus some magic, one might be able to live happily ever after.
Such an attempt as Tolstoy's to find inwardness by becoming poor with the poor, or Lenin's utopian endeavor to usher in a kind of social salvation by making all of the proletariat rich would only have met with Kierkegaard's contempt.
Neither the political tradition of realism, with its sharp focus on narrowly conceived national interest, nor a utopian universalism uninformed by the hard practicalities of military capability offers significant conceptual help.
And yet, ironically, the authors of the book — along with François Furet, Arthur Koestler, and George Orwell among others — were at one time themselves men of the left who were tempted by the utopian dream.
One reads November 1916 in the eerie awareness of what is to come, which makes all the more pitiful and ludicrous the liberal posturing of the politicians and the utopian dreams of the revolutionary terrorists, each of whom has a plan for using the bloody war with Germany to realize his ambitions.
The local habitation for much of his life was Salem, Massachusetts, with important chapters elsewhere: as a boy along the idyllic shores of Lake Sebago, Maine; as a student at Maine's Bowdoin College; as a young idealist at the Brook Farm Utopian community west of Boston (1841); as a married man in Emerson's Concord (1842 — 45); as a summer neighbor of Herman Melville in the Berkshires of western Massachusetts (1850); as a mature writer and consular official in Liverpool, England (1853 — 58); and as a traveler and resident in Italy (1858 — 59)-- before a final period of ill health and death in Concord (1859 — 1864).
A cultural critic without a lively imagination is likely to consider Gioia's call to arms «utopian,» as though renovation is synonymous with re-education camps.
The ecstatic - mystical and immanent utopian tendencies are traditionally connected, particularly with emphasis on the Spirit.
I can only give expression to my own intuition that this possible emergence of a new consciousness should be given shape by a utopian vision of a planetary brotherhood at peace with nature and with God, united with all of life in the enjoyment of its potentialities.
That is, we may ourselves become machines: consumers, robots, soldiers, students, categories a, b, c, and d — an image that has been with us in the utopian writer for some time now.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z