Sentences with phrase «with utter certainty»

They all claim with utter certainty that there is no possibility of serious risk from human - caused global warming.
I know with utter certainty that she will accomplish anything she puts her mind to.
Next time I am dealt a card I know not what to do with, I will breathe and know with utter certainty that the answer is on its way.
In a comfortable office, Bible placed firmly atop his lap, 89 - year - old Harold Camping is preaching with utter certainty about the end of the world.
«Therefore, illumined by his [the Spirit's] power, we believe neither by our own nor by anyone else's judgment that Scripture is from God; but above human judgment we affirm with utter certainty (just as if we were gazing upon the majesty of God himself) that it has flowed to us from the very mouth of God by the ministry of men.

Not exact matches

Judging from what we've seen during this transfer and the opening 3 games, it is with certainty it's a complete and utter failure!
Compare, for example, the noted contemporary, Louise Nevelson, with her combination of utter, «unfeminine» dedication to her work and her conspicuously «feminine» false eyelashes; her admission that she got married at 17 despite her certainty that she couldn't live without creating because «the world said you should get married.»
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