Sentences with phrase «with utterances»

We see children with hearing aids being taught to articulate sounds, with their utterances represented by various pictures on a computer screen, giving them (and us) a visual correlation to the sound.
A week later, the Presby Moderator in an unprovoked manner, organized a press conference claiming some politicians who are uncomfortable with his utterances attempted buying his silence by bribing him with a cash of US$ 100, 000 and a house with a swimming at the expensive Trassco Estates, which he rejected, but hours after his claim, his former PRO, popped to refute the claim, saying he was present when his Moderator pocketed US$ 100, 000, and collected the keys to a four - wheeler car from a political figure.
So, one should be careful with his utterances of who Arsenal should sell as those Gunners will want to do well at Arsenal.
4:11 f.) All they heard was a voice — the voice of identical with his utterance of his own Name.
Labour say that their Debt Crisis calls for even more borrowing, even bigger government, and a return to 1970s - style subsidy and state control — with every utterance from Gordon Brown now confirming that «New Labour» is dead.
It looks as if he is in pain with every utterance.
Used as a portmanteau expression by Daniëls, sputterance defines a sputter met with utterance.

Not exact matches

«Any time you look at any kind of real life piece of text or utterance that one human wrote or said to another human, it's filled with analogies, modal logic, belief, expectation, fear, nested modals, lots of variables and quantifiers,» Lenat said.
With that goes a heightened awareness that monetary policy actions and utterances by the Bank are being shadowed more closely by the markets, the media and others than is the case with the TreasWith that goes a heightened awareness that monetary policy actions and utterances by the Bank are being shadowed more closely by the markets, the media and others than is the case with the Treaswith the Treasury.
But Buffett, the steely capital allocator who moves world markets with mere utterances, had enough.
Augustine's sermons now appear more as «dialogues with the crowd» than authoritative utterances from the bishop's cathedra, and his tone often reveals that he had little authority over his hearers.
His point seems to be that since any interpretation of the Bible must be communicated with words, the same interpretative problems that pertain to the biblical text must inevitably reappear at the level of the magisterial utterances.
But when Jones declared that «Sister Sally is having trouble with her arthritis again,» the utterance was viewed as a visitation of mystery.
The enthusiasm with which the Bible was read, and its sublime utterances greeted, by those to whom they came for the first time in their own tongue, as something entirely fresh, set free spiritual energy in creative ways.
The impact of this utterance has less to do with the doctrines of Revisionist Zionism than with its expression of the Jewish consensus.
Whitehead himself describes the utterance of the phrase «United Fruit Company»; «The final occasion of his experience which drove his body to the utterance of the word «Company» is only explicable by his concern with the earlier occasions with their subjective forms of intention to procure the utterance of the complete phrase» (AI 234f).
I was merely attempting to acknowledge that every utterance and every act of the early Church is not consistent with what I will insist was a widespread spirit of openness toward alien thinkers.
Al - Wahhab and his followers set out to purify Islamic society by cleansing it of all Muslim practices not in keeping with the Qur» an, the very utterances of Allah.
A voiceless beast of burden, making utterance with the voice of a man, hindered the prophet's mad course.
If you have «miracles» on the menu and prophetic utterances (i.e. competing with the psychic hotlines and HDTV), personal growth (read gospel flavoured new age narcissism) and groovy music it gives you an edge over the poor guy next door (read your competition — i.e. the small potatoes pastor who has even less than you) and you will drive a better car and be considered a man of G - d but only if you are successful (i.e. attract crowds) otherwise you are a loser whether you have a shepherd's heart or not.
Again, wrenching pulpit out of context may make it into a kind of barricade, so that utterances from behind it are impenetrable to criticism except by God, who has, with this kind of performance, undoubtedly slept through the whole thing and is too bored to criticize.
By «God» I mean the pervasive personal presence, distinct from me and prior to me, who is the source and support of my existence; who through Scripture makes me realize that he has towards me the nature and name of love - holy, lordly, costly, fatherly, redeeming love; who addresses me, really though indirectly, in all that Scripture shows of his relationship to human beings in history, and especially in the recorded utterances of his Son, Jesus Christ; and who is daily drawing me towards a face - to - face encounter and consummated communion with him beyond this life, by virtue of «the redemption which is in Christ Jesus» (Rom.
Well did Kant, in one of his best utterances, declare his awe for the starry» skies, together with the ethical principles by which we, and any other comparably thoughtful animals, should live.
(I say this in spite of the monistic utterances of many mind - cure writers; for these utterances are really inconsistent with their attitude towards disease, and can easily be shown not to be logically involved in the experiences of union with a higher Presence with which they connect themselves.
Now, obviously, much more originated with Amos than what is brought down to us as prophetic utterance under his name in the canon; and in what we have there is reflected the unmistakable attribution to Yahweh of the prophet's own sense of compassion.
The understanding of historical judgment as positive in divine purpose may well be already implicit in Amos (see 4:6 - 11 and the discussion above) But still in the eighth century, it is most warmly expounded in Hosea (see especially 2:14 - 23; 5:15; 11:11) It is a pervasive if often only implicit element in the utterances of Jeremiah and makes possible that stunning declaration of a new covenant with Israel «after those days» of judgment:
A large proportion of it comes in the form of short, crisp utterances, pungent, often allusive, even cryptic, laden with irony and paradox.
We are meant to believe that these utterances predict the subsequent history of the Jews with such uncanny specificity so as to admit of only a supernatural explanation.
With the prophetic utterance ringing in their ears, «There shall yet be more light,» the Pilgrims sailed for England, where, after abandoning the unseaworthy Speedwell, 101 of them crowded aboard the Mayflower and sailed for America.
It is said that his appearance changed and the style of utterance, which was rhythmic and with a loose pattern of rhyme, was different to his normal speech.
The latter is not part of the meaning of the utterance but has to do with its influence on people.
The latter are those which are understood only to the extent to which one has an affinity or rapport with what the utterance is about.
They represent our most disciplined forms of utterance in dealing with the realities of experience.
It is just here that we are confronted with the — in the best sense of the word — simple desire for truth on the part of our hearers, and nothing is so damaging to the reputation of the theologian as when his utterances produce the effect of parrot - cries which have ceased to be relevant to the hearer's grasp of truth or reality, and therefore so utterly irrelevant to his daily life.
Article 8 of the «Statement of Fundamental Truths» of the General Council of the Assemblies of God states, «The baptism of believers in the Holy Ghost is witnessed by the initial physical sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit of God gives them utterance (Acts 2:4).»
Esselmont says that the founder's utterances «like other divine manifestations, may be divided into two classes, in one of which he writes or speaks simply as a man who has been charged by God with a message to his fellows, while in the other class the words purport to be the direct utterance of God himself.»
We had already noted that the miracle of tongues dramatized in this passage in Acts involved the disciples speaking known languages rather than the ecstatic utterances usually associated with glossolalia.
The extent to which men of this generation are absorbed with themselves and permit that absorption to filter the accumulated masses of human experience and utterance is a formidable fact in teaching and in preaching.
Does it «begin» with the first utterances and gestures which move worshippers toward the «wholly other» or does it «begin» when the Holy breaks into the mundane?
Having passed beyond the boundaries of the utterable, and having thereby lost the privilege of utterance, they can no longer bore the living with tedious inventories of regrets or, worse, burden them with the fruits of hard - won wisdom.
We have had occasion to refer to the poetry of the Old Testament, for it appears mixed in with the history, and many of the most vivid prophetic utterances are poems.
But Whitehead also said that the world and God are not identical; and I should interpret this utterance, along with others by him, to mean that there is in the divine life an exhaustibility which makes possible the wonderful novelty which the created order manifests, disclosing what Gerard Manley Hopkins named «the dearest freshness deep down things».
It appears that some of these «super spiritual» leaders were speaking with ecstatic utterances and in the process, saying things like «Jesus is accursed.»
Evidently it was quoted often, with or without a setting, and was felt to be a difficult but inescapable utterance of Jesus.
The only appropriate response to ultimate concern is «with infinite passion» or, if you will, «with all your heart and soul and mind and strength»: no more emphatic utterance is to be found in all scripture.
Come ye all to the glory of paradise that awaits you — with just that one utterance.
Some of them spoke with strange, unintelligible utterances, most practiced faith healing, and all advocated a rigorous moral life.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Using examples from mythology, Scripture, theology, and philosophy, Rollins shows how mankind has long been interested in speaking of God in these terms, to the point that «instead of thinking about our understanding of God as a poetic utterance arising from an encounter with God, it was thought that our understanding of God directly matched up with the very nature of God.
The standpoint of national religion appears in the utterances in which God's interests are identified with those of the people, when for example Israel's war is assumed to be God's war, Israel's honor God's honor, Israel's country God's country.
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