Sentences with phrase «with vibrato»

You hear (and feel) every cylinder pulse thudding from the stubby side - exit pipes, overlaid with the vibrato whine from the supercharger so that you feel like you're right amongst the gnashing components.
«We were very excited to find that distantly related mammal species appear to produce calls with vibrato - like pitch modulation in order to improve the perception of important information encoded by formants,» Charlton says.

Not exact matches

On those black Gibson ES - 355 guitars, both acoustic and electric, King amazed audiences with his signature style - «single - string runs punctuated by loud chords, subtle vibratos, and bent notes, building on the standard 12 - bar blues and improvising like a jazz master,» as the AP describes it.
TIREDNESS The fatigue cry is a wailing sound with a definite vibrato.
They found that they were able to play it with little practice, triggering incorrect vibrato only 9 per cent of the time.
The researchers also found that mammals modulate the vibrato in these calls over greater frequency extents when the number of harmonic overtones per formant is low, suggesting that it's used as a mechanism to improve formant perception in calls with low spectral density.
All of them produce calls with rapid, vibrato - like fundamental frequency modulation — commonly known as bleats or trills.
She'll end with a lesson, to inspire intention, to transmit the wisdom with full vibrato.
Carrie Underwood belts live with so much power, brightness, and vibrato - which is obviously different from Julie Andrews's graceful soprano, but not BAD per se.
He's a stage - musical veteran (The Boy from Oz), with a good vibrato - heavy baritone.
As Cosette, Seyfried trills with a lovely vibrato, but she's saddled with one of the more underwritten characters.
Their respective parents (Hugh Jackman and Maria Bello, Terrence Howard and Viola Davis) search for them with escalating alarm, but it is clear — both from the creepy camper that had been parked on street and from the menacing vibrato of the soundtrack — that Something Horrible Has Happened.
With a talking raccoon voiced by Bradley Cooper and a talking tree courtesy of Vin Diesel's gravely vibrato, this is surely the most risky endeavor Marvel has taken in quite some time and, hopefully, will be a welcome break from the monotony of their core Avengers films.
The Control Stick as well as the Z and R Buttons can be used to change the pitch of the notes, with the exception of tilting the Control Stick left or right, which causes Link to use vibrato on the Ocarina, which has no specific usage in - game.
The lines have the continuous effect of notes of music, flowing from one to the next with impressive vibrato, rather than of hard lines of text.
Delivered with absurdity, affection, and feminist vibrato, Dufresne presents figurative articulations that feverously emerge out of the paint.
Like the Seaboard Rise, the apps 3D Touch feature allows users to shift the pitch by pressing harder, or create vibrato with just a finger wiggle, however, you'll need to be using the app on a newer iPhone with 3D Touch to utilize these attributes.
She hummed old hymns with a fancy vibrato while tidying up her home, counted her blessings all day long, stocked her pantry early in the fall to provide for her family during the long cold winter, quilted by firelight, cherished her Bible which was well - worn and underlined, was nicknamed «Honeybelle» by her groom of 62 years.
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