Sentences with phrase «with vision issues»

The extra large screen might be appealing to people with vision issues, who need to increase the size of the fonts.
His team discovered that astronauts with vision issues had biochemical differences before ever leaving Earth as compared to astronauts without vision issues, and subsequently documented that this was evidence of a genetic predisposition for some astronauts to develop vision and eye issues.
We also get a sense from the background of this scene just who is in Wakanda assisting with the Vision issue.
Cats with vision issues should be limited to the indoors only, as they are at risk for injury due to the inability to see oncoming vehicles or other objects.
«Full eye examinations, particularly in children with vision issues, may be a tool for parents and educators to assist children who are found to have difficulty reading,» added Christian.
Of course I'm just guessing but my guess is they did this in response to Teleread and David Rothman's complaint that the lack of a bold font made the Kindle less accessible to people with vision issues.
Also, as with its VoiceOver implementation (don't tell Writer's Guild) the Kindle app ignores publisher TTS - restrictions (this is appropriate, as these are Accessibility features, and people with vision issues should take precedence).
The combo will also likely be big plus for those with vision issues.
Sweet Buffy, at 10 years old & with vision issues, might be considered less adoptable than the spunky young dogs.
That can be an issue for those with vision issues, as it's a bit too much to bear.
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