Sentences with phrase «with whole»

Man must enter into this dialogue with his whole being: it must be «an exclusive relationship which shapes all other relations and therefore the whole order of life.»
Secondly, they are not made for the Church so far as it is an exclusive body with a limited membership; but for the Church as «catholic» or universal, ideally identified with the whole human race as «redeemed» through Christ.
«Decision» is here both the current decision about the immediate situation which confronts one and through this the decision with the whole being for God.
The knower, to be sure, must enter with his whole being into what he knows; he must bring unabridged into the act of knowing the experience which his binding with the situation presents him.
The ideologues of academia provide us with a whole string of reductionist theories which attempt to comprehend all human phenomena in a single stroke.
Evil is not the result of a decision, for true decision is not partial but is made with the whole soul.
At the very point when man has completely given over his life to the domination of the lifeless mechanism of world process, he can go forth with his whole being to encounter the Thou.
All living with the whole being and with unconstrained force means danger; there is no thing, relation, or event in the world that does not reveal an abyss when it is known, and all thinking threatens to shatter the stability of the thinker.
In the soul which decides with its whole being there is unity of power and direction — the undiminished force of the passionate impulse and the undiverted rectitude of intention.
If the basic purpose of the study of man is defined by the image of man as the creature who becomes what only he can become through confronting reality with his whole being, then the specific branches of that study must also include an understanding of man in this way, and this means not only as an object, but also, to begin with, as a Thou.
But, as Rubin points out, this attempt to create a post-human hunter - gatherer who lives in mystic harmony with the whole remains deeply reliant upon the blessings of civilization, especially the peace secured by the Enlightenment.
It is not an argument with a whole lot of merit.
The answer is that, like Calvin, I theologize in constant dialogue with the whole Christian heritage of study, proclamation, and belief insofar as I can acquaint myself with it.
That shouldn't be a discouragement to watching this movie with the whole family around Easter.
I believe the above with my whole being.
We share this potential with the whole human family as God's creatures, and where abundant life is not possible, it is a loss we each share.
Why would God create a universe around us with whole galaxies thousands of light years away?
I believe that with my whole heart.
There never was a time in History that atheists exist, only in this present stage of our intellectual developement that they deny His exisrence, but it can be easily explained that they are just part of the dialectical process of having to have two opposing arguments or forces to arrive to the truth, The opposing forces today are the theists or religious believers of all religions and the other are the atheists who denies religion, The reslultant truth in the future will be Panthrotheism, the belief that we are all one with the whole universe with God, and that we Had all to unite to prepare for human survival that will subject us humans in the future.Aided by the the enlightend consevationist, environmentalists, humanists and all of the concerned activists, we will develop a kind of universal harmony and awareness that we are all guided towards love and concern for all of our specie.The great concern of the whole conscious and caring world to the natural disaster in the Phillipines,, the most theist country now is a positive sign towards this religious direction.Panthrotheism means we will be One with God.
The one presupposing is you idiot, not me, that's the problem with your whole pathetic argument.
The whole European, American economy falling and will wash out with it the whole nations that depended economically on their currencies the whole world system is falling apart..
And serve Him with a whole heart.
Good luck with that whole «throwing the first stone» thing guys — Fr.
Yup, this world could do with a whole lot less of that kind of fairy tale beliefs!
You have said to me again and again that you are dissatisfied with the whole philosophy of existentialism and that you are privately seeking something that you do not have.»
To carry out this role properly, the magisterium must be in dialogue with the whole church.
An example of ontic power would be the asymmetrical interdependence of the macroscopic features of the act of speaking, including all the dynamic movement of subjectivity towards understanding that goes with the words, with a whole complex of neuronal activity.
We had nothing to do with the whole disturbance.
It would be easy to identify the passages in the book that have caused the most offense: the section dealing with Mahound, which also deals with the whole question of the «satanic verses,» with reference to the well - known verses in the Qur» an (in surahs 53 and 21) that many commentators see as indicating a questionable Islamic monotheist compromise with Meccan polytheism.
The Lausanne conference had two main roots — one in the World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh in the spring of 1910, which revealed how widely on the foreign missionary fields the spirit of federation and unity was operating, and the other in the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the fall of 1910, which called for a commission on a world conference on Faith and Order, having to do with the whole church, at home and abroad.
Gerald J. Pillay applies these insights to the teaching of church history, seeking to overcome the artificial division between church history and general history and thereby to connect the particular with the whole.
But, you kind of brought on my ire with the whole «really tried» thing.
And this means dealing with it as with a whole endowed with irreducible properties.
Everybody must come to terms in some fashion with the whole sweep of human concerns.
He loves me with an everlasting love and I love Him with my whole heart, soul and mind.
In the process we split our minds from our bodies and our bodies from the world, and we lose touch with a whole domain of sensual and intuitive knowledge.
As I have been struggling with the whole idea of what church really is... I find that your writings in this area the most applicable to my station in life.
Careful readers of early Genesis are left with a whole range of questions about Adam, Eve and the origin of humanity: Why?
This is how we should cry out for God: with our whole beings.
But I guess one great thing about America is the freedom to shout at the top of your lungs an ideal that someone else would fight against with their whole soul.
People tend to be connected with subgroups rather than with the whole faith community.
Because the information and entertainment industries serve to consolidate those same structures, in which the voice of the people is not listened to and is often silenced, in which we have to demystify media power, and in which it is necessary to work with the whole community to create structures that allow the right to communication to be expressed in all its fullness.
Whitehead's educational theory is grounded in his philosophy of organism, or an organic understanding of how every part fits with the whole.
Last summer, the company launched Apple Music, a service similar to Spotify except with a whole lot more of Taylor Swift.
But you who have been called out of darkness into the light are expected to believe with a whole heart; your faith shall dominate the combined attitudes of body, mind, and spirit.
Love God with your whole heart whole mind and whole soul and love your neighbor as you love yourself.
But learning to parent with one person in the picture is hard; learning to parent with a whole other set of parents and family is harder.
I solicited advice on Facebook, which included several gentle reminders not to try too hard with the whole relevance thing; they can see through that.
The proportion of black prisoners is extraordinary, and recently with the whole question of Florida, the number of black voters who are actually disenfran chised in a number of ways is quite eloquent, I think, as to what's going on in your country.»
There is a rift with her beloved maternal grandparents, and with the whole scandalized, God - fearing community.
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