Sentences with phrase «within average weight»

Not exact matches

(a) Staff assessment (b) Annualised over two years (most projects scheduled to commence production within two years)(c) Annualised over three years (most projects scheduled to commence production within three years)(d) Weighted average based on 2003/04 prices; total also includes copper, nickel, lead and zinc
A: The pay - for - performance model measures the company's weighted average executive compensation percentile rank for its top five executive officers against the company's weighted average performance percentile rank within a group of 15 peer companies.
Placenta: The organ within the pregnant uterus through which the fetus derives its nourishment, at term, it averages one - sixth the weight of the fetus; is disk - shaped, about two and a half centimeters thick, and seventeen and a half centimeters in diameter.
The rating is based on the average of all their polls done within 5 days of the last general election, and the previous election carries more weight that than the one before that.
But long story short, I gained 50 pounds in the end but had a healthy natural birth to a healthy, average sized baby (7.5 pounds) and had no problems breast feeding and returned to my pre-pregnancy weight within 9 months without even trying.
You might not be able to be quite as relaxed as when massing — you want to stay within a few pounds of your weight on average — but, knowing that your weight can remain stable, it makes sense to enjoy some of the foods that you really love.
Domestic: Shipping within Australia is via Parcel Post (average delivery time of 5 - 6 business days) and is approximately $ 10 - 15, depending on weight and location.
A study performed by the California Policy Center revealed that Alliance schools have a 91.5 percent graduation rate compared to LAUSD's 84.1 percent weighted average at schools within the same neighborhoods.
To form the groups, we weighted each school within the state based on the number of borrowers included in the average debt and default rate calculations.
There are a variety of variations that can be applied to this portfolio (moving averages, momentum, risk - parity weighting, additional holdings within each asset class, etc.).
The average 60 - month buy - and - hold raw return is 254 percent with equal weighting within the NCAV / MV portfolio and 216 percent with value weighting, which are much higher than market indices of only 137 percent and 108 percent.
Even more interesting is that the annual return of the average stock within the benchmark was 23.3 %, represented by the S&P Europe 350 Equal Weight Index.
It represents a well - diversified, weighted average of 50 of the most profitable Indian company stocks within 12 sectors.
Finally, in Figure 4, we average the sector and country contributions by market - capitalisation weighting (solid lines) and equally weighting (dashed lines) each constituent within the MSCI World Index [4].
The Bond Fund Interest Rate Sensitivity Illustrator also allows you to hypothetically add or remove funds from your portfolio to see the estimated impact on the portfolio's Weighted Average Duration and value within the 1 % rate change limit.
And its portfolio is far older, with a weighted average age of 92 yrs & a 4 yr LE, leaving the old dears with v little room for error... After a $ 10 million policy windfall in just 5 months, TLI's got another $ 122 million (# 84 million) of maturities ahead (primarily, within 1.5 - 5.5 yrs)-- albeit, premiums will cost $ 8.8 million pa.
If I took the 1200 + tide gauges in the PSMSL RLR dataset, I could give you almost any GMSL trend you ask for (within reason) through selective editing of the tide gauges and using a simple (weighted) average.
Raw land temperatures were calculated by assigning each station to a 5 × 5 latitude / longitude grid box, converting station temperatures into anomalies relative to a 1971 - 2000 baseline period, averaging all the anomalies within each grid box for each month, and averaging all grid boxes for each month weighted by the land area within each grid box.
When multiple stations are located within 1200 km of the centre of a grid point, the value calculated is the weighted average of their individual anomolies.
Average Weighted Price (Month): The Hourly Ontario Energy Price weighted by the amount of electricity used throughout the province within each hour, with adjuWeighted Price (Month): The Hourly Ontario Energy Price weighted by the amount of electricity used throughout the province within each hour, with adjuweighted by the amount of electricity used throughout the province within each hour, with adjustments.
Rather than dealing with trends, instead we ask how much has the TLT satellite brightness temperature vertically relative weighted average changed in absolute levels, compared to what we'd find year to year or within groups of years.
Essentially, each grid point observation in the GISTEMP analysis is a distance - weighted average of the station data within 1200 km.
C **** The spatial averaging is done as follows: C **** Stations within RCRIT km of the grid point P contribute C **** to the mean at P with weight 1.
Annual and seasonal average temperatures are weighted using the shares of each region's land area within each grid cell; estimates of days above 95F and below 32F are weighted using the shares of each region's population within each grid cell.
To calculate U.S. temperatures for each, I convert the temperature data into anomalies relative to a 2005 - 2013 baseline period, assign stations to 2.5 × 3.5 lat / lon grid - cells, average all the anomalies within each grid - cell for each month, and create a contiguous U.S. temperature by weighting each grid - cell by its respective land area.
LA Weight Loss (Grand Rapids, MI) 2002 — 2003 Sales Manager • Held responsibility of marketing weight loss programs to new and current clients, earning a promotion within three months to Sales Manager due to excellent customer relation abilities, prospecting techniques, and closing success • Grew average weekly revenue of billable client plans by 35 % LYTD, exceeding sales goals and quotas for position • Earned recognition as top sales associate for highest monthly sales growth in a given period in franchise hWeight Loss (Grand Rapids, MI) 2002 — 2003 Sales Manager • Held responsibility of marketing weight loss programs to new and current clients, earning a promotion within three months to Sales Manager due to excellent customer relation abilities, prospecting techniques, and closing success • Grew average weekly revenue of billable client plans by 35 % LYTD, exceeding sales goals and quotas for position • Earned recognition as top sales associate for highest monthly sales growth in a given period in franchise hweight loss programs to new and current clients, earning a promotion within three months to Sales Manager due to excellent customer relation abilities, prospecting techniques, and closing success • Grew average weekly revenue of billable client plans by 35 % LYTD, exceeding sales goals and quotas for position • Earned recognition as top sales associate for highest monthly sales growth in a given period in franchise history
I challenge you to provide the following analysis, which I am able to produce within 5 minutes based upon the 18,000 record database that I created in order to write this post: For all closings in Chicago during 2011 where the listing agent's last name began with the letters A - L calculate the weighted average selling price to list price ratio by month, weighted by list price.
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