Sentences with phrase «within evangelical»

One step forward, one step back: «Progressive traditionalism» and the negotiation of domestic labor within Evangelical families.
Alabama About Blog Welcome to Tactical Faith, where our mission is to advance apologetic and theological learning within the evangelical community through financial assistance and consulting.
The debate continues within evangelical circles regarding acceptance of gay marriage.
Yes, online dating can help singles find «like - minded» believers more readily, and evangelicals should unapologetically affirm that marrying a spouse who's within the evangelical (or at least orthodox Christian) fold is a must.
But I've noticed something about evangelical story - telling that is worth reflecting on: within evangelical America, not all stories are created equal.
McLaren suggests that evangelical «A-listers» like Pat Robertson and James Dobson are part of an «outgoing tide» being replaced by a more progressive movement within the evangelical community.
Similarly, when a group of Christians in the Asian American community recently released a letter detailing some of their concerns about common stereotypes and prejudices within the evangelical community, I saw many on social media critique this action as «divisive» and «harmful to Christian unity.»
Here's an equation that outlines some of the problems that we find within the Evangelical church as it relates to this abuse.
There is a medium - sized theological brouhaha stirring within the evangelical academy these days, and, unlike some of the other intra-evangelical debates of recent years, this one is about something really important: God.
In doing so, the magic of story - telling will bind us together, so much so that we take on the perspectives and burdens of the oppressed, subvert the unjust power structures within evangelical America and extend the kingdom of God.
My hope and prayer is that as denominational leaders begin to understand the prevalence of abuse within the Evangelical community, many will be propelled to begin taking significant steps to influence substantive changes at both a national and local level.
The phrase in vogue at the time within evangelical discussions regarding the doctrine of Scripture was the term verbal inspiration.»
Such was the devotion ascending last semester from within the Evangelical bastion of Wheaton, Illinois.
For their part, evangelicals need to recognize the diversity within evangelical thought in order to avoid narrowing the evangelical tradition in a way that loses its vitality.
Within the evangelical world, there exists both a deeper chasm and a deeper continuity, which we need to grasp.
One of the great problems within the evangelical culture is a repudiation of the arts in general - more specifically, the failure to employ the arts in worship.
Being aware of the diversity present within evangelical theology will help process theologians recognize that there is a basis for discussion even though many evangelicals reject process theology.
Through the vitality perceived within evangelical programs, a viewer who is dissatisfied with the functioning of his present church may come to associate vitality with evangelical churches as a whole.
The prevalent rejection of an objectively authoritative Scripture is countered by irresponsible polemic; instead of finding a communist under every bed it charts an enemy list within every evangelical enterprise.
(Neglect of these matters within our evangelical seminaries and churches have weakened worship and the message it conveys.
The chasm created by this history within evangelical groups that define their existence in terms of the Fundamentalist - Modernist controversy will continue to cause folks like Piper to be cautious about what Lecrae and Tisby are doing.
To me, it's more a symptom of a larger condition within Evangelical church thought and practices, which is why, as Herd Evans points out, you hear 40 - somethings, retirees, etc., resonating with the frustration as well.
As someone who was raised within the evangelical camp (not strictly fundamentalist, however), and now lives anew within the broader Christian church (the only true church, the Body of Christ, whose members strive to follow Jesus in Spirit and in truth), I can surely appreciate what Hugh, Tara and Jeannie are talking about.
So how do we know what is true when there are conflicting voices from people who command our respect within the evangelical constituency?
shown, the values of the other side are growing within evangelical Protestantism in exact measure as its members become better educated and upwardly mobile.
Miller astutely positions Fosdick within the evangelical tradition and repeatedly calls him an «evangelical liberal,» but the concept is never precisely defined.
When you read the narrative, what Balmer means by Religious Right is really a coalition of leaders and organizations within the evangelical world who have sought to organize evangelical voters along a particular set of issues.
First, the Religious Right has always been a sub-culture of leaders and organizations, committed to a particular political agenda, within the evangelical movement.
The report found that 41 percent of self - identified evangelicals fall outside the new definition of evangelical belief, and 21 percent of those who disavow the evangelical label have beliefs that actually fall within the evangelical definition, reports Facts & Trends.
These organizations generally do not function as denominational entities within the evangelical world and thus, strictly speaking, are not the visible church.
Many people, including some disillusioned former members of mainline churches, found these answers within the evangelical churches.
· A schismatic shift has occurred in the charismatic group within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Similar (though different in appearance) is the search within evangelical theology, where internal debate has to do with just this issue of identity / integrity - the authority and interpretation of the Bible.
I have just recently spoken to a prominient leader within the evangelical community in Scotland about such and his use of rhetoric, and misrepresentation of others and their views by straw man arguments.
Other church groups, both within the evangelical movement and outside it (the African indigenous churches come to mind), are simply apolitical.
At another level, Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory reflects Balmer's attempts to come to grips with the meaning of his own fundamentalist past and to identify «those kernels of truth and insight into the human condition» that he suspects are embedded within the evangelical message but that have become distorted by consumerism and other corrosive elements of American culture.
What is perhaps most frustrating about engaging in such conversations within the evangelical community in particular, however, is that differences regarding things like Calvinism and Arminianism, baptism, heaven and hell, gender roles, homosexuality, and atonement theories often disintegrate into harsh accusations in which we question one another's commitment to Scripture.
Arise exists to encourage the next generation of female church leaders within the evangelical group of churches.
The claim of Biblical authority stands central within evangelical theology.
In sketching a cross section of current approaches to social ethics within the evangelical church, numerous approaches are possible.
Such a threat to the vitality and integrity of the church's faith and life is discernible within the evangelical community today.
Reaction to the Council has shown the deep - seated differences within the evangelical community.
Moreover, problems within evangelical hermeneutics have become apparent in two areas: (1) the issue of «culture,» and (2) the tendency toward inconsistency.
It also depends on the willingness of those within the evangelical church to reassess and reinterpret their cherished ethical positions in dialogue with fellow evangelicals whose differing theological traditions push them in new directions.
Seen in this light, the differing formulations of social ethics within the evangelical community are highly predictable, as predictable as the clashing once was between Richard Nixon and Pat Brown.
Again, the important task of adjudicating differences of opinion on other theological issues within the evangelical community is being largely preempted (recent meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society, for example, have often become one - topic convocations).
This book is a plea on two fronts: First, for an irenic and loving spirit within the evangelical community as controversies are debated.
Sinkinson now teaches within an evangelical college setting.
In recent years, he has been outspoken in his opposition within the Evangelical Church in Germany to any approval of homosexual relations.
No attempt will be made to locate a group precisely within the evangelical or fundamentalist distinctions except to serve a particular purpose,
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