Sentences with phrase «within organized religion»

Your Sophia picture illustrates this so well, but also speaks deeply on another level, of the bondage of women by various means, withing relationships, within organized religion, but also within society at large.
And by implication, the date point to a hypocrisy deeply embedded within organized religion as a social institution.
«God has no place within these walls, just like facts don't have a place within an organized religion
The leaders within organized religions have made people believe in images of angry gods demanding all sorts of sacrifices «as no one can live up to what that image wants of us».
It means that there will always be a need within organized religions, and in spite of organized religions, for the heretical and the heterodox, always a need for people like me to close their remarks and listen carefully to what others have to say.

Not exact matches

If you mean the latter, well: 1) Ethical and moral scandals within organized / traditional religions 2) Growing access to material and information outside of the «given» religious models of the traditional Christianity they were likely born to.
There are many inside church leadership that are seeking to create the right conversation on what must happen within «organized religion» to create a compelling attraction for this group of adults.
God has no place within these walls, just as facts have no place in organized religion
If you can find yours within the structure of an organized religion, fine.
True, not every organized religion does this, nor even every congregation within any individual church, but they are - to put it mildly - not places were one is encouraged to question the official stance.
Jesus answered that «it is good for us to fulfill righteousness,» therefore supporting the notion that organized religion has a strong place within Christianity.
While the works don't particularly draw from the imagery of organized religion, there is an aspect of Catholicism that is echoed within Ms. Antoni's milky spot lit objects.
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