Sentences with phrase «within the climate science community»

A growing chorus within the climate science community considers this an understatement, because it attempts to measure methane's relative potency over 100 years.
The empirical evidence continues to build within the climate science community that the world is experiencing some type of global cooling phase as a result of natural climate change forces.
Unfortunately for this option, we have recently learned (through the kind intervention of Nielsen - Gammon here), that, even in the case of open review comments, ethical standards within the climate science community forbid speculation on the identity of Reviewer # 2 (except in private).
«Unfortunately for this option, we have recently learned (through the kind intervention of Nielsen - Gammon here), that, even in the case of open review comments, ethical standards within the climate science community forbid speculation on the identity of Reviewer # 2»
Readers of this blog should realize that Judy Curry has been (undeservedly) criticized within the climate science community for inviting me to Georgia Tech.
Now, the AGW partisans tell me in no uncertain terms that Mann's hockey stick is universally accepted as confirmed fact within the climate science community; and furthermore, that Mann's past work on the hockey stick meets all generally - accepted standards for rigor and professionalism in the pursuit of scientific research.
Further adding to the divide within the climate science community is the fact that many of the climate models that Trenberth and others often use do not show the sorts of changes in the jet stream that the new study and others like it have pointed to, including the more frequently stagnated or «blocked» weather patterns that Francis cited.
The Global Warming Policy Foundation released a press release titled, «Lennart Bengtsson Resigns: GWPF voices shock and concern at the extent of intolerance within the climate science community
``... ethical standards within the climate science community... > Isn't that a questionnable description given what was revealed by the leak from the CRU of EAU about key «scientists» and the behaviour of some «scientists» in conferences and media appearances?
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