Sentences with phrase «within the conference»

We saw a multitude of messaging angles on each major issue within the conference.
As a «normal» transfer it's typical to block transfers within a conference / division.
If there is a silly season within conference season, it is surely within Lib Dem conference.
At this point why even have divisions and not just have equal number of games within conference?
He is now stronger within his conference than at any time since he became speaker in 2015.
It is a regular practice to move pastors around from church to church within the conference / region every few years.
If the leadership's staff can arrange for a ban on the sale of champagne within the conference perimeter, they should issue the order without delay.
These are usually offered within a conference or larger professional development event.
Heastie, nevertheless, said he is sticking to requiring the bill gain majority support within his conference before being allowed on the floor for a vote in the full chamber, where supporters say it would likely pass.
Save the Date: The College Art Association's Annual Conference takes place at the New York Hilton, Wednesday, February 13, through Saturday, February 16, and artists should be aware that ArtSpace, a mini conference within the conference, is free and open to the public.
5Dimes has the odds of a national champion coming from within the conference at +420.
Researchers from the Climate Action Tracker who were crunching numbers within the conference halls said the pledges set the world on track for 3.2 °C warming.
For a limited time only we will be offering potential exhibitors the chance of a 20 minute technical presentation slot within the conference, delivered to all visitors at the 2017 Tea & Coffee World Cup in Singapore.
In the end, Skelos resigned from the majority leader's post, with an election for his replacement exposing a rift within the conference along upstate - downstate lines.
In a somewhat chaotic Tuesday news conference — in which Heastie took just three questions before departing, then returned after protests from reporters — the new speaker answered most questions on specific issues by saying that they would be the subject of future discussions within the conference.
«It's an open wound within our conference right now,» Congressman Chris Collins (R - NY) told reporters after the weekly House Republican conference.
«It's an open wound within our conference right now,» Rep. Chris Collins said of the American Health Care Act's demise.
«When this happened in within our conference a couple of years ago with the case of Malcolm Smith, we moved swiftly,» Klein said.
Guest rooms conveniently stationed within the conference center itself; 25,000 feet of meeting space available...
Key stream within the conference include: Health & Leisure, Tourism for Social Change, Sport for Development, Disability and Leisure as well as Humans, Animals and Leisure.
Keep up to date with what is happening within the conference and event market in the Great Lake Taupo region.
Heastie briefed his conference on potential frameworks for agreements with the governor and Senate Republicans, but was yet to reach consensus within the conference on moving forward with a specific plan.
Tea & Coffee World Cup is pleased to announce that Fairtrade International will be bringing two very special speakers to present keynotes within the conference this September.
More recently, 5Dimes posted odds to win divisions within conferences.
Given that nothing particularly unusual happened in the Pac - 12 this weekend, the movement within the conference has been pretty drastic.
Texas plummeted in 2010 and has spent the last seven seasons playing at an almost perfectly average level within the conference.
Best won - lost - tied percentage in games played within the conference.
Philly also had the fourth - best net rating in the NBA, again only trailing Toronto within the conference.
But the wage debate opened fissures within the conference that were first exposed last year, Dean Skelos stepped down as majority leader and was replaced by a fellow Long Island lawmaker, John Flanagan.
«I think that's why he put up that big projection, but to be the credible even within his conference, it's got to be within the ballpark.
The other thought is that Flanagan could face a rebellion within the conference, and if they lose that Skelos seat to Democrat Todd Kaminsky next month his days as leader could be numbered.
And though this could be seen as another sign of a fractious Democratic conference in the state Senate, Diaz has always been considered something of an outlier within the conference, frequently taking positions at odds with his colleagues.
Despite a year of sexual harassment scandals within his conference, money laundering charges against a close ally and more questions about his $ 350,000 salary from a major plaintiffs firm, there's no sign Silver is heading anywhere.
ALBANY — Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, facing a rare public rebuke from within his conference over his handling of a sexual - harassment case, proposed changes to the chamber's policies on such cases, while also offering an emotional defense of his leadership.
Indeed, Silver's ability to manage the various interests and conflicts while also proving to be an effective advocate in the budget talks within the conference helped him stay speaker for 21 years, felled only by a corruption scandal.
The process to reach a longer - term agreement within the conference hasn't been quick, DeFrancisco said.
But McLaughlin said the push to delay the vote isn't aimed at staging a leadership coup within the conference against Kolb, who has led the Assembly GOP since 2009.
But the rows of empty seats within the conference hall showed how many Corbyn opponents had chosen not to turn up to witness his inevitable victory.
«The mood within our conference is very tense; it's going to take awhile.»
· Determining leadership based on seniority within the conference relegates far too many energetic members to the sidelines and diminishes their role and vision.
Latimer said individuals within conferences often have differences of opinion certain issues.
Collectively, we must as a body not only choose a new Speaker — we must double down and reshape and reform our decision making process within our conference so that more members are heard and points and ideas are exchanged before conclusions are reached on the issues of the day.
«I understand there are political dynamics within the conference.
The indication from the IDC has been that the chaos in the chamber hasn't been blamed on one person, though, but an institutional dysfunction within the conference itself.
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