Sentences with phrase «within the next couple months»

Nothing huge will be announced, as they want all the spotlight on their games being released within the next couple months.
We'll see soon when they make their stock available within the next couple months.
Wow... I'm being traditionally published within the next couple months, and all I have to say is, this scares me.
Secondly, a meeting will occur within the next couple months with the leaders of the other codes (i.e., plumbing and electrical) that may be impacted by the decision.
Nothing huge will be announced, as they want all the spotlight on their games being released within the next couple months.
First, please know I currently live in West Virginia but am moving within the next couple months.
We should be seeing this device launching sometime within the next couple months as JK Shin's confirmed that it's still on course for a Q3 launch.
In other news, Kayla and Jessey are planning on starting some in home training within the next couple months.
Ford is due to deliver their new Focus Electric within the next couple months to showroom floors.
For the purpose of this article, let's go into it from the perspective of someone dead set on buying a new iPhone within the next couple months.
Sharing such files will soon be «zero knowledge,» too, as the company prepares to roll out Crypton, its open source app - building framework, which will be publicly available within the next couple months.
honestly with Dark Souls 3, Uncharted 4, no man sky all set to release within the next couple months, i do nt need any more triple AAA games right now.
Also, another Kindle is likely coming out within the next couple months.
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