Sentences with phrase «without consultation»

These amendments are being made without any consultation with the legal profession, or any awareness of the effect they will have on accident victims and their access to justice.
This site includes general information that may or may not apply to your particular needs; no action steps should be taken without the consultation of your medical team.
This was done without any consultations with the provinces.
In fact most major fiscal actions have been taken without consultation.
They said they were subjected to environmental and ecological policies without consultation about what they thought and what was appropriate for their cultural views.
Usually, an attorney can answer the person's questions initially without a consultation fee.
If you know exactly what you need, and you want to take care of it online without a consultation, we've made that process more efficient, as well.
In other ways it was accepted that the power of the executive to act without consultation should be diluted.
He is not to be a king giving orders without consultation, nor a hired man performing only such functions as the community votes.
Not without the consultation of our quality control department.
We need to have these discussions in advance and nothing happens in the north without consultation as it is often mandated to consult with communities.
And second, if it is so good for members and in their best interest — why was it submitted without consultation?
This article is not tax, legal, or other professional advice and can not be relied upon for any purpose without consultation and advice from a retained professional.
I would fear a lot of salespeople would let this clause slip through without consultation with the brokerage or a lawyer.
They try to come up with an investment scheme without consultation and lose money or become tied to a bad investment.
«It appears as of this time the school system out there acted on their own, without consultation with local law enforcement authorities,» he said.
In fact, in the past most major fiscal actions have been taken without consultation.
If you know exactly what you need, and you want to take care of it online without a consultation, we've made that process more efficient, as well.
Since then, there has been a substantial shift in ATG's management structure — much of which was done without any consultation from the department's original leadership — that put a number of Otto's team at the top of the hierarchy, with demotions for some of those who started with ATG.
Not only did he not give my letter the courtesy of a reply, he proceeded to announce the appointments without consultation on board concurrence.
He was also accused of engaging in «unilateral actions and activities without consultation of, or authorization by the NEC [National Executive Council].»
NOTE: If your baby is suffering from cold / cough for more than 2 - 3 days, consult a doctor and do not try any medicines without consultation for babies below 6 months of age as it can be harmful.
The governors and their friends either individually or collectively have arrogated to themselves the right to represent the Ibo people in going concern issues relative to Nigerian without consultation.
However, Acting Chairman Piwowar is now directing the SEC to develop recommendations for «future Commission action,» which appears to have been decided unilaterally without consultation with the other SEC Commissioner, Kara Stein.
«The scale and injustice of these attacks, announced by the government without consultation and sometimes simply imposed, means our national executive committee is unanimously recommending a ballot for strike action.
Trump reportedly did so without consultation with his staff, and the White House already appeared to backtrack from its commitment on Friday.
Even their pathetic targets are plucked out of thin air, created without consultation and without evidence,» said Donaldson.
At present the bishops are contemplating changes in the Mass without any consultation with the priests or faithful who will be affected: another example of a lack of accountability.
We know, because of those who somehow escape, usually as a result of their relatives» horrified intervention (that is also how we know how often old people are put on the death list without consultation).
Some Westminster systems have chosen «definitions revolving around the monetary value of the contract», for example, and «many have codified the level of appointment [permitted without consultation during the caretaker period] with precision».
He accused Bugri Naabu for allegedly removing and replacing members of both the Regional Council of Patrons and Elders without any consultation.
«The government decided unilaterally to impose austerity measures without consultation, and public workers have not been paid for months.
One Conservative MP said: «The deal was done by Gordon Brown without any consultation.
Whether or not those two parties like it, or even accept it, the electorate tends to believe, rightly or wrongly, that the EU is an illiberal institution leaching away sovereignty and imposing laws and institutions without consultation and against which citizens feel they have little, if any, power to challenge.
NHS hospitals could go bust, face fines of up to ten per cent of their turnover and face shutdown without any consultation; patients could suffer as hospitals prioritise those who can afford to pay; and, most interestingly, new powers could hand GP the right to charge for services.
«Ernesto Yeboah always come to the Jomoro constituency to meet party members without any consultation from the entire executives but only move with the constituency youth organizer Evans Enbiah»
But Straw said that Labour should consider reopening the Falkirk investigation which was suspended after witnesses withdrew statements that they had been signed up as Labour party members in Falkirk without any consultation.
The clerics disagreed with the insinuation making the rounds that Adeleke was killed by some forces within the political circle, saying only God, who created souls, can take them as He pleases without consultation with anyone.
He said, «Some of Secondus supporters were sent by the party leadership to conduct congresses to produce delegates for the December 9 national convention without any consultation whatsoever with other aspirants
Yet the County Executive and the County Legislature think it's a dandy idea to put your tax money into another pavilion for pop music without any consultation with the arts community, or the community at large, as to how cultural investment dollars should be spent.
He reports that stress is exacerbated when processes, such as organizational change exist in a cloud of ambiguity and uncertainty, when those processes are undertaken without consultation with employees, and when changes are either miscommunicated or not communicated at all.
GENERAL SAFETY INFO: Do not take any oils internally without consultation from a qualified aromatherapy practitioner first.
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