Sentences with phrase «without court intervention»

However, their expertise is in resolving conflict without court intervention whenever and wherever possible to save a client time, risk, stress and money.
They commit to treat one another respectfully, to openly and honestly disclose all financial and other information relevant to the issues, and to reach a final settlement agreement without court intervention.
This class offers an opportunity to discover the real meaning of joint custody and what is involved in mediation - the process of resolving disputes without court intervention.
It is designed to encourage mutual exchange of information and a dialogue, resolving differences without court intervention.
All spouses have certain rights, but they're usually not enforceable without court intervention.
When can the parents agree to a modification of child support without court intervention?
Parents may also choose to sign custody agreements without court intervention.
This class offers an opportunity to discover the real meaning of joint custody and what is involved in mediation - the process of resolving disputes without court intervention.
Although Collaborative Practice is a legal process, in the Collaborative Divorce process, the couple and a team of specially trained Collaborative Professionals, including neutral Mental Health and Financial Professionals, as needed, enter into a contract called a tyticipation Agreement wherein they agree to work together to achieve a satisfactory settlement in a cooperative manner without court intervention.
Parents find that it is possible to resolve tough issues without court intervention
With an undergraduate degree in psychology, a doctorate in law and over fifteen hundred hours of training in mediation, collaboration, interest based negotiation, psychology, and communication skills, Rosemarie has limited her law practice primarily to mediation and collaborative divorce law where she facilitates settlements without court intervention.
Firm Value Statement: My Firm is committed to the non-court resolution of family disputes, and assisting couples to end their marriage without court intervention.
These efforts, unlike the controversial busing of the 1960s and 1970s, are implemented without court intervention and allow parents a variety of school choices while still ensuring some degree of racial integration.
While child support payments can be agreed on between parents without court intervention, or determined by a court order, a knowledgeable Prince William County child support lawyer can explain how the amount should be calculated.
Will Connecticut be «the first state to approve [gay and lesbian] civil unions without court intervention»?
When a marriage or a relationship that resulted in children dissolves, and the parents are unable to make a child custody determination without court intervention, the court will make the custodial decision.
For dog bites and other trauma caused by the willful negligence of another person for which resolution can not be achieved without court intervention, you will need to provide strong evidence before the legal system and retain the solid representation of a lawyer.
If you were to become incapacitated, the appointed successor trustee (that you selected) can help you manage your affairs without court intervention.
Although an acknowledgment of paternity by the parents is helpful, this alone does not establish any paternal custodial or visitation rights without court intervention.
At the Law Office of Linda L. Piff, LLC we practice collaborative law and mediation which helps divorcing or separating couples reach amicable solutions without court interventions.
Collaborative Divorce provides a safety net of established protocols and a specially trained team of professionals, allowing parties the opportunity to work together through their divorce or legal separation in a respectful and guided process without court intervention..
Christie Signs Collaborative Family Law Act 14 - Sep - 2014 will allow couples to have a marriage dissolved without court intervention through a process similar to mediation, in which both sides would be required to provide «timely, full and candid disclosure» of relevant information, such as finances, without either side having to resort to discovery.
It is possible to achieve a resolution that prioritizes the highest interests of the entire family without court intervention.
In collaborative law, the client and lawyer work together with the other party and his or her lawyer without court intervention to share information, identify the problems to be resolved, and brainstorm solutions.
As an alternative to taking your divorce to court, mediation can provide you and your spouse the structure and guidance needed to divorce on your own without court intervention.
Spirito: Collaborative law is a process for voluntary dispute resolution in which the parties — the husband and wife — each retain their own attorneys to help resolve their divorce amicably without court intervention.
About Blog Deborah Hope Wayne is a collaborative attorney and mediator who dedicates her professional life to helping people resolve conflict without court intervention.
Collaborative Divorce is a process with established protocols providing an opportunity for parties to work through their divorce or legal separation in a respectful, non-adversarial manner without court intervention.
Many divorcing spouses accomplish this division of property themselves by entering into a settlement agreement without court intervention.
As the largest family law firm in South Bay, our attorneys have the experience, resources, and acumen to you either negotiate a settlement without court intervention or to prepare for trial.
If the parties are unable to make that determination, without court intervention, the court can decide which parent is obligated to pay child support and how much they will pay, if either part is required to do so.
Like most states, Texas favors voluntary settlements in divorce cases, by which divorcing spouses attempt to resolve their conflicts without court intervention, if at all possible.
Donna uses over 20 years of experience to be a strong advocate for her clients, while helping couples resolve their conflicts without court intervention.
It is possible to handle your entire divorce case, (with the exception of the granting of the divorce decree, which must be done by a judge in North Carolina), without court intervention.
The process is private, without any court intervention or public access.
Collaborative Practice is a form of alternative dispute resolution in which the clients and lawyers agree to work toward resolving all of the issues through facilitative negotiation, without court intervention.
However, some spouses can agree on the terms of their divorce for themselves without court intervention.
We pride ourselves on our success at helping the vast majority of our clients reach their own child and financial agreements without any court intervention and at minimum expenditure.
is committed to informing the public about the Collaborative process, assisting people in finding qualified Collaborative Professionals and helping divorcing families resolve differences with dignity and cooperation, without court intervention, while addressing the needs of all family members.
With the help of their collaborative attorneys and sometimes other professionals (such as CPA's or Mental Health Therapists) if necessary, the parties develop a mutually acceptable written resolution of all issues without court intervention.
Using these models, Patricia concentrates on finding ways for her clients to resolve their conflicts without court intervention.
While all of our attorneys are ready to try your case if necessary, most cases are settled by negotiation and without court intervention.
Composed of five collaboratively trained family lawyers, two divorce coaches and a neutral financial specialist, the practice group brings together a highly experienced group of independent professionals who have a proven track record of working together with couples and families to reach cost efficient and respectful solutions — without court intervention.
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