Sentences with phrase «without hurting the feelings»

Nothing is observed without hurting its feelings, after all.
See how we can develop kids without hurting their feeling.
And if you're focusing on the children gua, you could write, «I am patient with my children and always find a way to resolve conflict without hurting their feelings
Over the years, I've learned to say no to her without hurting her feelings or doing damage to my waistline.
You can always say no without hurting their feelings.
Good friends can usually tell you what they find annoying about you, without hurting your feelings, so don't be afraid to ask.
You are even protected from public embarrassment and humiliation of rejecting the other person without hurting any feelings.
This brings girlfriend dating website another thorny question, though How do you girlfriend dating website out without hurting her feelings?
You can help students make realistic self assessments without hurting their feelings if you point out that people are happiest when they work and play in areas of their interests and relative strengths.
The blood that drained from his friends» faces — when he joked that Marian had perfect timing, leaving when she did in order to avoid having to deal with a midlife crisis — slowly resumed its normal course as they began to realize that Ben could only relate to the crushing loss with humor, and so they played along, chuckling on cue when he announced that his wife had found the most original manner in the world to leave a man without hurting his feelings.
Some employers simply use this term to dismiss candidates without hurting their feelings, and some use it to protect themselves from accusations of discrimination.
They will interject if they see a miscommunication or a negative pattern of communication, and help the couple find a better way to talk without hurt feelings.
Couples don't live long with the problems we'll discuss without hurt feelings, resentments, and defensiveness.

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If a young woman entrepreneur hasn't found a market for her product outside of her sorority sisters, Whitehead says, it's crucial to be able to tell her that without worrying about hurting her feelings.
If parents always «step in to solve misunderstandings and soothe hurt feelings,» kids won't learn «how to cope with and resolve conflicts without our intervention,» Lythcott - Haims cautions.
Plus, this is probably the easiest way to sever ties without anyone's feelings getting hurt.
This means saying no without worrying about hurting someone's feelings.
Cancelling the trip would feel good, but is likely to hurt Ontario's economic interests without furthering any human rights goals.
But Claire reminds me, now and then, that it is precisely events like these — well - intentioned educational initiatives that explicitly remove sex from the purview of family and religion — that promote the idea that sex can be engaged in without the consequences of sexually transmitted diseases, hurt feelings, and (by the way) children.
But I can go months, even years without saying a cross word to anyone, hurting anyone's feelings, or behaving in any way that could be considered by Christians as «sinful»... well, not sinful as in causing any harm.
Yes, some of them had coarse language and lives yet they were able to open up, share their hurts, needs, and thoughts without «feeling looked down on».
The growth counselor's function is to help such persons as they work through their resistance to bury a dead relationship; uncouple without infighting so as to avoid further hurt to each other and to their children; agree on a plan for the children that will be best for the children's mental health; work through the ambivalent feelings that usually accompany divorce — guilt, rage, release, resentment, failure, joy, loss — so that each person's infected grief wound can heal; discover what each contributed to the disintegration of their relationship; learn the relationship - building and love - nurturing skills which each will need either to enjoy creative singlehood or to establish a better marriage.
We can not say this «Here I am» and «As I am» without hearing something sigh within us, — something of the feeling of a man who is hailed into police court or thrown into prison, and who now examines his cell, hurt, rebellious, sad, anxious.
Now that my mom is gone I have felt a certain release where I can express who I am without hurting one so special to me.
Barna's report says: «Without some firm and compelling basis for suggesting that such acts are inappropriate, people are left with philosophies such as «if it feels good, do it,» «everyone else is doing it» or «as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, it's permissible.»
Stir in the maple syrup, then let the mixture cool to 110 - 115ºF for proper fermentation, which feels warm to the touch without feeling like the temperature will hurt your finger.
Not only does it take some of the strain off your seemingly always - hurting wallet, but it allows you to customize your bowl exactly how you want it to be, without feeling the judgment of an annoyed employee who does not care that you don't like goji berries.
We've been in such a deep freeze in Chicago, like lots of other places, that I felt grateful to be able to go outside without my face hurting after a few minutes in the elements.
We can't really complain too much either, because the team has been winning (apart from the Chelsea game) and although Ramsey has admitted to not really feeling that his new role is where he is at his best, he is happy to do the job asked of him and as long as he stays disciplined when we are without the ball it does not hurt the team.
I just need some advice on how to handle the mother - in - law without hurting anyone's feelings.
Be concise and clear with your explanation («we don't take things without asking, it hurts people's feelings») and let your child know exactly what you expect next time and what the consequences will be if your expectations aren't met.
Thinking that either of my parents felt relieved for time without me hurts.
And they were exposed to parents who were also narcicistic, or had character problems, and if we can get them in touch with their feelings about how they were raised, then sometimes the empathy can increase and that's a much more workable person to be intimate with, but without empathy, it's hard to really extend your trust to somebody because it's always the risk that even if they don't intend to hurt you, they will miss the signals that they are going to hurt you.
Without proper communication about both sides of the issue, which given hurt feelings and sensitivity, may be hard to come by.
Between Parent and Child by Dr. Haim Ginott Based on the theory that parenting is a skill that can be learned, this indispensable handbook will show you how to: • Discipline without threats, bribes, sarcasm, and punishment • Criticize without demeaning, praise without judging, and express anger without hurting • Acknowledge rather than argue with children's feelings, perceptions, and opinions • Respond so that children will learn to trust and develop self - confidence
This means that your child can feel free to pull themselves up and walk along without you having to worry about them tipping over and hurting themselves.
You have the freedom to communicate more freely with one another without fearing you'll hurt feelings or destroy the friendship.
Feeling all alone is what she's used to when she's scared, and the feel of your touch brings those feelings to the fore, without anyone getting hurt.
Most of us find it very difficult to say «no» to other people out of a sense of responsibility, even when we can easily do so without hurting others» feelings.
Sleeping while hugely pregnant and is hard enough without having to feel guilty about getting into a comfortable position (and if we only slept on the left side night after night, wouldn't it hurt our left hip and left shoulder?)
Kids have taken drastic measures to escape the pain it causes including committing suicide without ever admitting the hurt they were feeling.
I love the way we and our son's birth parents can agree to disagree about things without worrying about hurting each other's feelings or keeping our opinions to ourselves, just like any other family.
Without realizing it, our deficit of sexual know - how degenerates into low sexual self - esteem and turns into a battleground of hurt feelings.
I know we are on a journey together to love each other the best we can — to forgive and accept, and to challenge ourselves to feel our feelings without hurting others with our actions or words.
Here's how to make healthy boundaries (without causing hurt feelings).
Taking it personally when someone is rude or mean to us without any reason will just make us feel badly about ourselves and hurt our self - esteem.
Gluten may hurt intestines and a person may not feel the hurt, but less nutrients are absorbing which shows up in health issues since cells are not made right to work right without nutrients absorbing well.
Plus, I couldn't go more than a mile without hurting and feeling tired.
I feel a bit hurt at the implication / judgment that all meat - eaters are eating their friends, and as such are bad people, or that meat - eaters couldn't possibly ever be friend with animals, etc... egads, it's hard to talk about this stuff without offending people.
Even naturally, without holding any weight, my shoulder sort of hurt when I do this motion because they feel like they're being spread open too far.
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