Sentences with phrase «without lifting the head»

Now, bring your whole body down to the floor without lifting the head.
Look forward without lifting your head.

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Unlike newborn infants, babies of this age can also roll over, lift their heads and move themselves to find their own comfort without being stuck in a certain position.
Until he or she can lift their head on their own and roll over without your help, you'll want to keep them on their back.
Without physically evaluating her I can't be sure if this is a «preferred position» for her (i.e. if she already has underlying muscular or skeletal asymmetries) but too much time in this position will likely lead to shortened muscles on the right side of her body (your left when you're looking at her), which can then make it harder for her to use her right hand, to lift her head in Tummy Time, to turn to see objects on her right side, to turn toward sounds or touch sensations on her right side, to roll, to use both arms equally to assume the hands and knees position for crawling, to sit upright.
Baby is in their own bed with defined space, but still close enough to reach over and soothe back to sleep without even lifting your head from the pillow.
By your baby's third month you may notice they are able to lift their head between 45 - 90 degrees without bobbing.
The five point harness will let the baby move comfortably in the stroller without letting them to lift their heads up and hurt themselves on the go.
But his achievement didn't come without a price — Hall collapsed immediately after the lift and revealed that the burst blood vessels in his head nearly killed him.
Slightly separate your legs and get in the superman position by lifting your arms, legs, chest and head up at the same time and hold this position for a few seconds, then begin to alternate lifting your right arm / left leg and left arm / right leg for 30 seconds without touching the floor.
Lift your head to a crunch position and lower your legs as far as you can to the ground (without touching it), while still engaging your abdominals.
The shoulder straps don't carry the full weight of your breasts, stay in place when you lift your arms above your head, and fit closely to your body without digging in.
Lift the SteelBell over your head, and without rising onto the balls of your feet, swing your arms down toward the ground, slamming the SteelBell to the ground between your legs.
Keep the head in a neutral position with your eyes looking at the floor, or lift the head slightly, without compressing the back of the neck, and look forward.
Some of my top recommendations for getting in more high - quality sleep include: — Avoiding technology 1 hour before bed — Wearing an eye mask or investing in black - out blinds — Taking magnesium before bed — Sipping on a calming cup of chamomile tea before bed — Rubbing lavender essential oil on your temples or diffusing it in your room as you prepare for bed time — Doing a brain dump (journal exercise where you write a full page worth of all of your thoughts without lifting the pen so you can get thoughts out of your head and onto paper)
EXERCISE TECHNIQUE (EXECUTION): Using a slow, continuous motion, keeping your upper arms right beside your head (without letting them flare out too much), lower the dumbbell behind your head (until your elbows reach jut past 90 degrees), then lift it back to full extension.
Then let go of the knees and raise your head back to neutral without losing the lift of the sternum.
Start with your chest touching the wall, press your palms into your thighs, tuck your chin downward and, inhaling, move your whole head back horizontally away from the wall as far as you can without lifting your chin.
Bring your head back without lifting your chin, and you'll feel the muscles at the back of your neck soften.
As they reached the door of the room where Grumpy was sitting, without getting up or even lifting her head, she barked «Across the hall» indicating she wanted them to go to the room across the hall.
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