Sentences with phrase «without medical help»

I had a firm belief that, barring any complications, my body could deliver a baby without medical help.
Lower urinary infections commonly cause urinary bladder stones which may be painful or difficult to pass without medical help.
On the battlefronts of war, the wounded are divided into three groupings — those who will survive without medical help; those who will probably survive with medical help; and those who will probably not survive even with medical help.
I wouldn't want to go back to days of being attacked by wild animals, dying of disease or injury without medical help, but none of that means we have to ignore the basics of infant physiology and how we evolved with our children to care for them.
Most will resolve on their own without medical help, but some may require seeing a...
Taking the time and trouble to go to a female endocrinologist for help, having one basic test done, and then receiving a condescending voicemail from her telling me I just need to keep on losing weight without medical help.
I just sat down and read this entire article and all the comments that followed, I'm not here to attack anyone for their own decisions, or beliefs no matter how ignorant.I understand that research on childbirth can only be done so far back, but the truth is, women have been growing their babies without medical help and delievering them as well for.
From the beginning of the third trimester the baby is able to survive, with or without medical help, outside of the womb.
Without medical help, many of them will not be likely candidates for adoption.
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