Sentences with phrase «without much explanation»

He writes that the exhibition «presents the artist and his work partly in the context of his time and place and partly as artefacts present - day viewers respond to literally, without much explanation, as images that will strike them as strange or alien, either because of a cultural disconnect or because of the uniqueness of Dürer's imagination.»
This is almost common sense, we all know how frustrating it can be when one piece of information oddly contradicts another, or a feature that's hyped and sold as an almost positive addition is suddenly missing without much explanation.
Personally as an intermediate level player I didn't find it too helpful though because it's mostly limited to teaching you either very basic controls or ridiculously complicated dekes that make you feel like you're playing a fighting game, without much explanation as to when is best to use these maneuvers, only demanding that you execute them a certain number of times to advance.
Without much explanation, we learn that En has a plan to bring someone named Foster back from the dead.
I've mentioned SKYACTIV twice without much explanation, so allow me to expand on that a bit.
Major William Cage (Cruise) is a cocky, PR flack who has persuaded millions to join the armed forces to fight the aliens who have invaded the planet (they're referred to as «Mimics» without much explanation).
There's a lot of surrogate swapping and double - crosses that come quickly without much explanation, leading the movie to appear more complex plot-wise than it actually is.
Players are dropped into the events of The Phantom Pain without much explanation, with the supposition that they'll have a good idea of what's going on.
Under the Skin starts out without much explanation, just a visual of an orb that looks like something of alien origin that eventually transforms visually into a human eyeball.
Teachers often feel that the expertise they have gained from their experience is ignored and that they instead get a new, supposedly evidence - based curriculum every few years without much explanation of why the new one is so much better than the old.
And then, miraculously and without much explanation as to how it happened, they had a deal — thanks to a breakthrough on raise the age, which had reportedly been the culprit for holding up everything else.
Sacrifice appears without much explanation.

Not exact matches

Still, without the personal level of knowledge that God exists, mentioned in my first sentence, no intellectual explanation or argument would hold much weight with me at all.
If you can't understand my explanation above and see that as an attempt at discrediting, without pointing out where exactly it's wrong, then there isn't much more I can do, other than hope one day you'll learn something.
I feel Talking to kids and explaining why those actions were wrong works so much better than just yelling and punishing without a full explanation...
I've been pretty quiet on the blog for a long time now without much of an explanation.
But when they run out of theories, there's a one - size - fits - all explanation that can answer everything without really answering much at all: the universe is as it is because we're here to see it.
Then, a short explanation was written to offer the respondent a few details without inconveniencing them with too much reading, analysis, or interpretation.
I've been pretty quiet on the blog for a long time now without much of an explanation.
It just feels like it's a random snipped of Arbus» life, without much giving us an explanation to understand Airbus» story.
There is no explanation for the numerous references to the titular Johnny Mercer tune and too much of its slower second act churns along without fresh ideas.
We can see what's happening, without much need for explanation.
In Panther's Prey Issue 4, T'Challa breaks off his engagement to Lynne without giving her much explanation.
Although the look and feel of the film are spot on, the script is all over the place with characters appearing, then disappearing, without explanation and too much time was spent on Dillingers relationship with his girlfriend Billie and not enough time spent on what made him tick.
Written without much in terms of legitimate explanation from the not - as - clever - as - you'd - think script by the team of Solomon (The In - Laws, Charlie's Angels), Yakin (Prince of Persia, The Rookie), and Ricourt, the amount of razzle - dazzle is high and the amount of expository information is at a minimum, explaining only a few minor illusions on the hope that we'll buy that there is a logical explanation for all of the other jaw - dropping moments we aren't in the know on.
Much like the World Wide Widget company in the satirical musical How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, there is no explanation given for what Landshark actually does; the company just is.
It's a heavily edited and briskly plotted piece that progresses constantly forward without too much muss or fuss in needless conversations and unnecessary explanations.
And rather than letting constant explanation ruin the fun, it's probably a good idea just to let the beat go on, immersing students in the compelling rhythms of the iambs, trochees, and dactyls without, at first, slowing them with too much analysis.
Learners, without as much as an explanation, being pushed to attend a day - long training event on compliance (or code of conduct, or communication, or some other topic).
TI has really evolved through the years and has become much more user - friendly from the get - go, allowing users to step right into it without too much explanation.
Sure it's fiction, and it can be magical as much as it wants, but when you've established a world, a timeline, and the fact that it's grounded by relatable elements to reality, you can't disrupt that without a sound explanation.
Without much need for explanation you know it all needs to be removed to leave the cave.
Here, levels paying homage to series such as Mario, Zelda, Metal Gear Solid etc. are being permanently scrapped without so much as an explanation from developer Media Molecule.
Now without staying to much on the subject of each game, because they have been reviewed before, here is a brief explanation of the titles.
I know this can be frustrating for some long - time fans of our games, particularly if it seems that we're heading in unfamiliar directions without much in the way of explanation.
My fear is that too much focus, without careful explanation of what is involved in making it work, could become a distraction from the most important thing we need to do - which is lowering emissions.
Because without bomb proof numeric explanations of those events — using exactly the same theories as are used to explain today's events — it is clear that we do not have a solid understanding of climate, however much those professionally involved would wish us to believe that they have.
I myself feel more and more that to use it without long explanations causes too much confusion and that as a label it has become more of a ballast than a source of strength...
My impression is that Fred gives too much weight at curve fitting, without any plausible explanation of the cause - effect relationship.
Scottish Sceptic: For those producing climate data it seems to be a given that they can constantly change the data in the past without so much as an explanation.
Which is what I have done, in an explanation of how I dealt with the problem of too much toilet paper in my composting toilet, without making everyone go all Sheryl Crow.
It was an explanation of things gone wrong, without much vision of how to move forward.
One example where the original wording of the Directive has been used without further explanation or example, necessitating much litigation to clear things up, is on the question of whether TUPE applies to the sale of the business of an insolvent company.
As long as I've been practicing law, and certainly since the recent recession, I've heard much talk about «value» without a satisfactory explanation of what value is.
At first thought, accidental death insurance seems quite simplistic and obvious without the need for much explanation.
I have a candidate with a strong resume and personalized cover letter who has used this booking tool to reschedule our interview five times — twice within a few hours of our scheduled appointment — without so much as a quick email of explanation.
For those of you who like to nerd out (like me) on psychological explanations and neuroscience stuff, this article from Health Guidance does a good job of describing the science of boredom without being too much vocabulary mumbo - jumbo.
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