Sentences with phrase «without much perseverance»

Often previous owners of rescues have attempted crate training dogs, but have abandoned this without much perseverance — due to noise and distress caused by moving too far, too fast with the crating.
If I've learned anything since moving into accessible production, though, it's that nothing ever changes without much perseverance.

Not exact matches

Although digital versions of these games may not include the same kind of physical manipulation of pieces or physical movement through space that are intrinsic to the old - school versions, they still call on skills of problem solving, vocabulary, patience, perseverance, and memory which means that we parents can offer them to our kids without much guilt or angst.
Well don't worry there are lots of simple things you can do and more importantly some things you should stop doing to build this trust and in this article we show you how with a few techniques used by experienced bunny owners and bit of time and perseverance and you can at least get this situation to be manageable without too much stress and at best make it a normal everyday activity.
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