Sentences with phrase «without much strategy»

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Under new chief executive Satya Nadella, Microsoft is charging ahead with a «universal app» strategy — the idea that software developers can create an app once and then deliver it to each of the company's devices, whether it's PCs, tablets, phones or even Xbox consoles, without much additional work.
Certainly the capital needs in the next couple of years, without revealing too much about strategy, is in the hundreds of millions.
Unfortunately, too many companies and individuals are being talked into this strategy without the appropriate background information, and as such, the results of poorly executed crowdfunding campaigns are much easier to find that the success stories.
Trying to find an effective wealth building strategy for a 40 - 50 retirement period that protects me against inflation in some specific services, but without eating too much of my Free time.
Most of us go into marriage, or cohabitation, without much of a strategy other than an «I love you and I want to make it work» so it is not long before the issue of money rears its ugly head.
Generally speaking, this strategy requires you to live without all the extras — to get by without much entertainment spending, your monthly cable bill, or your bi-weekly trips to the salon.
These results suggest that the Bargain Hunter's strategy is one that may reduce returns in markets that are rising without providing much additional value in weak, volatile stock market environments.
Without an effective content marketing effort, timing and luck have as much to do with success as strategy and skills.
Here they can learn the basics of trading, how and when to invest, trading strategies, what to expect, and so much more without even spending any real money.
While this debate has provided fodder for policy wonks, it has not had much influence on Capitol Hill which seems poised to allow federal unemployment benefits to lapse without much of an alternative strategy for getting the long term jobless working again.
They do not deny the value of tradition or social order, but they are searching for a new strategy by which to bring about basic changes in society without too much delay.
Writing in The Times, Henrietta Royle, chief executive of the coaching and strategy consultancy firm Fanshaw Haldin, made the point that while most Conservatives have no difficulty with equality for gay people, «a significant chunk of the party's core supporters clearly doesn't think that has to include redefining the traditional concepts of marriage to suit a small portion of the population without so much as a by your leave».
Although I have the No - Cry Sleep Solution, I haven't found it necessary to practice her strategies because we generally practice part - time cosleeping in the first year without much need for a change.
Some union officials and their allies say the change in strategy also reflects a recognition that the traditional winter ad wars are not without cost to themselves, both in dollars — 1199 alone has spent as much as $ 10 million a year out of a joint fund with the Greater New York Hospital Association — and in public relations backlash.
«You can look at it in terms of tumor biology — our current strategy is to treat and then as long as the tumor responds to any degree, to watch for progression without paying much attention to depth of response.
«Once you are familiar with these strategies and know how to apply them, you can keep your performance high without much further training,» says Dresler.
Being a satellite or faeder male is actually a much better strategy — you get to pass your genes along without expending as much energy.
Programs are thrown together with blind faith and without much thought or strategy hoping that the muscle will develop.
Finally, singles who want to dip their toes in matchmaking, without paying too much upfront, can try Al a Carte Dates to get customized setups and strategy sessions made to supplement an active dating life.
The more aggresive and less deep cousin of «Kessen» (the system's current champ for armchair generals who dig the strategy more than action, the exact opposite of «DW2»), and a fine way to kill an afternoon without having much to show for it.
Basically, without going into too much detail, many reviewers criticised this turn - based strategy game for not being able to tell what the enemy will do considering they move at the exact same time as you.
Without dependable dexterity and solid strategies, mindsets alone do not amount to much.
They often impart information by lecturing, presenting mini-lessons, or having students read a text, strategies that move all students through the material at the same pace, without much differentiation.
No more imposition of unproven ideologies: much greater trust in teachers and parents and a significant period of time without new tests, strategies, political mark - making and point scoring.
I am able to use the critical concepts and big ideas, as well as the steps in the skills, strategies, and processes without much, if any, support from the teacher or peers.
In the constant struggle between content and length, there are some key strategies to help you say as much as you can in 140 characters that maintain your image as an expert without alienating your followers:
Without any kind of strategy, it will be much harder for you to sell books, get yourself noticed as an author, or gain any real readers and long - time fans.
Do you just tweet without much thought or strategy?
I said last month that «I personally am getting a bit squeamish on how much longer we can go without at least seeing a significant pullback in this market, this is not a strategy I am investing in.
Next, it would teach you a trading strategy, without a trading plan you won't be successful, no matter how much you know.
The other disadvantage of keeping the rental is that you can limit your borrowing potential for higher leverage in various SM enhancement strategies, which can give you much higher growth than the rental can (without the PITA factor).
From my angle, the Fed will slowly be forced to recognize that problems developed from speculation in residential real estate, CDOs, overdone arbitrage strategies and private equity are either a) too big to solve through monetary policy, without causing a lot of inflation, or b) they will try to «solve» the problem anyway, and hope that inflation doesn't rise too much.
Your taxable income includes the gain, so when you are checking to see if this strategy works, calculate your taxable income first without the gain, then you can see how much room you have to realize gains at the lower rate.
But an even more important part of that strategy is deciding how much you can reasonably withdraw from savings in 401 (k) s, IRAs and other retirement accounts each year without running too high a risk of depleting your assets too soon — or ending up with a large pile of assets late in life and realizing that you unnecessarily stinted and might have enjoyed life more earlier in retirement.
Thanks very much Justin you have really open my mind I have been holding to wrong strategies without realizing the shortfalls of them.
Answer: You can easily create an Alternative Strategy and test different stop loss methods without much extra work.
Roger the Amateur Financier @ The Amateur Financier writes 8 Strategies for Eliminating Debt — A short guide to strategies for eliminating debt, enabling people to pay their debts off more efficiently and without spending as mStrategies for Eliminating Debt — A short guide to strategies for eliminating debt, enabling people to pay their debts off more efficiently and without spending as mstrategies for eliminating debt, enabling people to pay their debts off more efficiently and without spending as much money.
Part of this strategy should be to protect your capital and get reasonable returns from your investments, without exposing you to too much risk.
This makes preferred stock a solid alternative for retirees looking to boost returns without assuming too much increased risk, and an ETF such as iShares US Preferred Stock ETF (NASDAQ: PFF) could be the right vehicle to implement such a strategy.
Without optimal strategies, the risk - adjusted asset class returns of the average investor will lag the market return by a much wider margin.
Fortunately, though, the decision to do a Roth conversion doesn't have to be «all or none» — and in fact, not only is a «partial» Roth conversion permitted, but in practice it's often the optimal strategy, allowing retirement account owners to convert just enough to fill the lower tax brackets, without causing «too much» income that would trigger the top tax brackets.
If you're someone who loves racking up tons of points and miles without much effort, it's smart to pursue signup bonuses as part of a broader credit card rewards strategy.
The Figurelli Series forex trading strategy allows traders to scalp and daytrade the market anytime during the day's trading session without much hassles.
Without an accurate baseline it's impossible to get a handle on pet population trends and difficult to identify remaining problems, much less to plan appropriate strategies to solve them.
That said, there is ample proof from dozens, if not hundreds, of cardholders I know that the «pump and dump» strategy can work without doing much harm to your credit rating if you're careful — although these days it does help to start out with a great FICO score — the most commonly used measure of an individual's credit record.
The strategy element of the game falls apart because if you aren't careful you find yourself throwing cards out onto the field without thinking to much about the order in which you're doing it.
I am not much of a history buff, I used to play a strategy war game that generated random maps for each new game, what a great feature it would be for the total war series — a new game each time without the predertimined winner by history (it let you choose land, islands, continents etc....!!
Difficulty adjustment that comes from qualitative gameplay differences, like the example you give where Mario has to replay a challenge without his hat powers, is much more effective because it encourages experimentation with different mechanics and alternative strategies.
And once again, the campaign is poorly written, poorly acted, erratically paced, full of pointless upgrades and meaningless choices, crammed full of overproduced cutscenes that fail to relate to the gameplay, and without a shred of creative insight into how to use a real time strategy game to tell a story, much less how to get me to click «next mission» without heaving a tired sigh.
Dissidia: Final Fantasy bridges the gap between two very different genres, and the strategy - based battle system is a great way to blend these two genres in a way that does not feel overwhelming for those without much brawling experience.
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