Sentences with phrase «without rigorous study»

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But without multiple mutually corroborating & very rigorous population studies to determine strong associations among different variables, one can't speak confidently on what causes what — and this in a discipline, psychology, already fraught with poorly designed and low - statistical - rigor studies.
Using simple statistics, without data about published research, Ioannidis argued that the results of large, randomized clinical trials — the gold standard of human research — were likely to be wrong 15 percent of the time and smaller, less rigorous studies are likely to fare even worse.
«This was a large and rigorous study and we are confident there is no additional benefit from inserting needles compared with stimulation from pressuring the blunt needles without skin penetration for hot flushes,» Dr Ee said.
Use by the American public is one of the four guiding principles that determine the practices and products studied by NCCIH, and these NHIS findings reflect the importance of continuing to study approaches to health and wellness that the public is using, often without the benefit of rigorous scientific study.
More importantly, that research details that deeper learning (a) starts with intentional adoption of select best practices (b) works equally well to raise content achievement enabled by the four Cs, (c) develops sharper interpersonal skills (d) increases readiness for advanced study and sends more students off to rigorous colleges without crimping the possibilities to those blocked in traditional schools because of background or income.
The smallest room contains studies of clouds by Johann Georg Von Dillis (1759 - 1841) and John Constable (1776 - 1837), illustrating the impulse among artists at this time to capture the ephemeral aspects of nature without concern for the rigorous, studio - based practices that had gone before.
I have also seen people doing all sorts of things under the guise of positive psychology without any rigorous research supporting what they do (e.g. appreciative inquiry — I haven't been able to find any peer reviewed studies on AI — just case studies which could be all Hawthorne effect).
In terms of how the design of a study might compromise the credibility of its findings, it is important to note that effect sizes of parent support programs tend to be consistently higher for those studies using less rigorous designs (e.g. pre-post studies without control groups) and consistently lower for randomized studies.19 Despite these caveats, there are emerging themes that characterize many successful programs.
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