Sentences with phrase «without serious consequences»

Many people can be addicted to heroin for most of their lives without serious consequences.
They said that local councils had already had to make cuts of 40 % since 2010 and couldn't make any more cuts without serious consequences for the most vulnerable.
But we do not give students the opportunity to fail without serious consequences.
The review also examined this effect, and the authors report that the number of people affected by these changes is small and all resolved spontaneously without serious consequences.
This gives you a better chance of detecting any possible infection early and it could be treated without any serious consequences.
Don't let a dangerous animal or negligent owner go without serious consequences.
This is equivalent to giving up, a position we can't maintain very long without serious consequences to our health and well - being.
Such a massive change occurs at no other time in one's life without serious consequences, even death.
The darker the chocolate, the more dangerous for canines: A single ounce of baking chocolate is toxic to a 10 - pound dog, though he can consume 10 ounces of milk chocolate without serious consequences (other than a possible upset stomach).
Sherlock was able to disappoint its theorizers without serious consequence, because its theorizers tend also to be fantasists.
VR technology allows learners to fail and make mistakes without serious consequences.
Taking it around a freeway cloverleaf, the body swayed over, and it was clear that I would not be pulling any tire - squealing antics without serious consequences.
He said the shortfalls can't be closed by charging tuition without serious consequences, including the possible loss of tax - free status on the school's main income - producing asset — the land along 42nd St. on top of which the Chrysler Building sits.
While Fido may be slightly bothered by a flea or two or may play host to a dozen or more without serious consequences, Rocky may be the unlucky recipient of a tapeworm infestation courtesy of mama flea and Sassy may be allergic to flea saliva and develop mild to severe skin reactions to even a single bite.
The darker the chocolate, the more dangerous for canines: A single ounce of baking chocolate is toxic to a 10 — pound dog, though she can consume 10 ounces of milk chocolate without serious consequences (other than a possible upset stomach).
Over the last several decades, humankind has learned that we can't dump pollution into our skies (or seas, or soils) without some serious consequences.
Sometimes you just can't pause or hit the reset button, without serious consequences.
It is unlikely that this major change in the vital climate - system should be without serious consequences.
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