Sentences with phrase «without strain»

Sit in comfort without the strain of sunlight by adding window film to your windows.
This makes it easier to get content at night without any strain on eyes.
Proper technique will make sure that you're working the right muscles without straining.
They can substantially improve your vacation time since you can carry the baby without straining your back.
The flexible wrist support results in a comfortable experience for users, so you can practice or hunt for longer without strain.
The bed has a height that is low to the floor making it easy for your child to climb in and out without straining easily.
Mature dog foods contain additional fiber over immature foods to help a dog pass stools easily without straining.
Online courses extend the scope of a school's instructional program, allowing schools of any size to meet the needs of each member of a diverse student body without straining its resources.
You should start with a weight that is comfortable to lift without straining but is challenging enough that you can only complete 8 - 10 repetitions of the basic kettlebell swing.
When proper stretching is employed, you will usually find the ability to work out on most days without straining any one muscle group.
Use a font that is easy to read without straining the eyes.
MORE vacuum, phone charger or other devices without straining to remove the outlet cover or having to use special tools.
Wearing your baby is a good way to carry your infant for long periods without straining your arms or having to bring around a stroller everywhere.
Changing tables keep all necessary supplies such as diapers and wipes organized, and enable caregivers to supply children with clean diapers without straining their own backs.
The ergonomic foam handle will let parents to hold the handle and push the stroller for longer hours without straining their hands.
It's a bit pricier than other options, but it's strong enough to keep large dogs comfortable and safe without straining your arm during walks.
You can tell you have it if the breath flows without strain.
Keep on bending to the extent possible without straining.
The car has a very light, agile feel, and you can drive it hard through the curves without it straining to hold the road.
These outdoor date ideas allow you and your partner to focus on your relationship without the strain of your normal day - to - day expectations.
Parents are one of the most common users of these types of templates as they may use this to create their own letter without straining too much on placing too many details.
These insurance professionals can help you analyze your current coverage and suggest ways to increase your coverage without straining your budget.
We are here to help, why waste time pondering on how to do your nursing cover letter without straining or getting stressed up.
I just don't think it would be the same without straining.
If you can not touch the floor, go as far as it is comfortable without any strain.
If you can look to your right without straining your neck, rest your left ear on the blankets.
Your loan process may take a little longer, but buying a home without the strain of extra debt is worth it!
It's an odd deal, but one that should deliver savings without straining the Japanese company's balance sheet.
One big plus the company has is that it has absolutely zero debt which allows them to finance these efforts without it straining their financial strength.
However, modern historical and developmental views, including theories of progress, have allowed historical variety to be absorbed without strain on mind or soul or social imagination.
But it became clear that I could not speak on the question of abortion without straining the community and dividing the congregation.
Workers can effortlessly place and pick parts without straining.
Also, we were more apt to bring baby to a restaurant knowing we can just scoop the seat and carry baby inside without straining ourselves.
This item fits through any door without any strain on the parent.
The height of the removable canopy can be adjusted for taller kids to sit without straining their necks.
Switch from horizontal to vertical splitting for handling larger logs without straining your back!
A soft leather wrist support and ergonomic handle grip keep you comfortable, so you can take shot after shot without strain.
I believe that all yoga postures can be modified to accommodate every body's needs — so that we can get the greatest number of benefits from a given pose without strain or injury.
By the way, on a side note, another good non-dairy milk that you can make without straining is rice milk.
We want to do this gently without straining in order to avoid pulling any muscles.
Also, those with stiff hips and lower back should perform this pose with care without strain.
This should give you a little leverage to roll over toward the left without strain.
The bust is listed as just under 42 inches on the size chart but I found it can accommodate up to my 44 inches happily without straining.
Get a high intensity workout and burn major calories without the strain and pain.
Work up a sweat without the strain of high impact exercises.
It's an excellent way to flex one's imagination without straining too much.
The couple's marriage evolves — and not without strain.
The brakes bite hard and strong and stop the car without any strain.
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