Sentences with phrase «without subjecting research»

In regard to the domestic scene, it is the author's belief that the direction and emphasis of scientific development can be a matter of national policy without subjecting research to regimentation or political repression.

Not exact matches

Ron and Shamir seem to have used flow analysis of the Bitcoin blockchain to reach these conclusions, as they did in their first paper on the subject, however without doing the required research into the actual identities of the Bitcoin address owners, using flow analysis among them to determine relationships between them is fundamentally flawed.
The information provided is compiled from our own research that we believe to be reasonable and accurate at the time of writing, but is subject to change without notice.
Opinions and estimates expressed on this site constitute Phoenix Capital Research's judgment as of the date appearing on the opinion or estimate and are subject to change without notice.
The discussion of the Fund's investments and investment strategy (including current investment themes, the portfolio managers» research and investment process, and portfolio characteristics) represents the Fund's investments and the views of the portfolio managers and Harris Associates L.P., the Fund's investment adviser, at the time of this letter, and are subject to change without notice.
This zealot's «work» has been so thoroughly, repeatedly, and authoritatively debunked by so many who have demonstrated it to be riddled with slipshod research, shoddy analysis, and downright dishonestly that I can but wonder how anyone can refer to him as an «authority» on this subject without turning red from embarrassment.
Except for the prudent correction of an imminent danger, I will neither treat any patient nor carry out any research on any human being without the valid informed consent of the subject or the appropriate legal protector thereof, understanding that research must have as its purpose the furtherance of the health of that individual.
Can we have a more intelligent analysis based on considerable research put into this articles subject matter to add validity to your post which without backup must be rendered as, let's face it, pretty meaningless.
You have the right not to be the subject of agency activities without your written consent including research, fundraising, or publicity by the agency.
Orange County is home to some of the top research centers on the subjects of child development, education and family issues from such world - renown places as Children's Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) and the UC Irvine Child Development Center, allowing the editors of Parenting to provide the most current parenting information available without leaving OC.
There are undeniable pros to giving your kids their own smartphones — like being able to reach your child any time, or research virtually any homework subject without going to the library (and, let's be honest, apps that entertain cranky toddlers in the car are pretty great, too).
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee was the subject of similar criticism after intervening in a Texas primary, dropping opposition research on Democrat Laura Moser, who made comments that she would rather have her teeth pulled without anesthesia than move to Paris, Texas.
The survey also revealed a wide range of graduate curricula: programs within astronomy, physics - astronomy, and physics departments; direct - entry Ph.D. programs, and programs which required, and valued, the MSc; programs with extensive and compulsory course requirements, and others which replace courses with minicourses, self - study courses, or extra research projects; programs in which coursework (if any) was purely astronomy, and others which included physics or other subjects; programs with comprehensive exams, and others without or with an exam which was basically a defence of the Ph.D. proposal.
This «virtual» method will give the research team multiple opportunities to test and retest the nerves without any harm to subjects.
«Government officials and biomedical professionals should have recognised that when research offers no prospect of medical benefit, whether subjects are healthy or sick, research should not proceed without the person's consent,» says the commission.
Taken for Granted: Ain't Misbehavin» Next, our columnist investigates the impact of the structure of the systems in which we work on the frequency of research misconduct and concludes, with experts on the subject, that science works best without hierarchy.
Nineteen healthy subjects without a psychiatric history (age mean / SD: 29/7.8; gender: 14 male, 5 female)(Table 1) participated in this study after providing written informed consent as approved by the medical ethics committee for research in humans (METC) of the University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands.
His research looked at only a small sample of subjects, 16 with schizophrenia and 16 without.
Cohen's research into this hidden connection prompted her to write a book on the subject called «Diabetes Without Drugs.»
Although those of us who would like to feel reassured of the safety and benefit of a high vitamin A intake without giving the subject careful thought may be tempted to brush off this research as conflicting and therefore inconclusive, studies that do not find an association between vitamin A and BMD or fracture risk generally suffer from some inadequacy, being bettered by their counterparts that do find an association.
Dr Hans Selye, the widely acknowledged «father» of stress research, devoted an entire book to the subject of «stress without distress».
-- Research that has not been subjected to peer review is treated without skepticism, and there is a particularly heavy reliance on unpublished dissertations.
Prior research suggests that such intensive test - based accountability can lead to behaviors, such as teaching to the test, that increase scores without improvements in underlying learning or through reduced learning in nontested subjects.
Few literacy researchers have conducted research aimed directly at either state or national English language arts and, as we have noted previously, policy researchers interested in standards often analyze them in terms of larger reforms efforts, without specific regard for subject area.
Likewise, you can not ask a teacher to teach effectively without up - to - date technology, a quality research - based curriculum, and the essential classroom supplies relevant to the subject area.
We will no longer allow our children to be subject to large - scale experimentation in the name of supposed «innovation,» without our consent, when we know these policies have no backing in research or experience.»
It goes without saying that before you get research paper assistance, you should decide on the subject you need exploring.
The first thing you have to remember if you want to improve essay writing skills is that it is impossible to write any good essay without making a real research at the subject.
However, it is not something that you should do without thoroughly researching the subject and taking a serious look at your own finances.
At any rate, thanks for the discussion, as I said, it was a pleasure to debate an issue without it sinking to personal attacks and I appreciate your research on the subject.
An abundance of research has been done on this very subject, and it shows without a doubt that there are many benefits of bringing children to museums.
While conducting this research, he communicates the subjects» movement and energy on a variety of surfaces — from found wood to city walls — using various mediums and techniques without judgment.
to assume that a fraction of a degree of temperature difference is enough to drive such a net flow without actually considering mechanisms, I suppose there isn't money for good research on the subject.
The answers to these questions are out there for those who are willing to spend more than a few hours on Google searches, and it is not constructive to give presentations on subjects without first doing such basic research.
Yet legal research is one area in which both «sides» might be able to develop a strong commonly agreed aim: I know from my own experience that law faculties claim to want students to develop good research skills, propose in fact that they are teaching students to learn to learn, and almost without exception make Legal Research and Writing a mandatory research is one area in which both «sides» might be able to develop a strong commonly agreed aim: I know from my own experience that law faculties claim to want students to develop good research skills, propose in fact that they are teaching students to learn to learn, and almost without exception make Legal Research and Writing a mandatory research skills, propose in fact that they are teaching students to learn to learn, and almost without exception make Legal Research and Writing a mandatory Research and Writing a mandatory subject.
As deployed by commercial entities, Big Data represents the de facto privatization of human subjects research, without the procedural and ethical safeguards that traditionally have been required.
The July 1977 Report of the Privacy Protection Study Commission recommended that «each medical - care provider be considered to owe a duty of confidentiality to any individual who is the subject of a medical record it maintains, and that, therefore, no medical care provider should disclose, or be required to disclose, in individually identifiable form, any information about any such individual without the individual's explicit authorization, unless the disclosures would be» for specifically enumerated purposes such as treatment, audit or evaluation, research, public health, and law enforcement.
We reviewed the important purposes identified in the comments for government access to protected health information, and believe that the disclosures of protected health information that should appropriately be made without individuals» authorization can be achieved through the other disclosures provided for in the final rule, including provisions permitting covered entities to disclose information (subject to certain limitations) to government agencies for public health, research, health oversight, law enforcement, and otherwise as required by law.
We also were asked by commenters to provide an exclusion for research subject to IRB oversight or research that has been granted a waiver of authorization pursuant to proposed § 164.510, to exempt «in - house» research from the accounting provision, and to allow covered entities to describe the type of disclosures they have made to research projects, without specifically listing each disclosure.
One contract specifies that the issuer may use and disclose protected health information about the participants in the group health plan for research purposes without authorization (subject to the requirements of this rule) and one contract specifies that the issuer must always obtain authorizations for these uses and disclosures.
We proposed to permit covered entities, subject to limited exceptions for psychotherapy notes and research information unrelated to treatment, to use and disclose protected health information to carry out treatment, payment, and health care operations without authorization.
For research that relies on the use or disclosure of protected health information by covered entities without authorization, the final rule applies the Common Rule's principles for protecting research subjects by, in most instances, requiring documentation of independent board review, and a finding that specified criteria designed to protect the privacy of prospective research subjects have been met.
One state does not allow automatic release of protected health information for research purposes without notifying the subjects that their health information may be used in research and allowing them an opportunity to object to the use of their information. Bitcoin mining is an intriguing subject that can sometimes be overwhelming to understand at first without some research.
It also shows how easily people will buy into and share propaganda without doing research or thinking through their personal beliefs on a subject.
Recent studies have shown that females with conduct disorder as compared with subjects without conduct disorder have similar abnormal (disrupted) brain function to that previously observed in males, who tend to have increased aggression and conduct disorder; however, more research is needed to tease out factors such as child abuse that might cause similar findings.
Forrester Research did a study on this subject and found that videos are 53 times more likely to appear on the first page on Google as opposed to traditional web pages without video.
What is certain is that without proper REM sleep, the ability to learn and retain information is clearly impaired, according to scientific research into the subject.
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