Sentences with phrase «without talking to them about»

You can't talk to kids about insurance in middle school without talking to them about people who make the choice to go without renters insurance.
You can't talk to kids about insurance in middle school without talking to them about people who make the choice to go without renters insurance.

Not exact matches

Autonomy: Can't hurt to talk about any time you were a «self - starter» or worked on deliverables without much supervision.
With a sturdy, adjustable - height tabletop and a range of 0.6 to 6.5 kilometres per hour, I would soon be typing and talking without worrying about the «sitting disease» epidemic that's killing North Americans.
Without those rises, however, just imagine how those companies with no new blood to talk about would be doing...?
Wendell Pierce, who played her father on the show, just appeared on Harry Connick Jr.'s talk show, Harry, where he explained how Markle was able to get away with giving updates to certain costars who were in the loop about her exciting new relationship without giving anything away to eavesdropping ears.
It would be difficult to talk about money - related podcasts without mentioning the behemoth in the room — The Dave Ramsey Show podcast.
And iCloud, the company's service to back up photos, video, documents and user settings over the Internet, has laboured for years to meet Apple's «It Just Works» standard without ever living up to expectations (internal frustration with the situation boiled over last fall when Apple insiders talked — anonymously — to reporter Jessica E. Lessin at tech news site The Information about the business unit's disarray).
But it also doesn't make sense to talk about our runaway national healthcare bill... without mentioning the bill itself.
ALS is a nasty neurological ailment without a cure to date that affects about 12,000 to 15,000 Americans; it eats away at the body's ability to voluntarily move muscles, eventually sapping essential functions like walking, talking, eating, and breathing.
This can be effective because employees can talk about what they accomplished the day before and what they plan to achieve today, without wasting time preparing a report.
I talk a lot about this in my book Strong Is the New Skinny: Find something that is easy to start and will get you moving without overwhelming you.
But every one of them, without exception, talks earnestly about his message: of rejecting mediocrity, of overcoming setbacks, of listening to and appreciating adults who try to help them.
It's impossible to talk about Uber in 2017 without talking about the scandals.
There's a funny video that made the rounds online not long ago about the, «First Person To Run A Marathon Without Talking About It.&rabout the, «First Person To Run A Marathon Without Talking About It.&rAbout It.»
You can't talk to your family and your employees about your concerns or worries without transferring those concerns and worries and setting off a self - reinforcing downward spiral of stress.
«Without talking about the reward component, all that is left is risk aversion, and you end up scaring people at a time when investors need to be looking at building income,» he said.
To allow for a freer flow of ideas through media, in a way that does not degrade quality and that elevates conversation and has impact, requires a new mindset: Business people need to be out there talking about what's happening in their industry without making it about themselves, their companies and their producTo allow for a freer flow of ideas through media, in a way that does not degrade quality and that elevates conversation and has impact, requires a new mindset: Business people need to be out there talking about what's happening in their industry without making it about themselves, their companies and their producto be out there talking about what's happening in their industry without making it about themselves, their companies and their product.
Still, no one should embark on a serious weight - loss program without talking to a doctor about their goals and strategies.
And this is the most important point: When we talk about the qualities of a great leader or read their words on paper without truly understanding the enormous challenges they face and the rare strength it takes to overcome them, we may as well be two - dimensional stick figures trying to imagine a three - dimensional world.
It allows them to talk about these things without fear of judgment from other men and to explore their senses of fashion as well as their relationships to food, wellness, and dating.
They are talking about everyone who chooses to be self - employed — from a corner food vendor without a high school diploma to a high - tech founder with a PhD in Computer Science from Stanford.)
Let's talk about the most important reason to save: to have enough money to do what you want, when you want, without anybody telling you what to do.
There has been a lot of misleading talk about how the congressional action this week to overturn the regulatory overreach of the prior FCC will now permit us to sell sensitive customer data without customers» knowledge or consent.
Expect a lot of «clever» talk and «imaginative» ideas about how to finance new infrastructure spending, without the words infrastructure «deficit» and «debt».
«The Congressional Review Act is a pretense for the majority party in Congress to wipe rules off the books without ever talking about the merits the agency had in mind when it made the rule final,» Rena Steinzor, a law professor at the University of Maryland, said in an email.
When talking about «organic social media engagement», we are referring to ways that you can build and interact with communities on different social media platforms without paying that social media platform any money.
If enough people simply talk about your brand in the context of things you talk about on your website — without linking to your pages — Google still gives you popularity points.
And though its muzzled scientists haven't been able to talk about the program's impressive research in recent years without Ottawa's approval, this uniquely Canadian endeavor both changed and educated the world.
Karen Leland talks about what's necessary to get the media to call you without sending out a press release or pitch letter.
Talks about Uber's plans to go public seems even less plausible without top positions in the finance department.
Social media is meant to be social, so do not only talk about your brand without listening and engaging your social audience.
I can't tell if you are talking about your home sale details and how much taxes you are going to pay or have paid, or whether you are telling me how much taxes I'm going to pay without knowing all the details.
So far, we've talked about Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird and how these Google algorithm updates affect site owners who want to improve search engine rankings without getting penalized.
Most of the people I talked to were concerned about market complacency; and even if they were bullish, which many of them were, they were surprised that we've gone this long without a correction.
When people talk about the American Dream, it's hard to do so without thinking about debt.
He talked about Bitcoin being more suitable as a long term store of wealth then an ideal form of payment without mentioning other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin Cash that were created specifically as easier to use forms of payment.
He is descending to the level of Trump imaginary conspiracy level talk when he goes on about «fake disputes», without presenting any evidence.
He talks about Klein's $ 1.3 billion reduction in infrastructure spending from 1994 to 1997 and his $ 18.9 billion spending on infrastructure from 1998 to 2006 without any reference to the need for even more infrastructure because (1) Klein failed to maintain schools, roads and hospitals (in fact he blew the hospitals up) and (2) Alberta's population ballooned by 500,000 during that period.
When we talk about the Bank of Canada offsetting rather than accommodating changes in fiscal policy, it is important to understand that we are talking about changing the nominal interest rate relative to what it would have been otherwise without the fiscal policy change, and not relative to what the nominal rate was in the past.
On today's episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast, we sit down and talk about the best ways to get started with real estate investing, as well as some killer tips for investing without using your own money.
Men are called he - sluts, man - sluts, tainted meat, man - whores, and outright shamed by every girl they try to openly talk to about sex without going into a relationship.
Now, if you want to talk about religious theory, that's a different definition, as religious theory is based on belief and assumption and written statements that can not be verified or proven without having faith and belief.
Why are you listening to black clerics over this issue, Blacks are having more kids out of wed lock than whites, they are also like white, living in sin, but the church's say nothing about having babies without a husband or sitting in church and living in sin, talk about glass houses, and besides the marriages are Cival marriage not religious marriage, what a bunch of hipocrites..
@ jack3 no you have the right to believe what ever you want, but we might mock you for believing in something that has talking snakes, a story about the world flooding and being able to fit all the animals on the planet on one boat, that believes in magic, that believes a person lived in the belly of a whale, and that people coexisted with dinosaurs all without any actual proof.
And they pull it off without having to give away the movies storyline or talk about everyone's resume and do a bunch of other boring things we feel like we've seen a million times now that crowd funding has been around for a while.
We had talked about the inclusion of homosexuals before, but without someone brave enough to journey with us like that, it still remained very much theoretical.
Her article gave her a chance to talk about her good fortune without sounding show - off.
If you do not scare away the wood demons that reside in any wood products and they overhear you talking about something you will do in the future they will without a doubt try to stop you from accomplishing that goal.
its simple, to the point and their answer is genuine, without wasting a lot of time... get to the point and let them talk about what's on their heart
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