Sentences with phrase «without touching the screen»

So sorry, button - lovers, turning pages without touching the screen just became a premium feature.
It also makes it easier to hold with one hand without touching the screen.
I DO think i's unfortunate that there are no longer any top - line e-readers without touch screens.
The app features a nifty tilt screen feature that lets you scroll text without touching the screen.
Initial reports had this tablet - style game console, with detachable physical controls that form a game controller when put together, arriving without a touch screen.
In an attempt to do even more without touching the screen, there are also new voice commands for quick actions like reminders and to - do lists.
Below this is a camera button, which enables you to snap shots without touching the screen.
At max there should be 1/4 ″ to grip with one hand without touching the screen.
First is an all new basic barebones Kindle without a touch screen for $ 79 ($ 109 without the ads).
On a related note, you might think there's no way to play Nintendo DS games without a touch screen, or at the very least plugging in a mouse.
Air View is included; you can have a quick look at the events, gallery, videos, messages etc by simply hovering your finger without touching the screen.
Something that may prove inconvenient for some users is the integration of the climate control system into the central display: you can't adjust the temperature or turn on A / C without touching the screen.
A leaked user manual also suggests we'll see the addition of sensors that can detect presses on the right and left bezel of the device, allowing you to turn pages without touching the screen once again.
Four mechanical buttons: Menu, Back, Next Page and Previous Page.Very easy to use without touching the screen.
My old Kindle without a touch screen let me tap on a passage in my Life Application Bible to see the study notes.
The lady I live with still has a Kindle without a touch screen because she refuses to use one WITH a touch screen.
I had the Sony 350 for a couple of weeks but returned it»cause I couldn't find a way to hold it comfortably without touching the screen.
Though we wish the right Shift key were larger, we really appreciated the presence of dedicated Home, Menu, Back, and Search keys that allowed us to perform these functions without touching the screen.
Amazon also announced the Kindle Touch, a $ 99.99 Kindle with a smaller body and IR touch display, as well as a «dirt cheap» Kindle without a touch screen priced at $ 79.99.
There's still enough room on either side to grip the iPad Pro without touching the screen accidentally.
(If you looking for a great Kindle covers to go with a basic Kindle without the touch screen check out this list of the best Kindle covers for the Kindle 4.)
If you had to ask why we can't just press a button and make the game play just as well on platforms without a touch screen (which the game was designed for from the ground up), I'd tell you the button simply doesn't exist.
Windows 8: Windows 8 can be rather awkward on traditional PCs without touch screens, especially at first.
With Windows 8.1 Update 1, computers without touch screens will boot to the desktop by default and use desktop applications as their default programs — a huge improvement!
Because instead of touching the screen which is already fairly small, you are able rotate the bezel and go through apps and other items, without touching the screen so you can still actually see the display.
A simple swipe will activate the device, Auto Answer allows calls to be answered without touching the screen simply by putting the phone to the ear — a handy tool if the phone rings while gardening or washing dishes — and a double tap turns the lock screen on and off.
Slacker users are served promotions for playlists, artists, or songs, and can switch to the promoted music by saying a word or phrase without touching the screen.
While it's a bit easier than trying to hold down the volume down and power buttons without touching the screen, the software struggles to differentiate fingers from knuckles and frequently leads to missed touch input and accidental screenshots.
Most laptops for sale — especially at lower prices — didn't support touch at all, so many people opted for Windows 8 devices without touch screens.
For example, a user leaving the grocery store, whose hands are full with shopping bags, could still make a call by speaking into the GALAXY Gear without touching the screen.
One thing that OnePlus has absolutely cornered the Android market on is with its Alert Slider — this clever little three - stage hardware switch that lets you quickly move between all, priority and no notifications without touching the screen or tuning the phone on.
Acer will also be offering a model without a touch screen, and an additional 32 GB internal storage model as well for unknown prices at this point in time.
Ericsson Hazel comes loaded with really good features especially when it is slider type phone that too without a touch screen display.
Air Gesture is also missing, so you can't swipe between photos without touching the screen.
A simple swipe will activate the device, Auto Answer allows you to answer a call by putting the phone to your ear without touching the screen — a handy tool if the phone rings when you are digging the garden or washing the dishes — and a double tap turns the lock screen on and off.
Hover over buttons to see pop - up labels, hover at the top or bottom of scrollable content to scroll without touching the screen, or expand a picture or video without having to tap.
Then again, simply having BB6 on a Bold 9700 appears to be awesome, even without a touch screen.
Finally, a device codenamed «Goldfinger» would be another high - end model which can include 3D touch system allowing users to navigate the phone without touching the screen.
Many customers end up pairing bluetooth controllers or even WIMOTES to play their games without touching the screen.
No easy feat; the Xbox is without touch screen, without keyboard and mouse and about the only example I can think of turn - based strategy game built solely for XBLA is Band of Bugs.
Foregoing the MyFord Touch system won't solve the problem either — without the touch screen, the Focus» center stack is sprayed with almost two dozen cell - phone - sized buttons that are no easier to operate than the slow and counter-intuitive MyFord Touch.
It appears that the one in the review is the one without the touch screen.
Can the reviewer please explain how he want to tun pages with his hand but without touching the screen or a button?
She HAPPILY uses her last - gen - without touch screen Kindle, and when the page change buttons finally give out I don't know what we'll do.
The VivoMouse is intended to bring a more user friendly experience to those operating Windows 8 without a touch screen.
It's so satisfying to see an S4 previewing images when you hover the finger on them without touching the screen.
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