Sentences with phrase «without use of any electricity»

It uses gravity water filtration technology to remove toxic elements, parasites, bacteria and hundreds of other contaminants from water without removing the beneficial minerals, and without the use of any electricity.
It uses gravity water filtration technology to remove toxic elements, parasites, bacteria and hundreds of other contaminants from water without removing the beneficial minerals, and without use of any electricity.
This lightweight, low - bulk insulation uses passive reflective heat transfer to reflect back the pet's body heat, keeping pets warm without the use of electricity.
Shade and passive cooling are used to counterbalance the warm climate without the use of electricity to supply any cooling.
This bottle can heat up milk to body temperature without the use of electricity, so that parents and babies on the go can still enjoy warm milk during meal time.

Not exact matches

Unabated coal refers to the production of electricity from a coal plant without using treatments to cut carbon dioxide emissions.
AFRIpads are produced in two workshops, one of which is without electricity, using treadle - powered sewing machines and sergers, in rural Uganda.
Of course, it wouldn't be fair to knock Bitcoin's electricity consumption without comparing it to payment systems most people use today.
You can't in all honesty use the internet or even electricity without accepting the speed of light.
BABYSTEP 5: GRAINS OVERVIEW Let's Talk About Wheat Let's Talk About Oats Let's Talk About Rice Let's Talk About Cornmeal Let's Talk About Barley Wheat and Wheat Grinder Overview All About Wheat Grinders Video: How to Use a Wheat Grinder Types of Wheat 17 Ways To Use Your Wheat Grinder Top Twelve Questions About MAKING BREAD Sprouted Bread Sourdough Bread How to Grow Easter Grass With Wheat 7 Great Ways to Use Wheat WITHOUT a Wheat Grinder Wheat Allergies: Sources for Alternative Grains Alternatives to Wheat for Food Storage How to Cook Rice Without a Rice Cooker BREAD: No Grinding, No Kneading, No Electricity, NO PWITHOUT a Wheat Grinder Wheat Allergies: Sources for Alternative Grains Alternatives to Wheat for Food Storage How to Cook Rice Without a Rice Cooker BREAD: No Grinding, No Kneading, No Electricity, NO PWithout a Rice Cooker BREAD: No Grinding, No Kneading, No Electricity, NO PROBLEM!
How would you stay alive if you had to hunt and grow your own food, search for fresh sources of water and live without electricity, using only your wits and skills?
«The Raspberry Pi modules let developers figure out how to write this software and get it to work reliably without having a dedicated testbed of the same size, which would cost a quarter billion dollars and use 25 megawatts of electricity
«Using the battery of mobile phones in small solar home systems becomes obvious in order to make access to electricity easier to those who live without
The new synapse would be used in neuromorphic computers made of superconducting components, which can transmit electricity without resistance, and therefore, would be more efficient than other designs based on semiconductors or software.
Two other companies, Energy Matter Conversion Corp. (EMC2) and Tri Alpha Energy, are developing reactors that use proton - boron fuel, which requires even higher temperatures than deuterium does but allows almost direct conversion of fusion into electricity, without boiling water to drive a generator.
«The use of waste heat for power production would allow additional electricity generation without any added consumption of fossil fuels,» said Bruce E. Logan, Evan Pugh Professor and Kappe Professor of Environmental Engineering.
Additionally, the hybrid - based Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV can travel moderate distances without using a single drop of gasoline, instead, it's powered by stored electricity drawn from its cutting - edge battery pack.
Unlike a conventional flat panel display, which uses a backlight to illuminate its pixels, electronic paper reflects light like ordinary paper and is capable of holding text and images indefinitely without drawing electricity, while allowing the image to be changed later.
If all the money that is spent on building and upkeep of the endless numbers of payas would be used for the country's infrastructure, all roads would be smoothly asphalted and electricity would be provided on a regular base, without all the blackouts.
The train operator has already achieved a 31 % cut in journey emissions, largely through a switch to lower carbon sources of electricity along its routes, and without using offsetting in order to achieve its target.
Titles such as Prototype, Crackdown and InFamous have been breathing new life into the sandbox with extreme wall running, flying without a helicopter and the ability to harness electricity and use it to your advantage have been giving sandbox games a fantastic new dimension of gameplay.
Other far - flung locations in this Talent in Texas show reflect art - making's increasingly migratory character, such as rural Maine — see Keliy Anderson - Staley's fascinating Off the Grid series depicting the homes of families living without plumbing or electricity — and Venezuela, where Miguel Amat shot his hauntingly ambiguous large - format photographs of dams used not just to generate electricity to «contain» the leisure activities of low - and middle - income local tourists who lack international travel options.
Yet more evidence that the world has vast commercially - exploitable wind and solar energy resources, that are more than sufficient to produce more than enough electricity for all current uses, plus the electrification of ground transport, without fossil fuels or nuclear power.
Many of the examples used in the Earthship model can be reproduced in houses throughout the community to provide natural heating without electricity and a more reliable water supply through rainwater catchment and storage for cooking and for growing crops.
According to PhysOrg, the biggest challenge for the team was in developing a system that could release silver ions continuously as part of the purification process, without using any electricity.
EV owners can save money on fueling costs without changing electricity plans, but taking advantage of rate plans that offer lower - cost electricity at night («time - of - use» plans) can mean hundreds of dollars in additional savings per year, especially in California.
The team used detailed process simulations, lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions analyses, and cost analyses in a comprehensive analytical framework to assess 16 alternative system configurations that involve gasification - based coproduction of Fischer - Tropsch liquid (FTL) fuels and electricity from coal and / or biomass, with and without capture and storage of byproduct CO2.
You may be familiar with solar ovens from whipping up s» mores other camping treats, but you can actually use these sun - powered wonders to cook just about anything — without using a single kilowatt - hour of electricity.
There are other approaches that make used of the kinetics / inertia to generate electricity when the wheels are in motion without introducing additional loading or being a drag.
Electricity is useless until it is used to power machinery, and you cant make machinery without the input of oil coal or gas.
This arrangement allows a group of people to use solar electricity that is generated in their area without installing the photovoltaic panels on their property.
• Twenty high - impact countries in Asia and Africa account for about two - thirds of all people without electricity access and three - quarters of those using solid household fuels.
The expected introduction of plug - in hybrid electric vehicles could cut U.S. gasoline use, but could increase deadly air pollution in some areas, two reports say.That's because a plug - in's lower tailpipe emissions may be offset by smokestack emissions from the utility generating plants supplying electricity to recharge the big batteries that allow plug - ins to run up to 40 miles without kicking on their gasoline engines.
Beyond this, an estimated 100,000 thermal megawatts of geothermal energy, roughly 10 times the amount converted to electricity, is used directly — without conversion into electricity — to heat homes and greenhouses and as process heat in industry.
The Central American nation already derives most of its electricity without using fossil fuels.
While US emissions are decreasing slightly — both as a result of the administration's policies on renewable energy and vehicle fuel economy standards and because of sharply lower natural gas prices that have reduced coal use for electricity generation — it is unlikely that without additional regulation or legislation that the US will meet its 2020 target.
The target market is the billions of people around the world without access to electricity, who use kerosene lamps or camp fires for light and, also, have virtually no access to news, except for battery - operated radios (when they can afford batteries).
in a variety of ways to handle the energy, electricity, heating, and sanitation needs of the community self - sufficiently, without the use of gas or fossil fuels.
The homes will also utilize «gray water,» and «black water» in a variety of ways to handle the energy, electricity, heating, and sanitation needs of the community self - sufficiently, without the use of gas or fossil fuels.
Nevertheless, the article shows that there is great potential for, over two decades, dramatically reducing American use of coal for electricity generation without impoverishing America.
Of course, the device is also a perfect way to extend WiFi signals into your garden or to neighbours, without using any electricity.
Proper use of gas and clean coal generation will be essential until renewables and other forms of generation are economical, but South Australia's ideological crusade (which has turned the state into the world's electricity crash test dummy, as I read somewhere) has meant that the lights will continue to go out during periods of high demand, with or without Elon Musk's Duracell.
It used to be that you didn't need a lot of electricity when you went camping; now nobody goes anywhere without their phone or GPS unit.
If those homeowners live in a place where there is time - of - use pricing (the cost of electricity varying by time of day), they already are paying less than homeowners without solar power.
For countries such as the U.S. and Germany, which today produce more than half of their electricity from coal, or China and India, where a large majority of the electricity is generated from coal, it is difficult to see how cost - effective and politically viable emission reductions can be achieved during the next several decades without at least some continued use of coal....
Without serious changes to how we live, from our consumption of goods to our food choices, from smart metering our water consumption to our water - dependent electricity use, this problem of disappearing supplies will continue.
«Using the battery of mobile phones in small solar home systems becomes obvious in order to make access to electricity easier to those who live without,» said Boucar Diouf, a professor at the university and lead researcher on the study.
The scientists have developed a coating for solar panels that allows them to use the infrared portion of the light spectrum that usually passes right through solar cells without being converted into electricity, essentially wasted energy.
Life for the 43 - year - old labourer, already pretty miserable in the Lahore slum where he lives, is more unbearable without a fan to cool him at night or a pump to guarantee water... Like many of his countrymen, he has never paid a rupee towards the cost of the dribble of electricity used by his wife and five children, who all live in a one - bedroom flat.
In this age of computers that can add up whole columns of numbers without human intervention, 5 % might be enough if states simply supplied electricity, as they used to.
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