Sentences with phrase «without waking up at night»

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Though I'd never mastered the art of lowering a sleeping baby into a crib without waking him up, it occurred to me at one point that if I just laid him in the crib (which had been used as a giant laundry basket for months) when he was sleepy, he'd probably fall asleep without much fussing and sleep all the way through the night, sparing my nose in the meantime.
If the mother is breast - feeding, she can simply roll over and nurse at night, without completely waking up.
I'm desperate for some more sleep at night, and would love to only pump when my daughter wakes up, but I'm worried about going too long without pumping.
Most women are more comfortable without a bra at night, but when you're nursing you may wake up in a pool of milk if you don't have a bra and nursing pads on.
And when hungry at night, you may get her to settle anyway - with or without your help - but then she'll lightly wake up and cry in between sleep cycles, due to the hunger feeling.
A bonus if you manage to break the feeding - sleep association for your baby is that it is also likely that he will wake up less often at night if he learns how to go back to sleep without your breast or bottle.
I have a 6 and a half week old that is breastfed and she refuses to go to sleep at night, without me right beside her or being latched on... I try to unlatch her when I think she has fallen asleep but this wakes her up... also if I try to get out of the bed to spend time with my boyfriend before I'm ready to go to sleep she also wakes up shortly after I've left... This is getting quite tiresome and I've tried every different shape and name of pacifier and she will not take them, I also tried to get her to take her bottle before bed so I would know she ate a full 5 ounces and sleep most of the night but she won't take them anymore either.
It's enough light to take them at night without waking them up all the way, you got your bonus point!
Our youngest just turned two and while she still wakes up once or twice at night and cries for me, I alternate between bringing her to my bed or settling her back down without removing her from her crib.
For most babies, though, it will be at least another month or two before they are truly sleeping all night or 10 or 11 hours without waking up for a feeding.
Not only can you check on your baby without opening a squeaky door, but you can hear them as soon as they wake up and sleep in your own bed at night.
i plan on letting him with me until he begins sleeping the night through without waking up to nurse, or until he happily sleeps in his crib alone:) i sleep more soundly having him near me, knowing hes safe, esp after whats going on with the missing girl from tucson who was taken from her bedroom at night.
Keep in mind that when we say eight or nine hours at night, that typically means eight or nine hours without waking up.
I can't sleep alone at night without having a light on, like a five year old, because I have nightmares of being touched where I can not wake up, I did this thing where I waited until the sun came up and I felt safe enough to sleep.
I think my daughter is staying dry at night, but when she's waking up in the morning, she goes in bed without thinking about it.
Along with the noiseless camera operation, the Infra Red night vision makes the video camera ideal for using at night without waking up the baby.
With this disposable diaper, you can now ready your baby to sleep early at night and leave him sleeping all night long without waking up to check on his diaper if it is wet or full.
If you feel like you can't get through a night without your baby waking up then you think it's because they're wet then use a disposable at night and use the cloth during the day.
A really helpful feature is a screen that glows - in - the - dark or lights up at night, so you can tiptoe in and check the temperature without waking them up.
From the age of 12 months, children will start to sleep less during the day and will usually sleep for around 10 hours at night without waking up.
Wake up the same time in every morning: if you have a regular bedtime at night, you also should wake up in every morning at the same time without alarm although they are vacations or weekeWake up the same time in every morning: if you have a regular bedtime at night, you also should wake up in every morning at the same time without alarm although they are vacations or weekewake up in every morning at the same time without alarm although they are vacations or weekends.
It was amazing to me the way our sleep cycles became synchronized — I would awaken seconds before my baby roused, we would nurse and then fall easily back to sleep without my husband waking up at all — there was hardly ever a need for the baby to cry at night.
And whaddaya know, by returning to my shuffle location for the night wakings and not picking him up he fell back to sleep on his own — without many tears at all, to my great surprise!
Some children are deep sleepers and can be changed at night without them waking up.
Almost without exception, studies on formula feeding, breastfeeding, and sleep find that breastfed babies wake up more often than formula fed ones at night, and breastfeeding mothers therefore get LESS uninterrupted nighttime sleep.
We co-sleep and he breastfeeds himself to sleep most nights, some nights he just lets me rock him and he falls asleep without feeding but he wakes a lot throughout the night (first at about an hour from originally falling asleep) and immediately wants to feed and puts up a giant fight and wakes up fully if I only want to hold him and don't allow him to have my breast.
After you try all these methods, you baby will be able to sleep peacefully at night, without waking you up.
The Sleep Guardian 2's automatic vibrations will turn on at the perfect time to stop night terrors without waking up your child.
It has a flip - top lid that activates a soothing ten minute light so changing your baby at night would become easier without waking him up.
Olivia sleeps around five to seven hours at night (on bad nights she wakes up and needs to be rocked back to sleep, but will go back down without feeding) and a few times she has slept ten hours!
I could have easily brought my baby to my room at night without anyone noticing, but I didn't want to risk waking up my roommates.
I decided that if he could go all day without nursing, he didn't need to wake me up at night just for the comfort.
He sleeps at least eight hours a night now without waking up and has no problem with constipation.
The first night I even got her to go to sleep without it, though she did still wake up in the night, and I did still give her a bottle at that time.
Just Because: At some point all babies * go through some kind of five - star sleep regression where they completely forget how to sleep through the night, and start waking up in shorter and shorter intervals until they've gone completely back to newborn sleep patterns — including, of course, the complete inability to self - soothe or fall asleep without parental aid (preferably in the form of singing).
At night drink a glass of water before you go to bed (as much as you can without having to wake up in the middle of the night).
and waking up at 6 am, without feeling so hungover that one would think I had partied too hard the night before (nope, it wasn't vino, it was THE GUMMY BEARS!).
No audio through the gamepad which forces me to have the sound come through the TV = I can not play at night without waking up the kids.
The room itself was super clean, the bed seemed too soft at the beginning but I slept throughout the night without waking up once.
7th May 2013 - When it comes to competitive online gaming or simply wanting to enjoy a single player game at home after a long day of work, late at night without waking anybody up — ... Read More
This helps amp up dialogue and tone down big explosions so that you can watch TV in the living room without waking housemates late at night.
Also, working night shift, I would be able to see who is at the door without having to wake up and go downstairs on the days I'm trying sleep!
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