Sentences with phrase «woman ages»

In 1992, for example, 48 per cent of women aged between 35 and 39, who were marrying for the first time, married men who were under 34 years old.
For women age between 19 and 50 are recommended to have «1.3 mg of vitamin B6» per day.
Low natural progesterone or progesterone deficiency becomes more common as women age.
It's most common in women age over 60.
They found that the prevalence of infertility was highest among women aged 35 - 44 years and among men aged 35 - 54.
One in three women voters have struggled to afford prescription birth control, including 55 % of young women aged 18 to 34.
The researchers tested women aged from 30 to 66 who varied widely in their weight and fitness.
I actually hadn't realized how much I did accept my body or realize that many women my age didn't accept theirs until she asked me that question.
«This was just the motivation to challenge myself to really get in shape and see if I could actually compete with other women my age,» she said.
I'm tired of the drama with dating women my age.
I turn to my denim like most women my age turn to their leather.
You should be in the style challenge group, there are so many women your age in there.
I am so happy to hear from more women my age who love them!
There is often a charming 1960's vibe about their clothing... a Mad Men era elegance, silhouette, and colour palette that are very flattering on women our age.
If women our age never wore anything because we had worn it years before, there would be nothing much to wear.
As of 2011, more Indigenous women aged 35 to 44 earned a college or university degree compared to Indigenous men in the same age category.
Apparently this hereditary brand of hair torture strikes more than 30 million American women my age (all of whom must be much better than I am at hiding it).
The ads were placed in forum sections on women's interest websites as well as on websites specifically targeted at pregnant women aged 20 - 35.
How To Date An Older Woman Age does not matter!
Just 25 per cent of breast cancer occurs in women aged under 50.
The old saying about women aging like fine wine, is absolutely true.
Black women ages 45 to 59 think people should not have a sexual relationship if they are not married.
For example, you could target women ages 35 to 54 (demographics) who are dog lovers (interests) watching videos about dogs (topics).
For 20 - 29 year olds, the average age difference desired was up to 10 years, while women aged 30 - 39 sought a partner up to 8 years older.
In three studies, the researchers asked women aged 18 - 25 which size of model they preferred.
I'm 51 and I love seeing women my age such as yourself who are such great role models.
I want women our age and shape to have confidence to take on the next stage of life with knowledge, strength and belief in themselves.
Hi there wan na start a long term relationship with a Australian woman age 27 - 31.
Lots of women my age think they're incapable of looking and feeling better than they do.
I make good money myself, but I find it difficult to find women my age on my level financially, and maturity wise.
I'm in the third chapter of my life as are most of my clients and we're smashing rules and limiting expectations of what women our age are all about.
One reason might be that the majority of home searches (18 %) came from younger potential buyers, who are mostly women aged 25 - 34.
Many men may have fantasies about dating younger women, but truth be told, as with the wine, women age into perfection in bed, socially, and as a person.
Older Russian women age prematurely because of hard life with lots of stress.
Healthy women aged 21 - 31 may qualify to be a donor for our anonymous egg donor program.
The scientists examined a cohort of more than 600,000 British women aged 50 and older and tracked how many developed brain tumors over an average of 3 years.
The research also shows that the victims are typically women aged 20 - 29 and 40 - 44 and over.
Our area of expertise is supporting women ages 18 - 50.
Or maybe your generation's inspiration is helping women my age cut loose a bit.
But there is also a huge amount of pear shaped not attractive Mexican women aged 27 +.
So many women my age still do restrictive diets, even when they don't need a reset.
It's lovely to be able to go to her for advice, but I've found that other women my age understand my struggles so much better.
In this small trial of 79 Iranian women aged 45 to 60 years, soft capsules that contains 100 mg of fennel were given twice daily for eight weeks.
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