Sentences with phrase «woman in the profession»

Like most women in any profession, my greatest challenge has been balancing the demands of home and work.
I am particularly passionate about helping women in the profession to achieve their career goals.
Studies that look primarily at the role of women in the profession are not included.
The LSUC's Justicia project, which focuses on women in the profession, has been embraced by the legal community.
Benchers will decide if PLAP, a three - year pilot project, should be made permanent after a committee studies whether it has achieved its goal of retaining women in the profession.
On Wednesday, Lavelle provided an update, writing that McNutt's nomination «has won praise as a move that will bolster women in the profession while providing knowledgeable leadership in the policy challenges ahead on climate change.»
The naming of Science Editor - in - Chief Marcia McNutt as the likely next president of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) has won praise as a move that will bolster women in the profession while providing knowledgeable leadership in the policy challenges ahead on climate change.
Besides the fact that I don't think we advance women in the profession by labeling any of us «girls,» I was surprised to see Blakely splicing and dicing women into categories like this.
Earlier this year at the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association meeting, she once again challenged the profession to engage in a «richer debate» on the question of why there aren't more women in the profession and on the bench.
Asked about women in the profession today by another lawyer in attendance, Thomassin said that when she left her law firm to work in - house, «I felt I was abandoning my female colleagues.
Although men outnumbered women in the profession in Vermont, where I grew up, I always knew at least two or three women who were serving churches.
I can't stop exercising, and I'm already more curvy than most other women in my profession (well, that may be body dysmorphia talking, but it means I am terrified of gaining weight).
There are a dizzying number of factors forcing American women in all professions out of the workforce: Problems such as no paid maternity leave and the still - there - even - though - its - 2017 wage gap are just the tip of the iceberg.
«With such an expensive and financially driven world, couples struggle unless there are two incomes nowadays» Interestingly, guys opted for women in professions including nursing and school teaching instead of authority type professions including lawyers and Doctors.
For schoolgirls in the 1950s, unlikely to come across many women in professions, female teachers were inspiring role models for staying in education and having a career.
As a «recovering architect» herself, Kim wanted to highlight women in the profession — but we understand that «woman architect» didn't send the message as intended.
Just as numbers do not tell the full story of women and law, simply fixating on the ratios of women in the profession does fully address years of systematic inequality pervasive in the legal system.
This is true at the BigLaw level as well, where diversity — both in terms of people of color and in terms of advancing the role of women in a profession where they are far less likely to end up at the top — seems to be framed simultaneously as incredibly important but also impossible.
Either way, there's no denying she continues to speak out on and promote issues of importance to both the profession and the public, including access to justice, maintaining women in the profession, and ensuring a diverse bench and bar that reflects our society.
«I repeatedly advise women in my profession to think of it from the perspective of the employer: if you demonstrate good negotiating skills for yourself, they know you'll be good at negotiating for the organization,» she says.
Every day, the 100,000 men and women in the profession compete vigorously with each other and with unlicensed, unregulated alternatives.
She described for us how she and other «first - stage» feminists fought to restore a fully legitimate place for women in the professions and in careers, a place they had won in the twenties and thirties but lost again as the post-war «feminine mystique» tightened its grip.
Now, 15 years later, the Law Society of Upper Canada has released its report on retaining women in the profession and many of the same issues raised by Wilson are still present: a high proportion of women enter the legal profession at the initial entry level (more than 50 per cent of lawyers called to the bar are female), and that there is a higher attrition rate for women than men from private practice.
Finding that balance between work and family / private life is critical to keeping women in the profession, says fellow winner Joëlle Boisvert, Gowlings» Montreal managing partner.
Linda implements the Women in Law Institute, a training program for female law students and judicial clerks that provides them with critical skills to successfully navigate their careers and facilitates the Consortium for Advancing Women Lawyers, which brings together the heads of women lawyer organizations and thought leaders from across the country to share knowledge, develop synergies, and double efforts to advance women in the profession.
CALGARY — The woman with the top job at the Supreme Court of Canada is challenging the legal profession and business community to engage in a «richer debate» on the question of why there aren't more women in the profession.
Alongside a stellar commercial practice, Roberta has promoted the advancement of female lawyers through serving as the chair of numerous commissions on women in the profession.
At first, Ria Guidone was floored when she was told to «seduce the court,» but it helped open up a conversation about women in the profession.
In the 1980s, as chair of the ABA's newly formed women's commission, Hillary Clinton signed off on the first - ever ABA report on the status of women in the profession.
When I started as an accountant, in 1980, roughly, there was less than 10 % of women in the profession.
I have always believed that I am representing all the men and women in the profession, but I am very proud to represent the CCISD team as a [School Nutrition] Hero.
there is certainly a need to increase participation of women in the profession
If there is anyone out there who has said this kind of thing to a woman in your profession, here's what it does: It tells a woman that there is a certain way a scientist should look.
The seventies was another key period for women in professions.
As the face of the legal profession continues to change, women's initiatives have already begun to adapt to the needs of women in the profession.
In an announcement, the Barreau said Prémont is «an experienced administrator» who's been involved in a number of committees, including serving as chair of the Barreau's committee for women in the profession.
Already we can see a sharp decrease in the percentage of women in the profession, as compared to the percentage of women attending law school.
For that reason, she said, expanding the application of Model Rule 8.4 to social settings «is absolutely critical and crucial to retaining women in the profession
«She's been a tremendous role model to women in the profession
Although the legal profession is adapting to the entrance of women in the profession, research findings show that women lawyers leave private practice in larger numbers than their male counterparts.
He, too, has also made diversity a priority, and was recently given a Catalyst Canada Honours award for promotion of women in the profession.
The additional obstacles of bias and discrimination faced by racialized, economically disadvantaged and other marginalized men and women in the profession were not addressed.
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