Sentences with phrase «woman preaching»

GET THIS CARTOON PRINT When Men Versus When Women Preach The other day I posted a cartoon illustrating women being the first to witness and report the resurrection and that the men were going...
Two of them have heard women preach; otherwise, the group has had very little contact with female clergy.
For example, the Orthodox Church has always had woman preachers and evangelists; no problem with women preaching, and I have preached in the pulpit of Orthodox churches all over the country.
There is Scriptural justification, historical justification, Spirit justification, traditional and communal justification for women preaching and pastoring and leading.
In Pentecostalism's early years it was not unusual to see women preaching, pastoring, and leading.
But this affirmation of women's ministry changed after Wesley's death in 1791 and women were positively discouraged from preaching (the ban on women preaching to mixed congregations held until 1910).
Having not realized there were women prophets — which are now something of a specialty for me [Daughters of Miriam]-- I wondered why folk ever had a conversation about women preaching when women preached as prophets in the bible.
Why not to have a woman preach.
Why not have women preach?
Women Preaching: Theology and Practice Through the Ages by Eunjoo Mary Kim (another one by this author: Preaching the Presence of God: A Homiletic from an Asian American Perspective)
There is not a single time that I preach a sermon without hearing from someone that this was the first time they had ever heard a woman preach.
Why not have a woman preach?
«Jesus told a woman to spread the Good News of His resurrection, but we won't let a woman preach it from the pulpit.
Or to share a church meeting where we find a woman preaching, which was allowed for men only.
But many churches have abandoned that teaching - and some scholars say a woman preached the first Christian sermon, when Mary Magdalene proclaimed that Jesus had risen.
«Having your paralegal quote law at me reminds me of Dr. Johnson's comment about a woman preaching.
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