Sentences with phrase «women associates considered»

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The fact that Jesus is on the side of women should be our source of encouragement and empowerment as we continue to serve God and strive for a full and equal ministry.81 Nothing, perhaps, was more shocking for his contemporaries than the freedom with which he associated himself with women, considering the inferior position of women in Jewish society.82 According to R. L. Hnuni, «male dominated cultural and traditional values and injunctions may put boundaries and debar them from full ministry, but this should not discourage women's conviction and commitment to full ministry.
There are tons of people here, including LCs, some who breastfeed some who even consider themselves breastfeeding activists, who do not want to be associated with that woman or women like her because she is doing nothing helpful.
This cost effectiveness information, however, should be considered in the light of an increased risk of adverse perinatal outcome associated with planned home birth in low risk nulliparous women.
Given the significant morbidities with multiple cesareans however, including surgical morbidity and abnormal placentation in future pregnancies, it is important to consider the possibility that for women with more than two prior cesareans VBAC may be associated with less morbidity, particularly in women with a high likelihood of success.
I wouldn't expect any Moslem woman to wear a nun's habit, as it's clearly associated with another religion so wearing it could be considered defecting Islam.
«After having a sleeve gastrectomy, if a woman has a couple of drinks, she could be exposing her brain to blood alcohol levels that are achieved in a woman without surgery when she consumes four or five drinks,» adds first author M. Belen Acevedo, a postdoc in Pepino's group at U of I. «Drinking, such that it raises blood alcohol levels above legal drinking limits, is considered a binge drinking episode and has been associated with an increased risk of developing alcohol problems.»
«Our findings suggest that water birth is a reasonably safe option for low - risk women, especially when the risks associated with pharmacologic pain management, like epidural anesthesia, are considered
«Even when I consider only those who explicitly say that they would support a female candidate, I found that if they have difficulty associating women with leadership attributes, they are less likely to vote for a woman in a noticeable way.»
«The results of this study were of particular interest because more than half of the pregnant women with migraine experienced some type of adverse birth outcome, suggesting that these pregnancies should be considered high risk,» said study author Matthew S. Robbins, M.D., director of inpatient services at Montefiore Headache Center, chief of neurology at Jack D. Weiler Hospital of Montefiore, and associate professor of clinical neurology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
There is some natural fear or anxiety associated with pre-egg freezing people considering the technology, like assuming that the entire procedure only exists to frighten women and cause undue stress about their fertility and the time they «have left» to build their family, but after each women finished their freezing procedure not a single person regrets making the choice.
Even today, this revelation is still considered to be one of the greatest video game surprises of all time, eschewing the damsel - in - distress trope most commonly associated with women in the industry and paving the way for strong and heroic female protagonists taking the spotlight.
When doctoral candidate Elizabeth Blair set out to research how college women make meaning of their intimate relationships, she anticipated hearing stories about romance, care, and love, especially considering the decades of research that associated these narratives with women.
Even today, this revelation is still considered to be one of the greatest video game surprises of all time, eschewing the damsel - in - distress trope most commonly associated with women in the industry and paving the way for strong and heroic female protagonists taking the spotlight.
This year, the Colloquium aimed to critically examine the rich tradition of African American women artists considering philosophical frameworks associated with the women's movement such as various iterations of feminism and womanism.
Is it like smoking bans and non-smokers where since you haven't considered having a child, reading someone else's comments that women should be «restricted» to only have one child doesn't stand out to you or do you see any human rights implications associated with certain calls for population control efforts?
From the firm's perspective, their greatest challenge in developing more women partners is the loss of very good senior women associates from the partnership track, particularly at the six year call level — just when firms are considering associates for partnership.
I get the opportunity to think about things differently, to approach problems differently because of my life experience and I think to not keep that investment that you've made in a woman just because she has a couple or three years of billable hour blips associated with her maternity leave is really looking very short term and not considering what the firms going to reap if they hang in there and they don't make...
They coordinate with the firm's Executive Committee, Department Chairs, Hiring Committee, Women's Forum, Director of Professional Development, Director of Business Development, and the Working Group on Associate Development and Retention to ensure that issues of diversity and inclusion are considered in recruiting, retaining, and advancing the firm's lawyers, and in the delivery of the highest quality legal services to our clients.
Maternal depression has been shown to be associated with many adverse health outcomes among the offspring of depressed women, including preterm birth, low birth weight, newborn irritability, developmental delays, somatic complaints, sleep problems, child abuse, and psychiatric and neurobehavioral disorders.8 — 21 Although considered to be attributable in part to genetic factors, some of the behavioral problems observed among children of depressed women are thought to arise from the negative parenting behaviors that these women display.22 — 24 Such negative parenting behaviors include inconsistent discipline and control, unavailability, and emotional insensitivity.22 — 24
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