Sentences with phrase «women priests»

Instead, the Catholic church stands as a beacon of pre-Enlightenment thought, secrecy, exclusion (no women priests, gays, or contraception), and corruption (child abuse, financial mismanagement)-- exactly the kinds of preferred targets of this secular era's artists, who by and large pride themselves on liberality, skepticism, and criticality.
I was ordained in the second wave of women priests, the ones who didn't have to fight their way through, I wasn't used to this.
And to be fair, within just 20 years of women priests being possible it now has women making up about 50 % of those ordained as priests.
But no, in order to get the motion passed quickly (or even at all) and in order not to push out the vocal minority who were unhappy about the change, we decided to settle for a fudge: the church would have women priests but promised to maintain the existence of those who wanted to go on in blissful ignorance of our existence or be paid off if they felt they had to leave.
Even the women priests are smiling.
The photography seems feminist in sympathy; three photos of women priests seems a little more than is strictly required to illustrate the point that some denominations have women priests.
Not one word about abortion, contraception, married priest or women priests in Christs words.
The Bishop's comment on Pope John Paul's magisterial rejection of women priests was recorded on Damian Thompson's blog:» «Well, according to Pope John Paul II, this was a definitive statement, wasn't it, so... [laughs] I couldn't possibly comment.»
OK no meat on Friday no women priests the earth is still the center of the universe And of course the vatican is the center of all knowledge
The pope and the Church have come under increased attack because of their opposition to homosexual marriage and women priests.
It's 20 years since the first Church of England women priests were ordained, with nearly 1,800 women making up the 8,000 full - time priests in the Church.
Former Tory MP Ann Widdecombe left the Church of England over its decision to welcome women priests - she believes it goes against the Bible's teachings: «It's nothing to do with a women's qualities or a career move.
If you really want to «get it,» i.e., as in «understand,» I commend you to Peter Kreeft's discussion given many years ago — just Google Peter Kreeft and «women priests» and you can listen to the audio.
The Diocese of Portsmouth is well served by lay and ordained Christians, among them both men and women priests, bringing compassion, insight and creativity to their work in communities, parishes and chaplaincies.
Many theologians lobbied for elections of bishops by laity and, of course, pushed for the ordination of women priests.
I think a lot of people expected him to be more liberal than he has been, but he sees his role as keeping the church together when it divides on controversial issues like women priests and gay clergy.
I wish American Catholics would exercise their gonads, and form an independant American Catholic Church: Married priests, women priests, transparent finances, each church governed by a board (vestry) and contraception is OK.
Why aren't women priests allowed in the Catholic Church?
Repeatedly he argued that the introduction of women priests, the new prayer book and other changes in the Episcopal Church had taken it out of the mainstream of Episcopalianism; that in fact the schismatic group, by separating itself from all that «error,» is the faithful remnant.
How these positions are more absolutist and doctrinaire than his own commitment to the approval of homosexuality, women priests, and married priests is, as per usual, not made clear.
But traditionalists said the ballot «has made it very difficult for those who in conscience can not accept the ministry for women priests and bishops.»
But now with the introduction of women priests into the Church of England increasing... More
It is also interesting that there were Gnostic women priests and may have been a Gnostic woman bishop, had Tertullian not introduced traditional mysogyny into the early Christian church.
They are then further disturbed that the headteacher loyally supports the staff member who has made the children shout out «penis» or «vagina» at the front of the class, or has said that the Church will one day ordain women priests, or has talked openly about their gay partner.
A barrage of such stuff, pouncing on any scandal that could be dug up and chipping away at the pontificate of Pope Benedict, not to mention the usual stuff about the need to elect a pope who would change the «policy» of the Church over such matters as abortion, gay marriage and women priests, had been unleashed almost immediately, once Benedict had been congratulated for bringing the papacy into the 21st century by resigning.
When Dr. George Carey, the Archbishop of Canterbury, visited Pope John Paul II in May 1992, the two church leaders discussed the probable future ordination of women priests in the Anglican Church.
Appeal to authority on questions such as birth control, divorce and women priests «did not satisfy an educated people who wanted to be convinced with arguments».
He brings up women priests and bishops, the blessing of same - sex «unions» and «marriages» (he uses the quotation marks), and the ordination of homosexuals.
Soon it will start allowing abortions, supporting gay marriage, women priests, and so on.
I don't anticipate seeing women priests or other necessary changes, but I am optimistic for movement in the right direction.
There was another woman priest but she used a different title and I felt was seen / placed in a different category.
One of the difficulties frequently when discussing vocations is the general lack of understanding of the Church's present opinion on married priests and woman priests.
But as the vicious devil appears, all world filled with blood and wrapped with war.Please become women priest stella yourself, kill the devil and bring peace to this world!

Not exact matches

I left the RC church (under the counsel of a charasmatic priest), studied in the ministry's program, and four years later was ordained in a pentacostal church... pastored by a woman.
On this basis the priest refused this woman communion.
I'm willing to bet that some priests even knowingly give communion to women who * gasp * user birth control.
New York Times: Women as Priests Reformers within the Roman Catholic Church have been calling for the ordination of women as priWomen as Priests Reformers within the Roman Catholic Church have been calling for the ordination of women as priwomen as priests.
The priest at my (former) church preyed on women.
It also shows that if this woman considered herself to be a Catholic then she ought to have known that she needed to sit down and speak with a priest before the funeral about communion.
It comes from all classes of people, including straight females, albeit the numbers for women are lower than either priests or gay men.
And why can't women be priests even today?
The woman made her choice, the priest made a choise that wasn't his to make (perhaps you could answer if you think other people who had sinned since their last confesion took communion that day?)
Almost two years after racy photos exposed his relationship with a woman and prompted the end of his tenure as a Roman Catholic priest and media star, Albert Cutie on Monday said celibacy is not necessary or particularly healthy for those aiming to heed God's call.
If someone is guilty of a crime in this litany of «neithers» they should or should have been penalized as the law dictates to include jail terms for pe - dophiliacs (priests, rabbis, evangelicals, boy scout leaders, married men / women), divorce for adultery (Clinton, Kennedy, Woods), jail terms for obstruction of justice (Clinton, Cardinal Law, Bevilacqua?)
You will never know what brings each woman to make the decision to terminate a pregnancy, but the simple fact remains: They know the circu.mstances of their lives better than any politician, priest or stranger like you.
I've heard none of this type of admonishment from the church pointed at the pedophile priests and those that covered for them... once again let's pick on women and blame them for the ills of the world and the banks - I mean churches...
Women can't be priests, women can't use contraception, women have to wear burka's, women can't go to school, women can't be rabbi's, women obey your husband's every comWomen can't be priests, women can't use contraception, women have to wear burka's, women can't go to school, women can't be rabbi's, women obey your husband's every comwomen can't use contraception, women have to wear burka's, women can't go to school, women can't be rabbi's, women obey your husband's every comwomen have to wear burka's, women can't go to school, women can't be rabbi's, women obey your husband's every comwomen can't go to school, women can't be rabbi's, women obey your husband's every comwomen can't be rabbi's, women obey your husband's every comwomen obey your husband's every command.
How is it that an inspired woman could write scripture (e.g., Mary's song), and an inspired woman could determine for both a king and a high priest whether something is scripture (e.g., the prophet Huldah in 2 Kings 22 and 2 Chronicles 34)-- or at least could do these things in the time of the Old Testament — but an inspired woman can not now teach about God?
If someone is guilty of a crime in this litany of «neithers» they should or should have been penalized as the law dictates to include jail terms for pedophiliacs (priests, rabbis, evangelicals, boy scout leaders, married men / women), divorce for adultery (Clinton, Kennedy, Woods), jail terms for obstruction of justice) Clinton, Cardinal Law), jail for embellizing / money laundering (the topic rabbi) and the death penalty or life in prison for murder («Kings David and Henry VIII).
What do priest know about women's bodies?
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