Sentences with phrase «women were told»

Both women were told that a two - bedroom apartment would be available in a week, but the complex never contacted the plaintiffs regarding the impending vacancy.
In a third condition, the women were told that they had no information about what these men though about them («they might have seen your Facebook profile and liked you.
In the first condition, the women were told that these men had given them high ratings (i.e., «based on looking at your Facebook profile, these men thought they would really like you»); in the second condition, they received lukewarm feedback from these men (i.e., «these men thought they would like you about average»).
This group of women were told that they had no information about what these men though about them («they might have seen your Facebook profile and liked you.
These men and women were told by career counselors that they should craft one.
An email sent round to all medical students informed that makes could wear suits, but women were told: «From an...
In their early dating years, many women were told and now believe that «women don't call men.»
Women were told off if they didn't want sex, or didn't want older or another race.
«Until about 15 years ago, women were told by their gynecologists that they did nt need to worry about heart disease until menopause because hormones would protect them up to that point, and hormone therapy would protect them afterward,» says Nanette Wenger, MD, chief of cardiology at Grady Memorial Hospital and professor of medicine at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta.
Aside from these supplements, the women were told not to make any changes to their regular lifestyle habits.
Women were told to eat calcium rich foods as a way to stave off osteoporosis.
And some women were told to lose weight by their doctors, for health reasons.
The second study of 272 women showed that they perceived a gay man to be more sincere than either a straight male or a straight female in scenarios in which the women were told potentially deceptive information that could lead to competition for a mate or a sexual encounter.
Once upon a time, women were told that if they delivered one baby via c - section, then they'd have to deliver all their babies that way.
In the U.S. one out of ten babies are big at birth, but a national survey found that one in three women were told during pregnancy that their baby was too big for a vaginal birth.
My mother said she nursed me for only a month because she didn't have enough milk, but back then women were told not to nurse more than every 4 hours.
If women were told that this was normal and not a sign that they were doing it wrong, it would really help.
Traditionally, women were told that alcohol is a galactagogue — a substance that promotes the production of breast milk — although research shows that, in fact, it has the opposite effect.
Women were told you can have it all...... how did that work out?
At the ninth hole, where it's customary for golfers to take a break before the back half of their round, the women were told the police had been called because they were taking too long.
Young women were told if they had sex, their worth was somehow lowered and they would become, at best, second - hand goods.
Related: Richard Branson on Sheryl Sandberg, «Leaning In,» and Balanced Workplaces The same thing happened when Sandberg asked whether women were told they were too aggressive at work.
In business, women are told they're being too aggressive.
But if that's true, then Ann Romney can understand and sympathize with what women are telling her on the campaign trail.
Muslim women are told to cover themselves or they are temptresses and creating adulterers.
Men are told to begin the practice of loving their girlfriends like Christ loved the church, and women are told to strive to be a «Proverbs 31 Woman» for their significant others.
«30 Concerning 1 Corinthians 14:26 - 40 (where women are told to keep silence in the churches), Lindskoog limits her remarks to the need for order in the churches, omitting any discussion of Paul's specific injunction regarding women.
Women Are Telling Their Story Now!
Luke, on the other hand, does not repeat the earlier verse, and when in the tomb story he comes to the second verse, he changes the content of what the women are told to «Remember what he told you...» But along with Matthew, Luke narrates that «returning from the tomb, they reported all this to the Eleven and all the others».
And when women are told that their identity lies solely in their roles as wives, mothers, and homemakers, it's easy to see why so many young women are leaving the Church.
A Cambodian woman is told to take on a Japanese character, playing into the perception that all Asians are smart, shy and skilled at martial arts.
I showed the article to her and said «Hey this is the woman I was telling you about with the great blog!».
I think as a male, you can aspire to having a successful professional life and also having a satisfying personal life... Women are told that if they want both, at best it's going to be difficult and at worst it's going to be a disaster... Ninety percent of the fan mail I receive is from young women wanting to know how to do what I do... [We need] to actually say it is possible, and not only is it possible, but your presence will improve results.»
Furthermore, in the 1970s, many black women were reluctant to embrace feminism because it seemed that just when it was about to be their turn to be Cinderella, white women were telling them that the fantasy was all wrong.»
Pregnant women are told to buy a lot of things.
-- which is what women are told all the time.
But have you ever questioned if this is just what women are told to believe is the truth, and thus internalize that message?
In fact, some women are told to avoid chocolate and caffeine.
Some women are told it means that baby is a girl or boy.
3) Women are told that if we do not please and kiss up to our husbands / boyfriends and give them anything they want on demand, that they will cheat on us and so kiss up, exalt and bow down.
If we feed the baby, as many women are told «15 minutes on a side» we artificially limit the time the baby gets on the breast.
A woman was told to cover up, or take her child to the restroom to feed her.
If you were planning to have a natural birth but change your mind during labour, you shouldn't feel disappointed or guilty; although most women are told about the pain caused by labour, nothing can prepare you for the actual feeling and if you can't handle the pain without a little help this is completely normal.
My lactation consultant Robin was actually just involved in resolving an incident here in San Diego where a woman was told she could not breastfeed her baby while she was waiting in traffic court.
It's the response to women being told repeatedly to not trust themselves or their bodies.
Many women are told that breastmilk will benefit their baby in ways formula can not, like illness prevention and a lowered risk of future ailments.
In my time reading VBAC boards, there was a recurring theme of women being told their OBs didn't want to do VBACs, after which they got sucked into the woo just because they were desperate for a birth attendant to tell them VBAC was an option.
In so many cases, these women are told things that are decidedly abnormal are, in fact, normal.
like this girl who is having problems at home with her husband (apparently he is not helping her at home and with the baby) and all these other women are telling her to leave him!
«Most women can breastfeed» is another lie women are told by breastfeeding advocates and is generally used to shame women that are having trouble.
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