Sentences with phrase «women with fair»

I highly recommend this dress to women with fair skin.
A shade that fits the tastes and skins of all women with fair to medium skin tones, for a variety of occasions ranging from dates to shopping sprees.
Fair Most women with fair skin have red undertones.
The simple - yet - sophisticated bob is not only sleek, but also looks extremely healthy, polished and natural, plus the dark and light highlights can make any woman with fair skin look beautiful.

Not exact matches

To me negotiations with women are always tough but fair, the way a negotiation should be.
Jenner had already come out as a transgender woman in an interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC's «20/20,» but the Vanity Fair cover seemed to make it official, if the overwhelming response it got on the Internet is any indication.
«Forty percent of all condoms are purchased by women, and 21 percent of all sexually active single women use them regularly,» says Hollender, co-founder of Sustain Condoms, which makes Fair Trade - certified, toxin - free prophylactics with modern, minimalist package design.
«If D.C. does get chosen, we have some real issues with how Amazon does business, in terms of fair labor, equitable hiring, and equitable practices for people of color and women in particular,» Sneed said.
When women routinely win Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry or medicine, when a woman becomes a world chess champion, when a woman conceives and develops a brand new computer chip that represents a significant advancement over quad cores, when a woman invents warp drive or phasers, when a woman solves an «insolvable» math problem, when a woman, while working with the Large Hadron Collider, discovers the now - hypothetical Higgs Boson to be an actual scalar subatomic particle, when a woman figures out how to pinpoint the exact location of an electron at any point in time, when a woman working for Merck or Pfizer develops a remedy for Alzheimer's disease, when a woman's baseball team can defeat the New York Yankees, when a woman can bench press six hundred pounds, run the 100 meter dash in under nine seconds or set a world record in the high jump, then the fairer sex will have made an advance or contribution unlike any it has made before.
It was Christ who encouraged the fair treatment of women... God who commands us not to neglect the poor and to feed orphans and widows... God who insisted that field owners leave part of the crop behind to be picked up by hungry gleaners... God who said men should not take advantage of one another by charging interest... Christ who attacked the Pharisees for their rigid thinking and superiority complex toward Samaritans... How are my values inconsistent with the teachings and actions of God?
«I think it's fair to say that while there are those who take issue with the decision, millions of American women will have access to preventive services, as they should, appropriately, through the health care reform bill,» Carney said.
It isn't right or fair, especially because the women stand out in our culture with their coverings, and become the targets of abuse by ignorant people and cowards.
I'm sticking to my position on gender equality in the home and Church --(which doesn't mean I don't think there are differences between men and women, by the way; it just means I am reluctant to declare those differences universal and prescriptive or indicative of some sort of God - ordained hierarchy between men and women)-- but I want to «fight fair» if you will, especially with folks I consider to be my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Although they have had their fair number of scandals Greek Orthodox priests are not, for the most part, known to be pedophiles (and usually their affairs are with women!).
When I leave, I sense that this search committee will struggle to be as fair as possible in its dealings with women candidates.
Satan bbjss was once God's loved son and the most handsome of all God's sons... Satan's downward spiral was his desire to be like God in every way which Satan could never be... Satan, along with all his brothers who found him to be their leader did rival God and God's faithful sons and war ensued... Satan along with all his northerly followers were cast out of their heavenly abode and sent to the celestial earthen plains to live among us humans... Thusly the fallen sons of God saw the daughters of mankind to be fair and they took from mankind all the women that they willed...
One of the fairest and most rigorous wrestles with biblical ambiguity known to me is Willard M. Swartley's Slavery, Sabbath, War and Women (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1983).
Fair enough, except that she's already been divorced from Prince Charming, and fairy tale or not, she's a single woman pregnant with, as it turns out, seven babies she didn't ask for.
Ten Thousand Villages is ethical at every step — providing a fair price, long - term partnerships, good working conditions, design collaboration, eco-conscious commitments, and with a strong track record of empowering women and children in particular.
globalisation with a human face, global citizenship, sustainable development, good governance, consensus - building, global ethic, cultural diversity, cultural liberty, dialogue among civilizations, quality of life, quality education, education for all, right to choose, informed choice, informed consent, gender, equal opportunity, empowerment, NGOs, civil society, partnerships, transparency, bottom - up participation, accountability, holism, broad - based consultation, facilitation, inclusion, awareness - raising, clarification of values, capacity - building, women's rights, children's rights, reproductive rights, sexual orientation, safe abortion, safe motherhood, enabling environment, equal access, life skills education, peer education, bodily integrity, internalisation, ownership, bestpractices, indicators of progress, culturally sensitive approaches, secular spirituality, Youth Parliament, peace education, the rights of future generations, corporate social responsibility, fair trade, human security, precautionary principle, prevention...
When the idealized bridegroom found his bride the «fairest among women» and yet, in her control of his affections, «terrible as an army with banners,» the relationship of marriage was plainly escaping its old tribal restrictions, the family was becoming more plastic, and the trail was being blazed from polygamy to monogamy.
The Poorhouse Fair quotes Luke 23:31; Museums and Women, Ecclesiastes 3:11 - 13; A Month of Sundays begins with Psalm 45 and a quotation from the theologian Paul Tillich; The Centaur is introduced by a quotation from Karl Barth; Couples quotes Paul Tillich again; and Rabbit, Run uses Pascal to set the mood for what follows.
For the next seven days, Luther went into the pulpit and spoke to those who could find the time from their daily work together with a fair number of students, university men, priests, as well as many women, and, crucially, his colleagues in the Faculty of Theology.
Once each year the fairest women sailors in the land vie with each other for the Adams Cup, to decide who sails fairest and fastest of them all.
«I try to spotlight wrestlers in Beyond Wrestling that may not be getting a fair shake or are overlooked, and it's the same thing with the women's wrestlers.
I recently learned of an amazing organization called Connected in Hope, which helps provide women artisans in Ethiopia with sustainable, fair trade income.
Connected in Hope was founded to help these women build their weaving business so it could provide each of them with a sustainable, predictable, and Fair Trade income.
As a woman who has worked outside of the home for the majority of my children's lives, I have faced more than my fair share of questions pertaining to the guilt others assume I must feel because I've left my children with capable and trustworthy caregivers while I sought employment outside of the home.
And to be fair, when I say «horror» stories, I say that with full, enthusiastic belief that women should not be shamed for the ways in which their bodies change after having / nursing a baby, and it's a bummer that so many of them are.
These women's voices are integral to the development of a fair and equitable maternity service that listens to and collaborates with women on their birth choices.
Saying life isn't fair is too glib for my liking; «cultural happenings» are fairly trivial compared with a service (VBAC) that enables many women to avoid further surgery and have more children.
Well, to be fair, when it comes to children, modern women do have a great deal of control over When, How Many and With Whom.
I went to a women's health fair and spoke with several offices and the nurses that were there that day.
Of course, a fair number of women do get in shape fast: A fifth of our survey moms with newborns (3 months old or younger) said they'd already lost all their baby weight.
Food insecurity — even marginal food security (a less severe level of hardship often not included as food insecurity)-- is associated with some of the most common and costly health problems among adults and older adults, including fair or poor health status, diabetes, obesity (primarily among women), hypertension, and depression.
When faced with unplanned pregnancy there are pro-choice, liberal, secular women who have abortions and then there are pro-life, conservative, religious women who plan adoptions; both groups may parent, but this choice also comes with its fair share of stigmas and judgments if made under socially unacceptable circumstances, like being a young, single, or impoverished).
Every doll is lovingly handcrafted by incredible women artisans in Peru, providing them with a sustainable, fair trade income and for each doll purchased, 10 meals are given to children in need.
But, FAIR INDIVIDUALS will easily recognize that: It is a long time that ISIS is attacking daily to Shia countries and related Shia countries (as their main targets) such as Iraq, Syria, (& Yemen) and kill oppressed children, women,..., so, honestly, you can not really compare these vast daily (several years) savage attacks of Isis against Shia with: One or few attacks in one or some limited days, who they attack to a few diverse countries?
Knowing the challenges and barriers that women still face to ensure fair and full participation in politics, like in so many different areas and sectors, I am filled with admiration of the women MPs of the past.
«Our reforms recognise this caring role with a new contributory principle - making the state pension system fairer for women and carers who take time away from employment to raise children or look after others.
At 8 a.m., the de Blasio administration hosts the 11th Annual Procurement Fair, allowing minority and women - owned business enterprises to network with city agencies and other businesses, Bank of New York Mellon, 10th floor, 101 Barclay St., Manhattan.
In the midst of their win, the National Women's Hockey Team finally reached a deal with USA Hockey ensuring fair compensation for the women's team who had been paid far less than the men's team in past yWomen's Hockey Team finally reached a deal with USA Hockey ensuring fair compensation for the women's team who had been paid far less than the men's team in past ywomen's team who had been paid far less than the men's team in past years.
These new legislators are now bringing much needed change to Albany and, under the leadership of Senator Andrea Stewart - Cousins, we are working with Governor Andrew Cuomo to create jobs, reform government, protect reproductive rights and provide a fair, equal wage to working men and women alike.
With Adrienne Esposito in office, Cecilia Tkaczyk and Toby Stavisky returning, and Senator Andrea Stewart - Cousins as Majority Leader, New York women and families will finally have a fair shot.
«At the heart of next week's reforms will be a new contributory principle that gives women a fairer entitlement to the basic state pension more quickly, while ensuring that we value social contributions equally with cash contributions,» Mr Hutton said.
«With this legislation, the Assembly majority is taking significant strides toward giving these hardworking men and women a better shot at a more fair and honest minimum wage in one year, rather than in two.»
After 60 years of power and governance by men he says, it is only fair and deserving that women are equally given a fair chance and trusted with the affairs of the country as far as leadership is concerned.
AAAS encourages diverse nominations that include a fair representation of women, minorities and persons with disabilities.
Besides their deformed skulls, these women also tended to have darker hair and eye color than the other Bavarians they were buried and probably lived with, who primarily had fair hair and blue eyes.
To draw a fair conclusion about close - combat cohesion requires that women be permanently, not temporarily, with such units — the very thing that is prohibited.
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