Sentences with phrase «wonder about the intelligence»

Only the tea partiest thought it was funny with some chuckles and that makes one wonder about their intelligence.
Sometimes i wonder about the intelligence of elementary educators.

Not exact matches

Silicon Valley sells progress, and so it's no wonder that the Valley has generally embraced the positive hype about artificial intelligence today.
Sister Sledge wonders why he's the greatest dancer, and given what the great Albert Murray says in Stompin'the Blues about the likes of Louis Armstrong and Miles Davis, they are right to so wonder — dancing ability often is a sign of musical intelligence, and is often linked with good fashion sense, even if the latter is a more surface sort of excellence, in that it obviously requires the money and leisure to purchase the clothes, or as Aristotle might say, the «equipment.»
But along with the praise, Wilson offers insights about the reasons these books are powerful: Lewis's generosity toward the authors he discusses, the way he finds passages that make them seem interesting; his sense of «wonder and enjoyment» in all he reads; his willingness to take up the great themes that engaged his authors, to put to work in criticism his «creative intelligence
Even when Meier bends his own rules, Johnson wonders about «the yield of all this impressive effort that he has pursued with such diligence, intelligence, and integrity.»
Scientists have long wondered whether the brains of geniuses (especially the shapes on their surfaces) could hold clues about their owners» outsized intelligences.
I'd always wondered about the scientific validity of claims made regarding «left and right brain thinking», «Gardiner's Multiple Intelligences» and «brain gym exercise».
It looks staggering and something that really makes you wonder about the quality of artificial intelligence present in the final game.
It wonders about how far this kind of information and intelligence - building can go, before reminding us: «remember, you are what you like.
A couple of years ago, the Center for Collective Intelligence (I wonder about the potential for this every day in running a blog) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology launched the Climate Collaboratorium.
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