Sentences with phrase «wonder about this time»

All of this got me wondering about the time I spend on social media and what it's really doing to me.
Jeremy, I agree with your OP entirely, I'm just wondering about the timing.
Look... you ever wonder about time?
Haha, I often wonder about the times in cookbooks!
One may also wonder about the timing of this protest and the impact that may have had on its success; as Israel is preparing for a UN resolution in September regarding the Palestinian state, anxiety levels are rising.
Probably what many people wonder about this time of year.
I have always wondered about timing my carbs, some trainers have told me to eat oats before bed some have said strictly do not.
-- I'm wondering about the timing of this movie.
Gillian Robespierre's sophomore feature immerses itself in the half - analog world, hearkening back to a time when car windows had to be rolled, calls on the go were made using quarters and filthy payphones, and people could stop to wonder about the time and subsequently be fine with not knowing.
James was wondering about the timing of making an RRSP contribution to the spousal plan.
Audience members wondered about the time commitment for blog coordinators, especially to moderate comments, which revealed a range of approaches from no comment functionality (Blogging for Equality) to moderated comments (ABlawg) to a more liberal approach (University of Alberta).
Techies have been wondering about the time when Google would actually come up with a premium phone to compete with other top brand offerings in the smartphone world.
Thinking about investing in real estate but wondering about timing?

Not exact matches

Thiel's substantial donation to Trump doesn't come as a surprise — he did have a prime - time speaking slot at this summer's Republican National Convention — but the billionaire has been largely silent about his chosen candidate's many controversial statements of the past few months, which had caused some to wonder if he had abandoned his support for the Republican nominee.
Well, the last time the Bank of Canada's mandate was renewed here's what it had to say about the wonders of inflation targeting:
One reason is that social media is usually about one - hit wonders — a viral post that captures an audience for a short period of time.
By not bringing devices or warning people ahead of time about why you're bringing a device, will prevent colleagues from wondering if you're paying attention.
They talk to their friends and hear about how great their boss is or all the wonderful perks they get and wonder if it's time to look for a new opportunity.
While at Stanford, Spiegel sent emails about advising his frat brothers on how to get sorority girls drunk (Jell - O shots) and spent a lot of his time wondering whether his teaching assistant had even been urinated on during sex.
By the way, I'm sure you're wondering: Dr. Zuckerberg reportedly held the equivalent of about $ 60 million in Facebook stock at the time of its IPO; if he held onto it all, it would be worth about $ 167 million today.
If you've spent any amount of time in an aircraft about to take off — gazing out the window at the tarmac, thinking about the cold beverage you'll have at altitude — you've probably spent at least a passing moment wondering how exactly manufacturers make sure the iron birds don't break.
According to the New York Times, black students have never been responsible for mass shootings that drove the national conversation about gun safety and minority schools have never been the targets of such attacks, leaving civil rights groups wondering why black students would be the focus when seeking to address an issue that plagues white, male students.
Meanwhile, company observers wonder about the staying power, and possible greater role, L.A. Times editor Davan Maharaj may play, under the new Ferro regime.
When times are good, investors are constantly tense, wondering how long they will keep rolling, fretting about when a seemingly inevitable correction will finally put a stop to the market elation.
Many time, I wonder about pin bar.
The decision to enter the solar panel market was met with great fanfare in the Canadian business press and was hailed as another bold move in the company's risk - loving history — although even some observers wondered about the move at the time.
I wonder how the Graham group would feel about the Army hosting the Pope the next time he is stateside, or the Dalai Lama, or maybe some choice imams can be brought over from Iran to have a chat with our service people.
Nothing wrong with questions, I have been a believer for many years and wonder about things all the time.
Next they will wonder if he believed in aliens living on other planets... or what he thought about space / time travel... etc. etc...
I knew he intended it as a challenge to the regnant secularism of the time, but you had to wonder: What else had this distinguished scholar, and his colleagues at the higher altitudes of German theology, been speaking about, these many years?
I used to wonder how preachers felt if they had really spent time and cared about what they were saying - then have people sleep through most of it.
I accept the Bible's authority; at the same time I have wondered — as with suicide — about a precise identification of every person of this type with the biblical model» («The Bible and Two Tough Topics,» Eternity, August 1974).
I underlined paragraph after paragraph in Prototype, and at times found myself wondering how someone from such a different background and with such different life experiences could know exactly what I'm going through, exactly what I hope for, exactly what I worry about, exactly what I fear, exactly what I love.
Do you spend much time wondering (or worrying) about what career or purpose is right for your life?
I still wonder what my wife thinks about her big courageous man coming home shaken, seeing my tears for the first time.
When I'm picking up for the eleventy - billionth time, when every one needs to eat and it seems like we just ate, when we are wondering what to do with our one wild and precious life that sure isn't feeling very wild or precious right about now, when the laundry is piled unfolded and someone spills their full glass of milk on the floor I just washed and the bickering and noise enters its second hour and the house is too hot and there isn't much time for the things that I want to do on the day off, I feel like Sisyphus, futile, pushing a rock up a hill that will never summit.
One wonders if there is anything more crucial for the preacher to do than to obey the sadness of our times by taking it into account without equivocation or subterfuge, by speaking out of our times and into our times not just what we ought to say about the Gospel, not just what it would appear to be in the interests of the Gospel for us to say, but what we have ourselves felt about it, experienced of it.
It's like wondering about the birthday of the Great Pumpkin — it's kind of a waste of time...
Of course she should recall that man has been making up gods since his brain began to wonder about his surroundings and has been changing the characteristics of the god figure, adding and or discarding according to the times and knowledge available.
Honestly I'm not sure the big bang theory is the answer to how everything began, and I wonder about it all the time.
Jeremy since we are talking about satan casting out satan heres a question for you.Have you ever wondered why Jesus helps satan at times or at least it appears that way.Mat 8:28 - 34 Why would he do that in the case of the demonic man the demons requested that Jesus cast them them into the pigs which he allowed it seems that not only did he help satan to have his way in destroying the pigs but destroyed the livelihood of the people in that area.You could argue at least it saved one man but is it acceptable to save one life but affect the lives of many?
I have wondered this for a long time — why do they think that making God into a puppet - master makes him greater than a God who can bring about His highest good amidst our freedom?
Jeremy, as I often do when I read your thoughts I'm again finding myself a going pretty meta; I spend time thinking about the ideas you present as I read them, but then I spend even more time wondering about how you think through issues and the mental framework you use to approach the issues you discuss on this blog.
They wondered about things like people waiting in line to get a snapshot of their family with the senior pastor, the pastor calling everyone «Buddy» and «Sport» instead of by name, and the fact that the pastor slipped into the front row after worship because it was time to deliver the speech for the TV show (I mean sermon for the flock).
I wonder about you guys all the time.
I am sure that by this time next year, when the man gets up to teach all the amateur fisherman who have never caught a fish about the miracle - working wonders of this prayer, he will have some stories to tell them about me, and how I prayed five times a day, and as a result, caught the biggest fish the world and the most fish all in one day.
I wonder if just before their wedding is the best time to talk to people about marriage.
Anybody ever wondered why all the various «great prophets» — Moses, Abraham, Jesus, Mohammed, Mahavira, Voroaster, Buddah, Mani etc. all seemed to be «sent down» by their bosses within a span of about 2,000 years (or 1 % of our time on this planet) and all in Asia?
There have been times when I've wondered if all the hours I'm pouring into this next book, a book about the Bible, will be relevant when all anyone's talking about these days is politics, but then I remember that this is the creative ground I've been called to cultivate, so I will trust my Maker with the yield.
I start to pray, then my mind wanders from praying for my family to wondering if my sister got my text message to thinking about the last time my sister was in town to figuring out how I can turn a work meeting into a brunch meeting.
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