Sentences with phrase «wondered if the results»

I wonder if these results from the recent Pew poll of attitudes toward religion in public life don't foretell a real change, however partial, however qualified by any number of other factors.
Yet I wonder if the result for those repeatedly exposed to these basic tenets of Christianity has been not simplicity, but dilution, or even a «dumbing down.»
If it has been 2 - 0 by the time, I wonder if the result will change, the Roma - Barcelona game show it, how the morale will be boost for the home team when they know another goal will win it all, or get them back into the game to go into extra time, in the case of City.
So I wonder if the result of Arsenal's season is us winning the Europa League, will that be enough for him to remain for one last season?
If you are an aging woman, you will be wondering if these results can be applied to your female brain.
At the time, I certainly wondered if the results would be worth the effort.
The absence of women on the list has drawn attention on social media, with some researchers wondering if the result reflected a bias in Semantic Scholar's ranking algorithm, or is another expression of long - documented differences in gender representation in the biomedical sciences and scientific publishing.
He wondered if his results might somehow be wrong.
Wonder if the result would be been the same?
But we're left wondering if these results are due to this huge bump in sales from EL James's Fifty Shades trilogy.
I wonder if this result doesn't account for the direction of the acceleration?
Lawyers are often left wondering if results matter.
Eventually, I began to wonder if the resulting clinical quagmire might be a reflection of a kind of «internal attachment disorder» mirroring the emotional injuries of early childhood.

Not exact matches

Right now when you search Google for your latest and not - so - greatest medical symptoms, you get a hodgepodge of results that leaves you wondering if you might be on the verge of death.
But as hybrid publishing grows, some skeptics wonder if the industry may be forced to reckon with the results of its own success: a market flooded with forgettable books created by companies for hire.
Discussing the topic on s lightly more political / economic scope, I wonder if the decline you see in America can be linked to the opening of China's economy, where marginal producers in America have been replaced by high performing Chinese producers (because of lower wages) the result has been to see the average wages of «more profitable» producers be eroded to take this production shift to China — thinking of the Chinese labor pool as an addition to the American labor pool bringing down wages across the board.
Well, trade, geopolitics, rate hikes, those are just some of the stresses being placed on this market resulting in severe volatility and now, some investors are wondering if more choppiness is needed for the bull market to continue.
If you are a small, local business, you are probably wondering how you can get your website displayed in the local search results of Google, Yahoo! and Bing.
Wondering if a blade change would alter my opinion I tossed the Derby blade and tossed in a Dorco blade, but the result was the same, the change of blade was not noticeable.
Years of aggressive central bank policies haven't resulted in the type of accelerated global growth one might expect, so Brooks Ritchey, Senior Managing Director at K2 Advisors, Franklin Templeton Solutions, wonders if there is an alternate universe where that is in fact the case.
As a result of Trump's desire to keep everyone off - kilter, every other government is going to spend Friday wondering if they're about to deal with not just a new secretary of state but also a new national security adviser.
I'd share about the countless late nights where I wondered if I was actually moving anyone closer to Jesus as a result of being their pastor.
We should expect soon to see heavy hunger and starvation coming in the way as results of such floods... Wonder if we should expect gog and mugog soon?
I wonder if she had those thoughts as Africans died from aids as a result from her telling them how to live their lives.
As a result of this ongoing power of sin in their lives, some of them begin to wonder if they are truly Christians.
I wonder how the results would have differed if the atheist followed had been Matthieu Ricard, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, and the Dalai Lama (I'd include Bertrand Russell to broaden the sample, but, alas, he no longer tweets).
Indeed, the impression that many laymen have is that the only message preachers have is the one of what is wrong with the world, with the result that they are left wondering what the «Good News» is, if any, in relation to the analysis.
I know that we «emergers» tend to blame everything on modernism, but I often wonder if the Church has lost many potential participants as a result of its re-creating the faith into a set of propositional truths that must be empirically proven to be true.
I guess I'm wondering why anyone would bother to vote if they thought the results were predetermined.
Unfortunately, as a recovering fundamentalist, that questioning results in insecurity and guilt... and then I wonder if that is the Holy Spirit convicting me.
Some nuclear scientists sympathetic to the protester's cause wonder if the demonstration did any good: «I don't expect that the protest will result in the plant not operating.
The problem with this line of reasoning is that it is only a half - step away from wondering if someone's «call» is an overworked imagination to wondering if belief in God is the result of an overworked imagination.
Hi, I don't have a but milk bag, but was wondering if I put the cauliflower through a juicer would the resulting pulp be ok to use?
Hi Ella, I wonder if soaking the nuts in the water «to activate» them before will have the same results?
I wonder if you could use quinoa and get similar results?
As for the people with the flat results, I wonder if their gougeres were piped properly on the baking sheet.
I do like baking with eggs, though, so I wonder if you could use eggs instead of whatever substitutes she uses and still get a good result.
First, if you carefully measure your ingredients but then leave a large amount in the measuring cup, you may wonder why your recipe isn't really matching the results you expected.
I'm wondering if there are different varieties of green food coloring out there since some have had great results mentioned here too.
I'm wondering if the milk sugars are enough to get the results without adding any sugar.
If you are wondering if you can cook them on Low — yes, you can if you have to (8 - 9 hours on Low), but the High setting produces more consistent resultIf you are wondering if you can cook them on Low — yes, you can if you have to (8 - 9 hours on Low), but the High setting produces more consistent resultif you can cook them on Low — yes, you can if you have to (8 - 9 hours on Low), but the High setting produces more consistent resultif you have to (8 - 9 hours on Low), but the High setting produces more consistent results.
I have heard of people getting the box hot and treating the outside with oil, but I have not seen the results myself and was wondering if you know the best route to go to try and cut down on the rust.
I have heard of people getting the box hot and treating the outside with oil, but I have not seen the results myself and was wondering if you know the best route to go to try...
I was also wondering if the only reason there is no oil added to this recipe is because of the nuts content or would it affect the result?
I wonder what the result would be if I used brown sugar instead?
I personally find this very hard to believe however, if it is true, I wonder if it's a result of being repeatedly artificially impregnated by another species and having the baby taken away year after year.
I'm wondering if anyone has used gluten - free flour for this recipe and, if so, what kind and what were the results?
I think it would work in aquafaba, but am wondering if anybody else has tried this yet, and if so, what their results were.
Just wondering, as I want to try 500 *, as you're getting GF recipes, best results at 500 *, and I will return the Tramontina for another, if it shouldn't be used at 500 * thanks, C.O.
I was wondering if anyone has used sugar free maple syrup with positive results?
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