Sentences with phrase «wonderful gadget»

But at least weird and wonderful gadgets like this help to keep CES interesting.
I found this wonderful gadget from Messermeister.
A fast and easy way to shred carrots is with this wonderful gadget from Messermeister.
It felt like everything under one roof except that I felt guilty for all the wonderful gadgets I was passing.
In this age when magical thinking is still far too abundant, anything that demythologises the wonderful gadgets technology provides us with is to be welcomed with open arms.
Smartphones are wonderful gadgets, but as much as they make our lives easier, they can also make our lives more dangerous.
An automatic cat litter box can be a wonderful gadget to have for your feline friend.
Fortunately this part of the story is a drop in the ocean but is still as confusing as ever and only reminds the gamer that it's time to return to Victorian London, more so with the wonderful gadgets at your disposal like the rope launcher (did someone say Batman), brass knuckles, smoke bombs to my «gentlemanly» cane sword.
It's still hard to grasp in 2008, what with our wonderful gadgets to entertain us, and our wonderful, comfortable, «rich» lives to thrill us and leave us wanting more.
A wonderful gadget!
Hi, I didn't know this wonderful gadget existed!
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