Sentences with phrase «wonderful leader»

«It speaks to the growing momentum of our campaign that so many wonderful leaders are backing my campaign and vision for making life better for Florida families.»
As you engaged in that quick exercise, your mind probably raced with thoughts of wonderful leaders from your own life, mixed with some great historical leaders, and sprinkled with a few outstanding leaders about whom you have heard but know very little.
Check out the Event's Page at Carrot Ranch for more details of all the competitions and the other wonderful leaders running them.
President Obama is a wonderful leader and you and your republiecon politics are just another bump in the road for we who are trying to get our countrys economics straight and people back to work.
Mia has been a wonderful leader in Saratoga Springs, she is strong and wise, and above all, she has moral character.
No doubt you will make a wonderful leader for API!
Hadley is often also known for her impatient streak which can get her into trouble but she is a wonderful leader with a brilliant insight into understanding people.
I thank the Speaker for his advice, the Minority Leader, my leader, Alban Bagbin — he's a wonderful leader, he's done a lot for me, and gave me guidance — and all the other leaders in Parliament.I also thank all Ghanaians for their sympathy and for understanding.»
Hoping to hear of President Bollinger and the Board of Trustees support for a wonderful leader Dean Feniosky Pena - Mora!
Based on his own practice and study going forward he became known as a wonderful leader, and his kingdom became home to people from all religious traditions, socio - economic positions, ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, and gender identities.
We are happy to shine light on these wonderful leaders who are a major reason yoga goes into prison every day.
Stephen is a wonderful leader and is so good at making sure that everything runs smoothly.
In the summer of 2015, the Maryland SPCA said goodbye to our wonderful leader Aileen Gabbey, after almost 20 years of service with our organization.
«Henchman & Goon together with their wonderful leader Yngvill Hopen have really encouraged me to explore something personal and unique for the score, an opportunity I always relish.»
«We have lost a wonderful leader, a passionate and dedicated supporter of this Court, and a very dear friend.
They are wonderful leaders and are extremely reliable.
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